On the eighth day of Christmas,
This author offered me
Eight Printed Printings,
Seven Resolutions,
Six quotes from Rescue,
Five Giveaways!
Four Christmas wishes,
Three Rescues,
Two Free Zoom Visits, and
A title for book five series…
As I said earlier, your responses from Day Six really blew me away. I am now officially convinced that I have the best readers anywhere. Thank you.
To those who offered to donate your win to one of the girls in the comments, no worries. She’ll get books. But here are the five winners drawn at random:
Beatrice *** CSCAM *** Trin *** Sam *** Matthew
Today’s gifts might be super cool, or sorta not – I guess it depends on your style and taste. But, even if you don’t win it for yourself, a librarian, teacher, or creative writer in your life might like one of these.

If you win, you can ask for it to be signed, signed to you or to someone else, or you can have it as is. The frames aren’t included, but they will fit an 8×10 frame (even the smaller one – I was just testing it as a 5×7.)
How to enter?
Well, here’s the thing: I know that most of us are looking to double-flush this year down the toilet. There were things you missed out on, things you are still missing out on. It’s been a year with a lot of fear, a lot of misinformation, and not enough toilet paper, for some reason.
BUT…can you tell me one great thing that happened for you this year? Specifics aren’t necessary; it can be as simple as, “I made a new friend” or something. But let’s hear your great news from 2020!
This one is open internationally. Entries will close on the morning of the 11th Day of Christmas (Tues, Dec 22nd).
I’ve grown closer to my family! Also, because everything’s been cancelled, I’ve had so much more time to write than I have in the past- it’s been amazing!
One thing I am eternally grateful for is that I have made so many friends this year. For a long time it has always just been me and my best friend, but in September I started meeting a lot of other Ascenders (as well as fans of other media I am interested in) and over time our bonds have strengthened as much as Jaron and the Ascendance Gang! We have become our own little family and I’ve introduced my best friend to some of them as well! They really came to me at a time where I needed them as I was going through a hard time.
Actually 2020 didn’t turn out soooo bad for me. God taught me a lot about finding joy in Him and about trusting His perfect plan over my flawed one. But another REALLY AWESOME thing that happened (besides the fourth book in the Ascendance Series being released – real highlight of the year, BTW) was that I got to start a blog for teen writers with some friends. And actually made a TON of new friends!!!!!!!!! It’s been AWESOME. Anyway these printed paintings look ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!!!!!!!!!! And CONGRATS to all the other winners!!!!!
I had a horrible year. Most of did. But, and this is huge, I didn’t choose to keep it that way. Let me explain. It wasn’t because of the pandemic. I knee someone extremely toxic. He scared me badly, and even though he never did anything truly despicable, (let’s leave it at that.) he was not a good person, and he continued to want to do things I did not. I consider myself too young for that. So i told him i wanted to be his friend. He did not like that, and spread rumors across my school that we were dating. So later in the year, I told him to leave me alone. That was probably the best choice I ever made. He hasn’t spoken to me much since, and I couldn’t be happier. That completely flipped my 2020. It started out bad, and now it’s sort of okay. (I also have amazing friends and family like my evil rat cousin to help me.) So that’s what I’m grateful for as we close this horrid year.
This year has been amazing even though Im extraverted and hate being alone. I made the greatest of friends through your books ‘The Ascendance Series’. They’ve been the highlight of my year and I cant think about a life without them. We are so excited to eventually meet each other because we live all across the world. One of the group members even lives in Australia and one in Canada.
We’ve also taken Jaron’s quote of ‘having the plague’ and converted it to an inside joke. If any one of us messes up on spelling we say we have ‘the plague’
Meeting my new ascender friend has defiantly been the highlight of my year. And if it hadn’t had been for your books Id probably be in a really bad place throughout this year. Thank you so much.
Even through COVID-19, I was able to see my older brother get married. I went on my very first plane ride to Colorado. They had a beautiful wedding even with COVID restrictions. If I win one of these, I hope to give it to my best friend Alaina. We are both really big fans of your books, but I know she would love to have one of these!
I graduated from college at age 61!!!!!
Hi. The thing that I liked most about 2020 was that I finally sat down an learnt how to shade!!!!
It was a good pass time since there was pretty much nothing else to do (except read: I read like 2 or 3 hours a day!). 
