As you read, you may begin to understand myctophobia (mic-to-fo-be-a), or the fear of darkness. However, do not expect this book to help you with arachibutyrophobia (a-rak-i-something-be-a), the fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth. There is no peanut butter in this book. Elliot’s family is out of peanut butter and probably won’t buy any for another month. Nor does this book deal in any way with zemmiphobia (just show the word to your teacher and she’ll pronounce it for you), the fear of the great mole rat, although most readers will agree that great mole rats are pretty freaky.
If you can’t get yourself to St. Phobics Hospital, then there are things you can do at home to protect yourself. First, get every lamp, flashlight, and lantern you can find, and drag them into your bedroom. Turn them all on. Not bright enough? Before we go any further, it is very important, no matter how afraid you are of the dark, that you never, ever light a fire in your bedroom to try to make it brighter. A fire won’t give you that much more light, and it will probably burn your house down. A much better idea is to go to a baseball field and ask the owners if you can borrow all of their field lights for your bedroom. You’ll need them until you’re certain there is nothing in the dark that is going to try to kill you.
At least that’s what Elliot wishes he had done.
ELLIOT AND THE PIXIE PLOT will be released on May 2, 2011. I am already excited!
Jen….wonderful cover. I love it.
rr smythe
Love your covers. I’m going to seek out the Goblin War for my nephews for Christmas.
Thanks Margie! You’ll have to let me know if they enjoy it.
Amazing cover. Wow. Love it. Eagerly awaiting my copy of the 1st Elliot!
Great cover, Jen. Your crush is definitely justified. I love that the hospital is set right on the Strip! 🙂
Great cover!