What Are You Waiting For? Jennifer Nielsen February 17, 2014

What Are You Waiting For?


It’s only days away to the release of THE SHADOW THRONE, and until then, every day I’m going to post a different quote from the book, just to get you excited (Because I am SO, SO excited!)

So if you loved THE FALSE PRINCE, but haven’t yet tried out Book 2, THE RUNAWAY KING, what are you waiting for? It’s just released in paperback, so if you’re buying, then the price is right. If it’s not in your library, ask them to get a copy. And if your friend just leaves it laying around the house, unguarded, then that’s their fault if you decide to go all Sage on them and “borrow it” for a while.

Actually, stealing is wrong. Borrowing…well, that’s in a gray zone.

Anyway, my point is there’s lots of ways to get a copy. If you get it now, you can have it read by the time THE SHADOW THRONE releases, and trust me, you’ll want to have that third book ready for when you finish THE RUNAWAY KING. Those who finished it months ago will already understand why.

Read more about it here, or follow the links to a place where you can pick up a book for yourself!

Here are a few of my favorite quotes from THE RUNAWAY KING:

* * *

He put a finger to his face while he studied me. “You’re such a young king. I barely remember being your age.”

“Then clearly we’re talking about how old you are, not how young I am.”

* * *

Fixed on his eyes, I said, “Do you laugh at me?”

He was quite for a moment and finally the tension drained from him. “No, Jaron,” he said darkly. “I curse you with every breath I exhale. But I do not laugh.”

* * *

Then Lord Termouthe said, “Jaron, will you support this plan?”

I tapped my fingers on the armrest. “No.”

“Which part do you object to?” Gregor asked.

“The part where you began speaking.”

* * *

Despite the pain it caused, I leaned forward and in a soft whisper said, “There was something you failed to understand about me.” He tilted his head and in my strongest voice I added, “I never run!”

* * *

How about you? Any favorite quotes from Book 2 that you want to share?

  • Reply
    February 17, 2014, 5:31 pm

    I don’t have the book right here with me, but I love the part when Imogen turns and throws the bucket of water at Jaron (Sage at the time) and says something like, “Stop looking at me” and then she calls him a name I think. (Like I said, I don’t have the book right in front of me so not all of it is correct. But that’s the part I like)
    But I basically like all the parts where Sage/Jaron goes all “smart” on other people, especially when it’s the leader or someone of big importance. 🙂

    • Reply
      February 17, 2014, 5:46 pm

      Aw, this part:
      “This is why people don’t like you,” Fink said. “You’re lucky I’m more patient.”
      There she was, crossing away from the prison. She paused as if she could feel me watching her, then stopped and turned around. She marched to the bars and held the water bucket by the handle and base, then without warning splashed it all in my face.
      “Stop staring at me, filthy thief,” she said.
      I fell backward off the stool, with the top half of my body soaked. Both Fink and the vigil launched into fits of laughter.

      Thanks, Anna!

  • Reply
    February 17, 2014, 5:54 pm

    Heck, yeah, everyone’s excited for the release! I have been waiting for months since I finished The Runaway King. Like, why do the people in the writing industry make us wait so long for things? ;_;
    Ba-ha-ha! I liked those quotes too. Another favorite quote from that book was when Sage woke up and said, “You have a rat behind you.” to Erick, and ends up he was talking about Fink.
    Two libraries near me have already pre-ordered The Shadow Throne. Once it comes out, I’m running there at the speed of sound.

    • Reply
      February 17, 2014, 5:58 pm

      That’s a great quote, Ally! And awesome news that you’ll be able to get The Shadow Throne so quickly!

    • Reply
      February 22, 2014, 2:08 am

      you have a rat behind you my pet is in her cage i wasnt talking about your pet

      sage i love him…ಠoಠ oh u herd that ummmmm ﴾͡๏̯͡๏﴿ oh gtg!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Reply
    February 17, 2014, 10:37 pm

    Thanks for that edit. Like I said, I don’t have the book, but that’s my favorite part. 🙂

  • Reply
    February 18, 2014, 10:34 am

    Maybe not a quote (although there are many because Jaron is so flippant), so much as I love the progression that Sage/Jaron makes through the two books. In The False Prince, Sage talks about staying in Latamer’s orphanage, looking out the headmaster and sharing out all the food. Latamer chastises Sage and says they didn’t have enough to eat for the next week. Sage then thinks “I never thought of that.”
    Then, in The Runaway King, we see Jaron who has grown and matured (some). When Erick forces him to raid/steal, Jaron purposefuly chooses Harlon’s home because he knows Harlon can withstand being stolen from while others in the community might not be able to.
    Just like how he is growing up and understanding better what a good leader does. Can’t wait for the next book.

