Hi friends, I need your advice. If I did any sort of launch party for this book, in what format should I do it?
YouTube? A Zoom meetup? Facebook live? A day-long celebration over this blog and all social media? Any other ideas?
RESCUE comes out on March 2nd, so I probably need to decide on this pretty quick!
Seriously, I’m sorta at a loss on this one. Give me your thoughts in the comments below and I’ll randomly choose someone to win an ARC of RESCUE.
This contest will last one week. International entries are okay.

wow! iโm so excited for this book! i think a zoom meeting or youtube launch party would be fun and accessible for a lot of people. if it was on youtube or social media it would be easy to pop in or out throughout the day too. whatever format the launch party is in, iโll be there for sure!
Iโm thinking the day-long celebration! Everyone could celebrate with you if itโs on this blog and insta! โค๏ธ
I really like the idea of the day long celebration on this blog because that means that people in different time zones can still take part! I AM SO EXCITED FOR RESCUE!!!!!!!!
I’d LOVE a YouTube video/livestream, since that way you can watch it even if you can’t make it at the time. Thank you so much for taking the trouble to plan a launch party! I can’t wait until Rescue comes out!
I think something in youtube might be easiest for everyone. I can’t wait to read it!
I think if you did it on YouTube or at least recorded it on YouTube everyone would be able to see it. If you decide on something else you could still record it and post it into YouTube. I know that if it were on YouTube, I would be happy to know that I would be able to watch it all the time. Even if you decide on something else, it can still be posted on YouTube. Then everyone would be able to see it if they were not able to join the other way that was chosen.
If you do decide to do it on YouTube, what channel would it be on?
blog, Zoom
I think that a YouTube live would be great! Lots of people can join and you can all talk in the chat. My youth uses it with lots of people and it works great!
I think you should do a YouTube live and if you do, could you please let me know what channel it will be on so I can set a reminder and subscribe? Thanks!
I am so excited for Rescue! I would love zoom maybe so everyone can interact more, and obsess over it as well ๐
YouTube would probably be the most accessible to the largest audience since not everyone has Facebook and Zoom is prone to technical difficulties. Plus, then people can go back and enjoy watching it later!
I think YouTube would be best. Some readers donโt have access to social media and would probably want to see it!
Btw, I am a new reader and instantly fell in love with your books! Looking forward to this one!
YouTube would be great!
Hi Mrs. Nielsen!
I am so excited for this book! I can’t wait!
As for a launch party, I really liked the way you did the launch party for The Captive Kingdom. I also like your idea of a day-long celebration on your blog.
I’d prefer to do YouTube, but that’s just me. Good luck with deciding! ๐
Hi Mrs. Nielsen! I’m a huge fan of yours, especially of the Ascendance Series and Traitor’s Game. I loved the characters, especially Jaron and Kestra! I think that you should hold the launch party over this blog or maybe through Zoom. I can’t wait till your new books Rescue and The Shattered Castle are released. Thank you!
I think that a YouTube live video would be the easiest because you don’t need to make an account to join but alternatively you could do a Microsoft Teams Live Event, I found that they work really well especially with Q and As.
Oooh, a launch party sounds exciting!!!!! I think a Zoom meetup or a day-long celebration over the blog sound the best.
I can’t wait till Rescue come out!!!!!!
I say you could do a Zoom meetup!!!
YouTube. Definitely YouTube.
I think maybe the celebration on your blog sounds like a good idea because not everyone is able to attend the zoom meetings. So at least if it was on this platform, it would be a sure way to get interaction ๐ค๐ค
YouTube will be SUPER helpful if you could do that! I won’t be able to use any social media and Zoom might not work out for me. But YouTube would DEFINITELY help SO much!
I liked the zoom meeting for Captive Kingdom, but I think YouTube live stream would probably be easier for more people.
Zoom meeting 100%!!!!!!
I think that Zoom would be really cool! I feel like we all have access to it and are definitely familiar with it. So excited to read Rescue!
Hi, Mrs. Nielsen! I think YouTube or a Zoom meetup would be the most accessible (especially nowadays), but a day-long celebration sounds like it would be very fun. Best of luck with choosing!
Not everyone has access to social media, so I’m thinking that having a zoom meeting or a celebration over the blog would be best.
To give the most people the opportunity to participate, you should hold the Launch Party on YouTube or a Zoom meetup. I know I cannot access any social media stuff, and I am not the only one.
You should do a day long celebration on Instagram with Instagram lives and trivia and maybe giveaways. Also cannot wait to for this book to come out!
Youtube and Zoom are great platforms for the launch because they’re very easy to navigate. As for content, I’d love to hear some fun stories about your writing process for Rescue, cool things you stumbled upon while researching, etc!
Well, a Live Youtube would be available to more people, especially if people have trouble with zoom. Just a thought.
Actually on second thought, Zoom would give people a chance to talk to you face to face. Or, ya know, as face to face as you can get online.
Hi Jennifer!!
Ooh a book launch party! That would be really fun!!
I think the thing that would work best might be a long Zoom webinar? That way you can have lots of people who can drop in and there is also a Q&A feature!