I wrote 10,000 words in November, for NaNoWriMo, (I think this is the most I’ve ever written in one month) The teacher said the goal should be 8,000 for eithgraders but i wanted to go big or go home!! Because I joined our school district online NaNoWriMo club, i made some new friends, even though I’ve never met them in person. And another special thing happened- Captive Kingdom came out this year!
This year I moved to a new state and it was a bit of a culture shock for me. But, despite how hard it was, and being quarantined for so long, I made a great friend who moved there as well. She has helped me stay motivated during hard things and has shown me how to keep pushing through. I am so grateful for her and I hope to see her again sometime soon through all these covid restrictions. I couldn’t ask for a better friend at this specific time.
That’s so cool!! I already got something signed by you, so I would be giving this to my cousin who loves your books as well. Something amazing that happened to me in 2020 was that my sister got to come back from her mission early, and my family got to be together before my other sister left, which wouldn’t of happen before.
I graduated from community college with an Associates of Arts and am finally going to study for library science with a minor in studio arts. I wasn’t sure I could afford it especially after this year, but just in time for the Spring semester things clicked into place!
I love how you’re adding these positive challenges to the giveaways! I have a lot to be grateful for in this year, but two things that stand out are: I started writing (and I love it!) And I made a lot of new friends!
Something truly amazing that happened in 2020 actually happened on the last day of school before we shut down and went to online. My school has a lip sync battle every year, and anyone can sign up to be in it. Me and my friends signed up because we are always singing Disney songs in the hallways and during class. We made it in and we’re super excited. We practiced our songs everyday and things were going very well. Until we found out who he were going up against in the battle. Three boys, all in the most popular click in school. The boys that all the girls had a crush on (except me and my friends because we have a brain) And not only that, but they were singing “I Want It That Way” which is one of the most commonly sung songs in the school. We were dead, and we knew it. On the day of the battle, me and my friends showed up in our costumes, and the boys showed up in black tshirts, black jeans and sunglasses. The nerves were back and we knew that we were destined to lose. All the boys would want to their buddies to win, and all the girls want their crushes to win, so we literally had to no chance. We preformed our routine, and messed up a couple times out of fear and nerves. When they preformed, they blew kisses, waved to the crowd, and took of their shirts. The crowd went WILD. But we didn’t let it shake us. Our group did our second routine, and actually preformed perfectly, we got quite a few laughs. Then the boys did their finale. They pulled off their jeans to reveal sparkly tutus underneath and danced for the crowd. All I could do was since, once for the complete idiocy of what they were doing, and twice for the fact that we were gonna lose. When it was time for the judges to call the winners, we stood in a line, ready to be defeated, as the winners names were called. And you know what? They called us!!!! I couldn’t believe it! Me and my friends claimed our prize (a bag of candy) and embraced each other. We decided to give some of it to the boys, because it must’ve been hard to lose when your so confident in your win. We left the school triumphantly, our prizes held high and the capes of our costume blowing in the wind. Not to return till next fall. School was cancelled after that due to COVID 19. In some ways, I’m grateful for the quarantine. Because if we had gone to school the next week, me and my friends probably would’ve gotten beaten up by all the boys who thought the other group should’ve won. And by the time we started the hybrid schedule next year, everyone had forgotten or didn’t care. But my friends cared. It’s one of the greatest accomplishments we will ever do, and we’re grateful 2020 let it happen.
Despite the pandemic situation, I got quite a lot of family time
and time to work on my writing too!
I could definitely go on about everything awful and disappointing that’s happened this year, but I do have one amazing thing that I’m so grateful for. In October I met a group of Ascenders online whom I read The Captive Kingdom with, and over the past two months we’ve gotten so close; we even had a couple facetime sleepovers!
This was my first year living away from home, and my two roommates moved out, so I’ve been alone most of the time. I would have been so lonely if I hadn’t found this group of people, and somehow I can’t imagine not knowing them. They’ve really helped me get through this semester, which has been pretty rough.
And of course, I always have your books! Thanks for brightening our year with all the news and surprises you’ve been giving us!
This year was bad, but I guess there was good. How about…When I started reading the Ascendance Series?
As we come to a close of 2020, I’ve been thinking about the good things that happened, even though I can’t remember the small happy moments, I know they were there. For the bigger picture, this year I wrote a lot more than I have over the years. Since I like creative writing, I’ve wrote my own chapter of a book (inspired by you of course!), pages for a magazine, pages for yearbook, and even my english class papers were fun to write. It might not seem like much but to me, I cherish them. To me, I think thats something great that happened over 2020 because I figured out my love for writing and even applied it throughout the year.