    • Reply
      February 18, 2014, 2:51 pm

      That’s such a great contrast to notice, Nancy. Thank you. And yeah, Tobias not Latamer, but still a great point!

  • Reply
    February 18, 2014, 10:44 am

    Sorry! It was Tobias that Sage has that interaction with in The False Prince, not Latamer.

  • Reply
    February 18, 2014, 12:23 pm

    When I got the Runaway King, my friends were going CRAZY about my favorite quote (the first sentence)
    I arrived early for my own assassination.

    I mean, come on! How much more of a great beginning does anyone want? This is definitely my favorite quote from the book. 🙂

  • Reply
    February 18, 2014, 3:45 pm

    “If you can’t give anyone pain, then you can’t give them joy either.”
    – Roden

    “My father said a person can be educated and still be stupid, and a wise man can have no education at all.”
    – Sage

    “Just because it’s calmer than a hailstorm doesn’t mean it’s calm”
    – Sage

    “Everyone gets scared at times. It’s only the fools who won’t admit it.”
    – Sage

    these are some of my favorite quotes and I think I got them right

  • Reply
    February 18, 2014, 11:52 pm

    I’m so ready for the release! I’m so glad it’ll be out soon. The only problem is that the closer you get to the release date, the longer the days seem (or maybe that’s just me being impatient)

    Ah, quotes! So many to choose from, but I’ll have to go with this one:
    “Lady Orlaine” I said “Can I assume we’re all here to discuss the mating rituals of the spotted owl?”

    • Reply
      February 19, 2014, 12:09 am

      Hee-hee, I love that one! It’s one of those lines where I wish I could see her reaction in person.

      • Reply
        February 19, 2014, 1:00 am

        Haha, me too! It would be pure gold.

  • Reply
    February 19, 2014, 12:48 am

    Hmm… Well I of course love every quote in the entire book! But I have to say this is my favorite:
    ” ‘Look at that.’ Fink pointed down the tables to Imogine, whose eyes narrowed as she stared at Serena. ‘I don’t think she hates you after all. I think she’s mad that the other girl gave you extra. She’s jealous.'”

  • Reply
    February 21, 2014, 12:34 am

    What inspired you to make this book.

    I was also wondering where would be a good place to publish my book when I’m done.
    Pls, reply!

    • Reply
      February 21, 2014, 4:46 am

      Brandon, this is just the story that was inside me, much as the story you are working on was one inside you. To find the right publisher for the story you are working on, go to a bookstore and try to find a book similar to yours (about the same length, in a similar genre) Then open the book and see who published it. Good luck!

      • Reply
        February 21, 2014, 3:46 pm


        You should make a guide book for this series!

  • Reply
    February 21, 2014, 7:42 pm

    This is my favorite that was up here:
    Then Lord Termouthe said, “Jaron, will you support this plan?”
    I tapped my fingers on the armrest. “No.”
    “Which part do you object to?” Gregor asked.
    “The part where you began speaking.”
    I remember last year in 4th grade, my teacher had just got 2 copies of The Runaway King. She was pulling popsicle sticks with our name on it to choose who would get it. I really didn’t think I would get it. She pulled the name out- and read my name! I would NOT STOP READING (Except when a classmate asked if the competition me and another classmate had been doing ended at 3,because he had been doing the same one. It did end at 3.). I honestly picked it up and did not put it down. It’s one of those books that no matter how bad a mood I’m in and how much I don’t want to read, I know I can pick it up and get out of my bad mood.

    4 days, 0 hours, 48 minutes, 6 seconds!

    • Reply
      February 22, 2014, 12:35 am

      Congrats on winning that, and yes, it’s almost here!

