Happy New Year!
I am so excited for 2020! Here’s a little of what I’m looking forward to:
Jan 6, 2020 Deadline for a new historical novel I’m working on. This one will be set again in World War 2, and I’m very excited about it.

March 3, 2020 The third and final book of the Traitor’s Game series releases. It’s called THE WARRIOR’S CURSE and will be an epic clash between Simon and Kestra.

Oct 6, 2020 The fourth book in the Ascendance Series will release. Called THE CAPTIVE KINGDOM, fans of Sage and the world of Carthya will see him return to face his most difficult foe yet.

Somewhere in between, I will finish the historical, write the fifth Ascendance book, start a new historical and start to put a new project, BLACK INK, together.
Since this will be a year of completing one series and continuing another series, I hope you will consider checking out any of the books that came before.
And my New Year’s wish for each of you: to read great books, and to write them, if that’s your thing. To build new friendships and strengthen old ones. And above all, to be happy, to choose happy, even if everything around you seems bleak and hopeless. Be happy and share happiness with those who need it.

Make 2020 your best year ever!
Happy New Year!! I’m excited for all of those things too!! And I hope this year is amazing for you too.
Thank you, Jamie!
Black Ink is the former super secret project, right? Is that out this year, or in 2021? I’d say I’m asking for a friend, but it’s for me and that friend as well. I still send him updates even though he has been out of my school for two years. I am also making my Must Read in 2020 list today and of course I have The Captive Kingdom but I had been planning on putting BI on that list years ago (as long as it is still out this year).
Thanks for the post, and from my family and I, Happy New Year!
Captive Kingdom was the super secret, but Black Ink is highest on my “must get to this year” list. Not sure when it will be out, but I hope to have a final draft by the end of the year, or sooner. Happy New Year!
A FIFTH ASCENDANCE BOOK TOO!! I am SO excited, there is so much to look forward to. I love all your work, best of luck this year 🙂
Thank you, Gabrielle!
4th and 5th!!!! I was just looking forward to The Warriors Curse and anything else you put out. I wasn’t expecting such a surprise! This is a good omen for this year. I’m so happy!
I just read the False Prince series and i absolutely loved it! Everything was just so unexpected, it was amazing! I love the way you write. Will there be a movie?
THere’s not a lot happening right now on the movie end of things, but my fingers are always crossed!
I was screaming internally when I saw there will be another book in the Ascendance series!!! It’s one of my top favorites!!!
Internally screaming? Lol, me too, but not just internally… I think my mom was worried about me…
Happy New Year! I can’t wait to see what happens to Kestra and Simon in the Warrior’s Curse! So exciting!
Hi! I just wanted to say both me and my friend Alana really love your books! Both of us write own books and hope someday that we’ll be able to call ourselves accomplished authors just like you! Alana and I both screamed and freaked out when we read there would be a fourth book in the ascendence series and then freaked out again when we saw there would be a fifth. I just wanted to ask how you finish books without running to other projects? Don’t you ever have so many good ideas that you have to write and see where they take you? I have so many unfinished books it’s not even ok.
Hi Kimberly – Thanks for your kind words. And yes, I definitely get a ton of other ideas while I’m in the middle of another project, and I always write them down, or even sometimes do a test chapter. But I try to think of the characters as real people, and so if I abandon a project, then I feel bad for getting them into trouble and not getting out of it. In other words, I find a ton of satisfaction in bringing the story to a conclusion, and that reward is enticing enough to pull me through the rough times.If you are tempted to jump to another project, give your character in your current project a really awesome new problem – that will pull your attention back in until you finish.
Today I was reading the list of authors that will be at Teen Author Boot Camp and I saw your name on it! I am so excited!
Yup – I can’t wait!
This is the happiest I’ve been in FOREVER!!! When I first heard about The Captive Kingdom, I internally screamed, externally…squealed and died…but a good die because I’m just SO HAPPY. And a FIFTH BOOK TOO!!! Best day EVER. Thank you for everything you do, Mrs. Nielsen. You are my favorite author. The Ascendence Trilogy is my favorite series, and The False Prince is my favorite book EVER. (And I’ve read a LOT of books) I’ve read it seven times, and both the sequels three or for times each. WWII is my favorite time period to read about. You’re just the best. You inspire me. Ice always wanted to be a writer, but I never actually put my all into it until I read The False Prince for the first time in November of 2018. So… Yeah, thanks. And if you get the chance to read this, I hope you understand how much you and your books mean to me. :))))))
Thanks so much, Hannah.
i REALLY hope that there is a movie to the Ascendance series.
i’m on the second book and i LOVE IT!!!!!! i’m SUPER exited to finish!