Lots of my friends who also love your books aren’t allowed to have social media (and I’m not allowed to either), and I’m assuming some other people my age wouldn’t be allowed to either? And as far as I know you don’t need a Zoom account to join a Zoom webinar!
My friend and I are so excited for Rescue to come out, and I placed a hold on a copy from my library three months ago!!!
You should totally go live on the YT (youtube) and countdown! It’s like New Years Eve, just better with a book! You should talk about it, what is inside, have some printed posters, decor, and a giveaway announced at the end (unless you’re tired of giveaways, which I totally get!) But, you don’t need to chose me because I already won something and am extremely content with it. Post a blog about it and a link to the live video!
I think you should do a livestream or zoom meeting because it makes it more accessible to more people (including myself). Anyway SUPER excited for the book.
Btw I don’t think I will win but if I do just say Elle G because I notice that there is another Elle in these comments (Hi!).
Hello Mrs. Nielsen,
I was wondering that if we did the day long celebration on the blog what that would mean? Would you be able to see it later if you were not able to see it in the day it took place? I know that I may not be able to do something all day but if I were able to look at it later that would be awesome. I put that doing it on YouTube would be cool because then anyone can see it at anytime.
PS. I just got the postcard and OMG it is amazing! I love it so much! It is so beautiful! Thank you so much!
I think youtube live is best because I don’t have Facebook, so that wouldn’t work for me and probably many others. If you do it as a zoom and someone can’t make it, they can’t go back to see it while with a youtube live you could save the whole thing as a youtube video that can be watched at any time.
YouTube or Blog- something that’s going to be up for a while. Because sometimes things spring up that you can’t control (I’m looking at you, moody Wifi!) and knowing that even if you’re not there to see it go live, you will still be able to join in a bit later would be lovely.
So excited! A zoom meeting would be my first choice. I can’t wait!
I think the zoom meeting or blog celebration would Be super cool.
SO excited for this book o be released. I love your historical standalones.
I loved the Crowdcast video you did for the release of The Captive Kingdom! Youtube would also be good for the reasons that everyone’s already said (most notably being able to watch it afterward), but the live chat feature isn’t the most ideal. A Zoom webinar would probably be my ideal. I don’t know– all of those ideas sound great, tbh.
Hey. So excited for the new books! Zoom would be great!
I personally like Zoom and think that would be a good choice. I’m so excited for the book!
I think YouTube would work best for a lot of people, but the day long celebration sounds really good too!
I think YouTube would work best for a lot of people, but the day long celebration also sounds really good too!
A Zoom meeting would be cool! I can’t wait to read this story! Coming to your TABC webinar tomorrow; I’m looking forward to it. ๐
For the launch party, I think a Zoom meet would be really neat!
Like a few people have said already, some of us younger fans (including myself) may not be allowed to have social media.
I think YouTube would be a good platform. Can’t wait to read it!
I think it’d be neat to do a Zoom, that way interaction is possible. And then for those who couldn’t make it to the meeting, you could record the session and post it on Facebook and Youtube. Looking forward to Rescue!!!
Hiii!!! Canโt wait for rescue to come out, or the launch party!!!!! I think you tube would be best so that everyone can access it, you donโt even need the app, just a search engine (google/safari etc.) I would realllllly be on side all-day-party so that different time zones can see it, me and my friends here in Ireland definitely donโt want to miss it!!!!!
I think a YouTube live stream would be the best option. I love your books and can’t wait to read Rescue!
I think a ZOOM webinar would be best. You don’t need an account for ZOOM, and it’s easy to manage. Some people might not have YouTube, or be allowed on it (like myself), so I think a ZOOM meeting would be all-inclusive.
Ah, the suspenseful quote strikes again! I can’t wait for Rescue. ๐
As for the Launch Party, a Youtube live or a Zoom meeting sounds good, though the Zoom Q&A feature would be very helpful since I’m sure we’d all like to ask you bookish questions! If you would like to dabble in social media as well, you can create polls on instagram throughout the day for answering trivia questions or choosing between characters or settings to reveal a corresponding quote or art or something of the like (I saw another author do this once).
Hope this helps and I’m looking forward to the launch party!
Zoom works well. We are signed up to do one for another author but missed out on being able to sign up for a 60second meet and greet. Comes with a signed copy of her book. We would sign up for yours!!!
YouTube or Zoom would be great. I know my class would love to be invovled in some way because they LOVE your books. Facebook would be hard for me to do with my class. I really hope my class can participate! Keep us in the loop!
What if you did multiple. You could do a zoom meeting one day and a YouTube the next. Maybe you could even add it onto your blog.
Can’t wait for it to come out! I vote for a zoom webinar!
I think Zoom would be awesomesauce!! Either a Zoom meeting or a long Zoom webinar!!
Also if I win the ARC of Rescue please give it to my friend Susu because she is a LOT better than me and she deserves it more than me. Thank you
JK I was joking with my friend and it accidentally got submitted. If I win I’ll definitely share it with her though ๐
I think it would be best to do it on YouTube because anyone can watch it easily. Iโm really excited for your new book!!!!
I think something on your blog would be best because then everyone can attend no matter where they live.
Youtube! Definitely YouTube! Because a lot of your fans are young and even if their parents do not allow them to have Instagram or Facebook accounts or whatnot, they probably have access to YouTube ๐