  • Reply
    February 23, 2014, 8:30 pm

    I have been gone WAY to long (crying emoji)

  • Reply
    February 24, 2014, 12:32 am

    I love the idea of posting a quote from the 3rd book each day until the release! I’m SO FREAKING EXCITED to get the final book and have heard it’s WONDERFUL from those who had ARCs. I think my favorite part of The Runaway King is the whole thing… but if I absolutely had to choose… My favorite quote, anyway, is from Imogen: “Faith cannot save a person from reality.”
    I’m honestly trying SO HARD to think of favorite part but I love the entire book so much.
    I think my favorite part had to be the couple chapters when Jaron saved Nila and fought off the thieves, then brought her to Harlowe’s house. That entire section of the book where Harlowe was being so kind and it was– I don’t know how to describe it. I just loved that part. Jennifer, your books truly are amazing and perfect and they make me feel so much! I laugh out loud at Jaron and his friends’s jokes and gasp at intense scenes. I literally was biting my lip as I read the preview for the third book. I absolutely LOVE the characters. I’m so sad that the series is ending= 🙁
    …but very excited to meet Nic (did I spell his name right?) in the Praetor War series soon= 🙂

  • Reply
    February 24, 2014, 10:03 pm

    Well these are my fave quotes:

    “You wouldn’t want to be king of my country,” I said.
    “Why is that?”
    “Well, you’re rather fat. I doubt you’d fit onto my throne.”

    LOL 🙂


    “Is it true?” Devlin asked me. “You’re Prince Jaron?”
    “KING Jaron, actually. News must travel slower amongst the illiterate.” I glared at Gregor with every inch of disdain I felt. “Shouldn’t you be groveling to me or bowing or something?”
    Gregor smiled. “I think before I have the chance, you will already be dead.”
    “Ah. So much for all your toasts to my long life.”

    (classic sage/jaron!)


    And best of all…

    “You should thank me for tolerating you. I had hoped that becoming a royal would cure your foul manners.”
    “That’s interesting. My father hoped that stripping me of royalty would do the same thing.”


  • Reply
    March 14, 2014, 4:56 pm

    I love Sage’s witty comments, it’s too hard to pick a favorite quote… Does the first chapter through the end count?

  • Reply
    November 24, 2014, 5:15 pm

    Hi! I’ve read the false prince and LOVED IT! So much, that I’ve bought the Runaway King and now I’m almost finished with that too, just a couple more pages to turn! I haven’t seen the third book though in our bookstores down here in Guam but I’m Definitely going to look for it and if I have to, order it!!! I love your books, it’s so thrilling and gives the reader a lot of suspense(me)! I love how sage is very sarcastic all the time and always has something to say. My favorite sentence that he says is when he tells Gregory,” I never run”. That line right there sounds so challenging! It taunts the other to want to challenge him. Keep writing your books, I’m a book worm and your ideas are awesome!! Thank you so much!!!

    • Reply
      November 25, 2014, 6:08 am

      Thank you, Katrina! I hope you get the chance to find The Shadow Throne soon! I’ll definitely keep writing!

  • Reply
    March 3, 2015, 12:32 am

    I absolutely LOVE the ascendance trilogy! I read the entire series in less than a week! It is one of my top favorite series, to be exact, 2nd! Your books are great, and I hope to find many more great books written by you. I wish I were like Jaron. I wished the ascendance trilogy could just go on and on, never stopping. The books are so adventurous and exciting! I plan to read all the books you have written. I got many people at my school to read the series, and they all loved it. The parts I liked the most were when Jaron proved others wrong and had great comebacks.

    • Reply
      March 3, 2015, 6:06 am

      Thank you very much, Claris! It’s a huge compliment when you recommend my books to others.

  • Reply
    September 20, 2016, 7:23 pm

    If it’s possible to scream on the inside though, I was.

    And the sound of it was deafening.


    “Lady Orlaine, might I assume that we are all here to discuss the mating ritual of the spotted owl?”

    “Th-there was an assassination attempt tonight, Sire.”

    “Yes, I know. I was there.”


    “The answer is that you know what the king wants, and it has nothing to do with dinner.”

    “What does the king want, then?”

    “He wants you to hush and pay attention.”


    “I need you Roden, war is coming!”

    “Yes, I know, I’m bringing you that war.”

    “Then you can see my logic for coming here.”

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