also you came to my school in 2019.i love your books!
Thanks very much, Leila!
4th book in traitors game series please 🙂
Ooh, interesting! That’s one I’ll keep in mind.
Happy New Year!! I’m so excited for this year because of so many things! Your book releases and this new year feels fresh and like its got a great potential!! I can’t wait to see what it holds!!
I’m excited too, Chloe – thank you!
Wait… there’s another historical fiction? AND IT’S DONE!??!! What is it called? I’m dying to read another one of your books!!!!
Tentatively, it’s titled RESCUE, though that’s not final yet. And it’s one I think you and other readers are going to like a lot!
Yaaaayy!!!! So excited for it!
omg thank you for making another acendence trilogy book but i have a new idea you should make another series on imogens point of veiw
Very interesting – that would be a cool take on the story.
I can’t wait for The Warriors Curse to come out. And I definitely can’t wait for the Ascendance Series
Thanks, Kaela – I’m excited for both of these releases as well!
Happy New Year! Sorry I’m late. My ELA teacher started reading The False Prince in September and I fell in love with it. Recently, I figured out there was two other books and I checked them out from the library. I finished the Runaway King, but I forgot the Shadow Throne in my locker on Friday, so I haven’t read it. I know you went over this already, but is there ever gonna be a False Prince movie, or is no film studio interested? Also, I am really excited for The Captive Kingdom. Hopefully I have the chance to read your other books. I love your books and see ya!
Thanks so much, Jamyilah! The False Prince movie plans are in a sort of pause right now, but I hope things will change soon!
I hope some studio sees the real potential in your story! Also, where I send you fan art?
Thank you, Jamyllah – jen@jennielsen.com
Another Ascendants book!!!! I’m dying!! I can not wait! It is because of this series that I became compelled to write my own books! I have been dying for another ascendants book ever since reading “The Shadow Throne”. These are both definitely on my list. The only thing that could make this moment better is if I found out they were making a movie too!!!
Woo Hoo! So excited for all your new books! Will this new historical be a romance?
Also, what is Black Ink?
The new book is a historical. Black Ink is…well, I’m not sure of the genre, but it will be cool. I’ll begin talking more about that this fall.
When is the movie for Resistance coming out?
No movie is currently planned, but hopefully one day, Jackie!
Love you books please make a movie of the flash prince series. LOVE YOU SO MUCH.
I hope that a movie will be made one day – fingers crossed!
When will The Captive Kindom be available for pre-order?
It’s available now. For example, on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Captive-Kingdom-Ascendance-Book/dp/1338551086/ref=tmm_hrd_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=
I am so hyped to hear about another Ascendants book. That’s all I’ve wanted since Shadow Throne. This series inspired me to write my own books. And I will never have the words to thank you for that. PS, I have ready preordered The Captive Kingdom. I can’t wait to read it!!
I love that the Ascendance series has inspired you to write too – that’s a huge compliment. Thank you, Brianna.
I just finished reading The Ascendance Series two days ago, after my friend had been begging me to read it for nearly 3 years, and me being my stubborn self, didn’t read it because I’m so stubborn. But I am so glad that I finally read it. You did such a good job bringing the story to life, and getting me to care about the characters. I especially loved Carthya’s Anthem, and I am wondering if there are anymore lyrics to it, or just the ones written. I am so excited that there are two more to come! Thanks for sharing your writing talents with us!!
There are no additional lyrics to the anthem, Jacqui, but thanks for asking (and for finally reading!).
What will Black Ink be about? Also, what is the targeted audience(kids, teens, adults, etc.)? thank you!
Hi Abby – I’ll start talking more about Black Ink soon, but it’ll be upper middle grade or younger Young Adult. It is one I’m very excited about!
Yay! You make me so excited for it. All of your books are so good. Thanks for replying so fast.
I have some kids at my house that just can’t wait until BLACK INK is out!!
Thanks for taking the time to inspire and connect with kids at local elementary schools!
Around when do you think Black Ink will come out? I know you might not have an exact date, but if you could give the year…
It should be sometime in Fall 2022.
We have an idea for Conner and Veldergraths’ backstory. If we write a story about it, will you read it and consider making it cannon?
I think it’s great if you want to write something like that, but the characters and their histories are so fixed in my mind, I don’t think I could change it at this point.
OH MY GOD!!!! THERE’S A FOURTH BOOK!?! I’m so excited the first three books were the absolute best I just finished The Warriors Curse and I loved it. Thank you for continuing to write books because it makes other people happy and keeps them on their toes. It also makes other kids want to write and read books. You are my favourite author and I love you.