Trivia Tuesday 3 Jennifer Nielsen September 15, 2020

Trivia Tuesday 3

This is just a reminder that everything below this image will contain spoilers. Please do not read on until you have finished reading book 3, THE SHADOW THRONE.

Let’s start with the answers from last week. They were pretty difficult, but you all did a fantastic job!

1.  Who is Jaron named after, and what is his full name?

His grandfather, Artolius I. Jaron’s full name is Jaron Artolius Eckbert III

2.  What physical ailment does the Avenian king suffer from?

Bad back

3. Who do the regents want to rule instead of Jaron?

A Steward – Gregor, the Captain of Jaron’s guard

4. What does Jaron learn about his father when he meets Nila?

He learns that his father knew Avenian raids were happening on the border towns, but did nothing to stop them.

5.  What was wrong with the cups of cider that Jaron offers to Mott and Tobias while at Farthenwood?

He put sleeping powder in them.

6. Who is Jaron surprised to encounter when he goes to rob Rulon Harlowe’s home?


7.  What does Imogen hide in the bucket of water that she throws on him?

A hairpin

8. Who does Sage kick after he escapes the pirates?

The surgeon who’s trying to set his leg

9.  What room number is Jaron supposed to ask for when he goes to the tavern?

Room 11

10. What is the name of the navigator that Jaron releases from pirate captivity?

Swifty Tilagon

Bonus: What is the name of the plant that Jaron chews to help numb the pain from his leg?

Aravac Plant

Today’s trivia comes from THE SHADOW THRONE. Let’s see how you do!

1.  Who provides Jaron comfort after he’s learned the war has begun?

2.  What is the name of the Mendenwal king and why does he dislike Jaron specifically?

3.  How did Jaron and Tobias get the idea for the escape carriage?

4.  How many soldiers does Roden take with him after his public fight with Jaron? And how many does he have left after Gelyn’s first attack?

5. Finish Terrowic’s nonsense motto: “You can’t trick a person who sees the _ _.”

6. Why does Jaron insist on Terrowic carrying him out of the dungeon to speak to King Varian?

7.  What are the national colors for Carthya, Avenia,and Mendenwal? (Gelyn’s colors are green and yellow, for those who were going to ask.)

8. What is the name of Harlowe’s oldest son?

9. Jaron and Mott are dressed as Avenians and approach the city walls of Drylliad. Who stops them from entering?

10. Who does Jaron ask to accompany him into the battle at Falstan Lake?

Good luck!

  • Reply
    September 15, 2020, 2:03 pm

    1. harlowe
    2. the mendenwal king is named humfrey and he dislikes jaron because he challenged humfrey to a duel when he was little
    3. they got the idea from a joke that jaron would slip back to avenia one day and enjoy a day on the beach
    4. roden leaves with 40 soldiers. after geyln’s first attack, he is left with just 18.
    5. you can’t trick a person who sees the red rose (i still don’t know what he means by that, lol)
    6. so that he could steal terrowic’s keys
    7. carthya’s are gold and blue. avenia’s are red and black. mendenwal’s are yellow and white
    8. harlowe’s oldest son is named mathis
    9. dawn and the other women stop them from entering
    10. the army’s 100 weakest soldiers

  • Reply
    September 15, 2020, 3:37 pm

    So I’m not going to check the book for answers until after I post this, meaning I’ll probably get some wrong!
    1. Rulon Harlowe
    2. King Humfrey, Jaron challenged him to a duel when he was young
    3. They were fooling around one night and thinking about how Jaron could go back to the orphanage/Avenia
    4. I think it’s 50, and he had something like 18 left? That might be totally wrong lol
    5. Red rose! Haha I love this one because what is he even trying to say
    6. So he can steal his keys
    7. Ahh I can’t remember all of them but I think Mendenwal might have blue and Avenia is red and white
    8. Matthew (?)
    9. The woman and their daughters!
    10. Mott and their hundred weakest men (on horseback, but poorly armed!)