Making a new friend at school and playing with them ever since.
Driving out of state to spend time with my family.
This is a great idea! Actually now that I think of it, lots of great things happened this year, but almost all of them are because my library is so awesome!!
There’s this one librarian at the Dedham Public Library, Gianna, and she’s the BEST LIBRARIAN EVER!! I asked her if I could run a 6-week bracelet making class with me as the teacher, and she said yes!! I have also run other classes with her, one secret codes class and two polymer clay classes! But the best thing that happened was that when I asked Gianna if she could invite you to visit the library virtually, and she said yes!!! My friend and I were so excited to see you we barely got any sleep the night before!!
And if I win, please can you sign it to Nesu (it’s a joke between my friend Neda and me, it’s a combination of our names
Thank you!!
This year I started writing my first book! It’s really exciting. I started in February, but began to slow down around July. When you did the book dedication contest, I entered two short stories. When you sent me an email telling me that I could be writing completely original stories, I knew that I could finish my book. Thank you so much for being so kind.
This year has been so long I think that some of us have forgotten about the beginning of it! This might be a little cheaty because it happened before lockdown, but it’s seriously changed my life. Some background first: Back in November of last year I was officially diagnosed with depression and anxiety. Life at the time was a continuous downward spiral that I couldn’t get out of. Come February, I let it slip that I was suicidal. My support system at the time (parents, therapist, school) was worried, and enrolled me in a six week therapy outpatient school. I hated it. I didn’t want to leave my friends. Except by the time I discharged, I had learned how to process my feelings and how to cope with them, and my entire life was flipped around. (and funny bit, I texted my friend that weekend and said “see you Monday” for the first time in six weeks, and then our first lockdown was called and I never got to see her Monday.) This year has been a strange one, to say the least, but I’m so blessed to have people in my life doing their best to make it as normal as they can. I just had my first choir concert of the year, and I even got a job at a law firm! And of course, I rediscovered your books late this summer after being obsessed in middle school, and through them I found friends, which I am so thankful for.
time with family
Before everything went on lockdown, my sister and I got to experience our first concert! It wasn’t a group we listened to but we decided to go and try them out. It was so fun and we have been fans ever since
I read many so books this year. In fact I break my all time record
I had been really interested in theater for a while, and this summer I took my first real acting class. Even though it was on Zoom, I still learned so much, and I want to keep pursuing it.
I won a history essay contest!
The ascendance series is one of my favorite series, so finding out there was going to be more books was a great thing that happened! One other great thing that happened to me was that my half brother and I bought some land together!
One great thing that happened to me this year is having the honor of meeting you and read your books. I never did like reading until I read The False Prince.
One thing that was great and happened this year was getting 50 books in and having a new baby cousin!
One thing that was great and happened this year was getting 50 books in and having a new baby cousin! Also, I’m still grateful that I’m alive, and fortunate enough to have 10 years of being so.
**AND I have missed out on the Public Speaking event held in my school (IDK if that’s what you asked for, but just in case there it is!)
One thing that was great and happened this year was getting 50 books in and having a new baby cousin! I’m also happy that I’ve lived a total of 10 years in my life, so far.
One great thing that happened this year was that I went cliff jumping with my family.
I love this! This year made me realize that I need much less than I thought to be fulfilled. It also gave me an increased connection with friends and family that live far away as we increased our virtual communication.
I just have one question, who is Wilta’s father?
He is no longer living and so doesn’t appear in the story.
I actually loved this year! I got a new sister-in-law and got to spend time with my family! Despite all the events we all couldn’t do
In June, a kitten appeared on our doorstep. She was a stray only six or seven weeks old. She’s a tabby kitten and the sweetest cuddle monkey in the world. (We got her a brother in August and they are best friends) I don’t think there’s anything better (except maybe books) than having a kitten curl up on your lap and purr while you pet her.
2020 was a rough year for everybody. However, I am glad for the time I was able to spend more time with my family and try things I wouldn’t have been able to try under other circumstances. As a reader, this was a year full of new content (October 6th was an especially good day, I think you all know why :D). Thank you and I hope you all have a wonderful day!
