I know. I’ve been absent.
Even when I said I’d be checking in more often, I’ve been absent.
But seriously. It’s been like an avalanche lately. Since ICEBERG’s launch on March 7…
The book hit #1 on the New York Times list, and remained on the list for four weeks.

LINES OF COURAGE was nominated for an AML Award (but didn’t win – that’s okay!) It also became a nominee for the 23-24 Junior Tome It List. RESCUE was nominated for the 23-24 Missouri Truman Award.
I have visited 12 states (some of them twice) and 24 schools, logging 26,762 miles of air travel. I have participated in 5 festivals or conferences, done 8 Zoom presentations, 1 Podcast, and 1 online panel.
I’ve done final edits on two separate projects and started three other projects.
So EVERYTHING is a little behind. I’m working on it, I promise. Thanks for being patient with me. Great things are ahead…
Here are a few highlight photos…

Congrats on all your good news. I’m so happy for you. You’re one of my favorite authors.
Wow that’s awesome!
Congrats on all your recent success! I can’t wait to see what you have in store!
Yay!!! I love the Titanic joke 🙂
Thanks for sharing with us some of the great memories you had during your travel. It’s nice to see them as well as the nominations and recognitions that you received, Ms. Jen. Cheers!
you should put another tas short story on here! Maybe the coming out story.
I’d love to do that! I hope to carve out some time for it soon!
Hello Mrs. Nielsen,
My name is Iona and I love your writing. All your historical fiction is so good, but overall I love the Ascendance Series. I wish there was a movie franchise out of your books!
❤️ your books!!!
PS: I want to be a film director (I’m 12)
I’d love that too, Iona! Thank you.
Hello Mrs. Nielsen,
I’m 12 and I love your books so much!!!
Also, I am OBSESSED with the lord of the rings series!!!!!!!!!