A Tribute to Old Favorites Jennifer Nielsen May 16, 2011

A Tribute to Old Favorites

I blogged this morning for “From the Mixed Up Files” about five of my very favorite books as a middle grade reader, and how they shaped me as an author today. You can read that post (please do!) right here: http://www.fromthemixedupfiles.com/2011/05/tribute-favorites/

As an adult, I’ve found it interesting to have the perspective about how certain things from our childhood shape us, and books should certainly be included in that. Looking back, I realize that even if the genre is different, and the characters certainly are, that the themes I write about aren’t so different.
I didn’t read a lot of humorous books when I was young. For the “Elliot” series, that’s my own voice at work. But the danger and adventure Elliot finds along the way is undoubtedly impacted by my early book choices. And for “The False Prince,” which comes out next April, the suspense, danger, and intrigue also have some credit due to the authors I loved most as a child.
Stop on by From the Mixed Up Files and leave a comment about the books that shaped you most while you were young!
  • Reply
    June 9, 2011, 8:43 pm

    Thanks for the post – It’s great to stop and think of books I enjoyed growing up.
    It was so fun seeing you at Cindy’s launch party on Monday. Ever since I met you at the LUW conference in Bountiful I have been so impressed by you. And you’re so nice too!
    My daughter read your book on the drive home and fell asleep with it. I read the first little bit and love, love, loved your voice and your story!
    And thank you so much for your compliment to my daughter – I can’t even tell you how much that meant!

  • Reply
    June 11, 2011, 10:47 pm

    Thanks for leaving the comment, Brenda. It was great to see you too. And my compliment to your daughter was sincere. She’s a beauty!

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