One good thing that happened to me in 2020 was discovering the Ascendance Series. Those books are amazing and I kind of accidentally stumbled upon them sometime in August this year. I’m so glad I did, and now I am reading every single book you’ve written.
I think these prints are so decorative and amazing! I would love to place a signed one on my shelf in my room, sort of like a trophy.
This giveaway is so cool! Very excited
This year, my dad had to work from home due to Covid. I’m also at home for school, so he and I got to spend more time together and get closer!
I was able to start college in person (with masks and social distancing and all that of course), and I’ve been able to meet a lot of new people and become closer to friends both old and new.
My husband and I just found out we are expecting!!!

Best Christmas present ever! God is good!
Thanks for this great giveaway, Jennifer! These prints are so cool. One of the great things that happened to me this year was writing a new book. I had a bit of writer’s block last year and very little time to write, but this year, I wrote one I absolutely adore and I’m currently editing it. I love the story and I’m so proud of it. I hope you’re have a wonderful holiday season!
The slower pace of the year allowed my three sons and I to establish a routine of reading together every day. We started in March with the Harry Potter series, followed by your Ascendence series, then A Night Divided, and a few other books after that. It’s been one of the best parts of this very strange year and something that I hope we’ll continue even as life resumes its normal hustle and bustle pace!
One great thing thing that’s happened during 2020 was that this whole pandemic has taught me not to really care what others think about me – compared to everything else that is currently happening, I think someone thinking bad about me isn’t that bad
I did a writing internship this summer and five of my pieces were published! It was a wonderful experience and I was able to make new friends online. Also, now I can officially say that I’m a published author!
I loved that this year I was able to spend more time with my family!
The Captive Kingdom came out! We got a title for the 5th book!
I have a new baby niece :)!!!!
acquaintances of my family’s became close friends.:)
I was given the chance to reconnnect with my best friend in high school and renewed her relationship with Christ.
That is so awesome Traci !
That’s amazing, Traci!!!
I actually really loved having my kids home for school. I was able to see what they were learning and see them grow and change. I also really loved having no outside activities. Merry Christmas!
This year has been pretty good for me because I’ve had more time to get to know the Bible and understand way more than I did before. (Partly by watching the American gospel) I also had way more time to read! I read over 65 books this year (that I know of) and It was awesome. Also, one of my friends mental health is way better thanks to not going to school for a while. So I personally would not say this is my favourite year, but good things definitely have come out of it.
Also, don’t pick me for the prize, I’m sure someone else will want them more
That is awesome that you’ve gotten to know the Bible more this year!!!!!!!!!!!! I’ve been more consistent in my Bible reading then I was last year.
Well, I guess one of the best things 2020 has given me is knowledge. I’ve not only discovered the world of public health and health in general, but I’ve learnt what it means to be a good person and friend. I’ve learnt that my actions matter. They affect the people around me. I’ve found out what is truly valuable and what I can live without.
Another great thing that happened to me was all the free time I was given to read. I’ve gone down a rabbit hole of books, and will always be thankful for how many books I’ve gotten to read because of shutdowns (multiple of yours, too!). Thank you for all these giveaway opportunities!
I was able to reunite with my grandpa, who wasn’t able to travel, so I surprised him!
I met some of the best people ever. Charlie, Shila, and Ben. Charlie I have known for a while but we have made a very close bond over the best few months. We now text each other everyday and work on our homework together. Shila I met through school this year. We took the same English Class and we were put into a group discussion and we ranted on and on about books. We now have a book club that currently has 4 members. I don’t even know where to begin with Ben. He is the one who has changed me the most this year. Our parents are really good friends but we don’t see each other a lot. Ben has been my ray of sun through out the worst year ever and I don’t know what I would do without him. So, we have happened to focus on the negative this year when we really needed to focus on the positive. This year has not been horrible when you really change the perspective.
I learned a little bit about myself. This year taught me the importance of overcoming obstacles. And, it taught me how to be happy in bad situations. It has been a hard lesson, but I believe this year will shape me into a better person for the future.
I finally got my own bookshelf and was able to reconnect with some old friends.
Something good that came out of 2020 was that I got the opportunity to be on the dedication page of your 5th book to my favorite series! It was an amazing opportunity for me to express how much I love your books. I really enjoyed that chance.
I cross my fingers to win one!!! I think it would be so cool! Thank you so much!