  • Reply
    September 15, 2020, 10:52 pm

    1. Kerwyn
    2. I want to say Steffan or Stephan? And Jaron cut his leg in a duel!
    3. They were using the idea to transport goods/medicine.
    4. 60 of the best men. 14 were left
    5. Light?
    6. Cause he can’t walk and won’t walk
    7. Carthya is blue, Avenia is black and red, Mendenwal is white and yellow (because Jaron described them as daisies one time)
    8. Matthew or Mathias?
    9. LOL was this the scene where the women almost killed Jaron??? I loved that!
    10. The 100 “weakest” men

    Honestly I guessed on most of these XD

  • Reply
    September 15, 2020, 11:04 pm

    1.) Rulon Harlowe
    2.) His name is Humphrey. He doesn’t like Jaron since he gave him a cut on his thigh during a duel when Jaron was young.
    3.) Oh, this is a hard one. They were being ridiculous for some reason and decided to humour the subject of Jaron using the carriages to escape Avenia…
    4.) Forty soldiers to begin with. Eighteen left after Gelyn’s attack. *Please don’t fail me, brain.*
    5.) “red nose.”
    6.) Jaron wanted to pick off the keys from Terrowic’s waist as he was being carried over his shoulder.
    7.) Carthya’s are blue and gold. Avenia’s are red and black. Mendenwal’s are yellow and white.
    8.) Mathis
    9.) The women of Carthya who were protecting the river entrance and allowing for food and supplies to be transported into Drylliad.
    10.) 100 of the Falstan Lake army’s weakest men

    This was the hardest one yet! Great questions. 😀

  • Reply
    September 15, 2020, 11:11 pm

    1. Amarinda
    2. King Humphrey-Because Jaron had challenged him to a duel
    3. a conversation that was supposed to be a joke but Tobias took it seriously
    4. 40:20
    5. red rose (I still don’t know what Terrowic meant-it really was nonsense)
    6. So he can still the keys for his chains
    7. Carthya: blue and gold (like Auradon from Descendants), Avenia: black and red, Mendenwal: I’m guessing purple and silver
    8. Mathis
    9. The women of Carthya
    10. their weakest men (which included Mott, lol)

    I loved The Shadow Throne, but each book in the series was equally good, so I love them all.

  • Reply
    September 15, 2020, 11:12 pm

    #1 – Amarinda, maybe. I kind of feel like they all did.
    #2 – King Humfrey; because of the duel Jaron had challenged him to. Jaron had given him a cut on the thigh. *According to Jaron that wasn’t a good enough reason to go to war*
    #3 – They had talked about it one night. It was a conversation that was suppose to be a joke.
    #4 – Uh…. Forty is somewhere in there. It was either what he brought or what he had left. He may have brought like a hundred and had forty left or brought the forty with twenty left.
    #5 – red rose. And then Jaron was like “whatever that meant.” YES, I so remembered this one. It had stumped me like Jaron when I read TST.
    #6 – So he could steal the keys to his and Tobais’ chains.
    #7 – Carthya’s: blue and gold Avenia’s: red and black Mendenwal’s: (I really want to say pink and purple for the humor) Truly, I don’t know. There might’ve been a blue or green…something like that. (?)
    #8 – Mathis
    #9 – the women!!! (I love this scene.)
    #10 – Carthya’s hundred weakest men. (And Mott who had declared that it was an embarrassment but it turned out he was one of the weakest men. Haha, I loved that, too.)
    This was fun!!! The Shadow Throne is my favorite in the series. I had hoped to do much better than I did, though. Sorry for all the extras, I just get so excited about this book. 🙂 Thanks for the trivia!!

  • Reply
    September 16, 2020, 5:08 am

    1. Harlowe
    2. King Humphry; Jaron cut his thigh years ago after challenging him to a duel
    3. It was born out of a joke for how Jaron might one day slip back into Avenia for an afternoon on the beach.
    4. Forty; eighteen
    5. Red rose
    6. So he can steal the keys from Terrowic
    7. Carthya: blue and gold; Avenia: black and red; Mendenwal: yellow and white
    8. Mathis
    9. Dawn and other women from Carthya
    10. The army’s one hundred weakest men, poorly armed, but on horseback

  • Reply
    September 17, 2020, 9:03 am

    1. Rulon Harlowe
    2. King Humpfry: he had been humiliated by Jaron in a duel four years before. He didn’t believe
    Jaron had changed since then.
    3. It was born from a joke about Jaron sneaking to the Avenian beach for a day, but Tobias took it seriously.
    4. 40 and 18
    5. Red rose….even after two years, I still don’t get it
    6. To steal Terrowic’s keys
    7. Carthya-blue and gold, Avenia-black and red, Mendenwal-yellow and white?
    8. Mathis
    9. The women guarding the river.
    10. 100 of their weakest soldiers on horseback and poorly armed

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