Even though this year was pretty rough in a lot of ways, there were parts of it that were actually pretty awesome for me! For instance, I made a fantastic new friend who shares my love in books, AND I was published for the first time in an anthology! I feel like my future is finally getting started, and I can’t wait to see the positive things that 2021 will bring!
My husband doubled the size of my garden, and we finally got chickens (a life-long dream)!
I am able to finally have a family reunion.
I guess I’m happy that this year taught me to slow down a little and learn how to get into a better head space. I also realized friends are so important, and reconnecting with old ones is so special, because I missed out on not staying in touch for such a long time.
I got a new cousin and sucked my sister into the ascendance series. I also had lots of time to read because of quarantine and such
While this year was quite a roller coaster, it was not without its blessings. I have two that stick out to me at the moment: one being that I started my own blog and podcast (which in itself has been a roller coaster of a ride), and my family has gotten to see the foster baby whom we’ve had for over a year and a half now become a sweet little girl who is learning and getting bigger every day.
Those are some AWESOME things, Allie!!!!!!!!!!!!! You’re blog is just sooooo incredible!!!!!!!! And I’m glad you got to start it up!!!! <33
2020 was a different year. Although I was stuck at home, I was able to share more time with my family and it brought us closer together. This was a good part about 2020.
2020 was a rough year for everyone, yes. But for me, there were some good parts still. First, I am so thankful that I discovered this blog! Seeing all the good people have done here has inspired me in many ways. (Btw, thank you to those who helped me out, I did read those comments on the fifth day post). Second, I was able to connect more with my family during the time we all had to spend at home. Relationships are very important, and I’m very thankful for the bonding time I was given. Thank you all!
I got to put a new campfire and garden in my backyard.
When we returned to school this year, the list of clubs that would be made safe but still be in session came out. One of my favorite activities is acting and taking the stage. Naturally, I love Drama Club. Alas, it was not on the list.
This infuriated me at first because I have been getting emails for free productions made with the regulations on Covid and was really excited to give some people hope during this scary time. My friend and I wrote a three page letter to the administration about why we should bring the Drama back and how that could happen.
A week later we got the go-ahead. Since then I have been able to touch many students and faculties alike lives using the stage and the song. It’s so wonderful to see the community that has come out of these tough times.
P.S. I love these giveaways and thank you so much for being such an involved writer with your fans.
I have two friends getting married, and I get to be a bridesmaid!! Also I am one of the few people they invited to attend the actual ceremony
I got to work at a summer camp during a global pandemic. It was truly a wonderful and unique experience!
I published a book this year!
This year was actually pretty exciting for me because I got a chance to tryout for my high school soccer team, and I made it! Its been a great experience for me.
Plus, The Captive Kingdom was published!!!
This year I graduated and got to spend a lot of time with my family.
This year I’ve gotten the chance to meet my 2 “new” cousins that my uncle adopted.
And had the great chance to surprise my other cousin and best friend for her sweet sixteen!
I don’t think my first comment got posted, there might have been a problem with it being sent so here it is again
As we come to a close of 2020, I’ve been thinking about the good things that happened, even though I can’t remember the small happy moments, I know they were there. For the bigger picture, this year I wrote a lot more than I have over the years. Since I like creative writing, I’ve wrote my own chapter of a book (inspired by you of course!), pages for a magazine, pages for yearbook, and even my english class papers were fun to write. It might not seem like much but to me, I cherish them. To me, I think thats something great that happened over 2020 because I figured out my love for writing and even applied it throughout the year.

I could not have imagined a better gift! These printed paintings are highly inspirational. Since I love to write, the “Just Write” one seems like a must have for me because I would always look towards it as a constant reminder for inspiration when I have none and it would be even more meaningful to me coming from you. I would cherish and love that
My comment from yesterday isn’t showing up for me, so just in case, I’ll rewrite it.
My great news from 2020 is that I started writing a book! I started in February but began to lose steam around July. Funny thing is, that’s when I found The Shattered Castle dedication contest. I entered two short stories. I didn’t win, but I think what I got was even better. Mrs. Nielsen, you wrote me two emails full of kindness. You telling me that I could write my own stuff and be amazing at it really helped me find my love for writing again.
Thank you for all your kind words.
I got accepted into a collegiate high school (it was a random choosing) which was such a great opportunity for me that I’m very thankful for. But, the peak of all the excitement I’ve had last year definitely was when The Captive Kingdom came out. Also, my writing has expanded greatly and I came up with many new story ideas in only one year! (I think this was due to watching many of your interviews, reading your books, and your writing tips. This increased my motivation for writing and aspiring to be an author, as it did to many others.)
This year, I had done MANY things this year! Like read a lot of books, eat different foods, read more books, start writing two stories, and reading more books!!
A few of the many GREAT books I read:
1) The False Prince
2) The Runaway King
3) The Shadow Throne
4) The Captive Kingdom
5) A Night Divided
6) Mark of the Thief
7) Rise of the Wolf
All of these books were THE best!! I can’t wait to be able to read more of your great books, Mrs. Nielsen!!
I joined a writing community and started writing a book!
I was given the opportunity to compete to be on Jennifer’s dedication page to the Ascendance series book 5! It was an amazing opportunity and I am very grateful!
My wife works part-time and has not gotten to go to some of the great conferences that I have attended. But, in 2020 we both got to go to the Children’s Literature Conference in Bellingham (WWUCLC) together. It has just before covid-19 really took hold of North America. It would have been a great work and leisure trip by any standard, but now it is our last awesome shared travel experience that we can hold on to as we make our way through the pandemic.
Well I’m pretty sure everyone here has one thing in common, well, unless you didn’t read the Ascendance series. We’re happy Captive kingdom came out!!!
But another awesome thing that happened to me this year is. . . (Jennifer why did you make me pick one?!) I’ll list two things, because they were the first things that came to my mind. (Sorry if you don’t like that I picked two things).
Well I got to see Jennifer! Well virtually, but who cares?! I was super happy nonetheless! (Thanks for Zooming with me Jennifer!)
I also had a really fun time with my friend, at a place called boda borg, it’s a place where you escape a bunch of rooms. It was really fun!
If I win, please sign it to Nesu!
(Its my and my friend’s name blended in a blender!)
*audience boos*
Aw man! I thought my jokes were hilarious…
I made a lot of new friends (somehow, with all this craziness) and I advanced in a lot of the after-school things I do.
Thanks for doing all this. It’s really awesome!
Have a great day everybody!
First of all, congrats to the winners of the books!!!!!!
Second of all, I love the prints!!!!!!! They are gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!
This year had lots of great things happen to me despite the negatives. My family started doing devotionals regularly. And after like three or four years I’ve come back to my writing which started with you, Mrs. Nielsen!!!
Because I attended the writing webinar you did with Teen Author Boot Camp back in the spring this year and continued doing more of their webinars, which led to me starting an amazing writing blog with two of my friends this past summer. And now our blog is truly a blessing and I have FANTASTIC readers!!!!!!!!!! They mean the world to me and brighten up my day!!!!!!!!! (If any of my readers are reading this, thank you so much for all your encouragement on TWN!!!! You guys are the BEST!!!!!!)
I found my passion, something I want to pursue for the rest of my life amidst the boringness of quarantine (back when we all tried different new hobbies every day).
I got to spend more time with my sister.
I used all the time I was home to update all the 175+ agent spotlights on my blog so they help writers more. And I’ve been blogging more to help debut authors promote my book. It’s given me more of a purpose in life, which has been hard to find since I lost my husband six years ago.
I have gotten to reread a lot of my favorite books and some new ones came out like the Captive Kingdom, and many more. Also, Hamilton came out (I LOVE MUSICALS). The last thing is I have strengthened my friendships with some people.
I started high school this year, but because it is all-remote I was very worried about not making friends. Luckily, over the summer, I met an amazing bunch of friends and we’ve been meeting up almost every Saturday, playing games, getting to know each other, and talking through our school problems. I also started my first book and am currently at 20k words!
This year gave me the chance to finish my draft of my first novel! These last few months gave me the chance to complete the first milestone of four years of heard work!
Me and my family are planning to move, and it’s official now!!
I’m thankful to have had a great first semester of college and to have been able to spend time with family!
One great moment I am thankful for this year would have to have been my cousin’s wedding. There was fear of postponing the event, but luckily it arrived before we could no longer host large events. I had a blast at the wedding, and it gave me a chance to spend time with my family before our outings became limited. This year has been crazy, but I will always look back on this day fondly.
I made many new friends in the school districts writing club!
Even though my family got kicked out of our home last Christmas season by our landlord….by Feb 2020 we bought our home! Now we don’t have to worry about get kicked out or raised rent ever again