Thanks to all who entered last week. The winners are:
Laura Thorny * Anja * Olivia Neale
If your name wasn’t there, no worries – there’s another chance this week! First, let me share a favorite quote of mine from WORDS ON FIRE!

To enter this week’s giveaway, will you leave a comment with a favorite quote from any of my books? If you haven’t read any…well, I hope you will…but until then, it’s totally fine to share a favorite quote from any other book!
If WORDS ON FIRE sounds like the kind of book you’d like to read, links are below to get your own copy. It’ll release on Oct 1st.
If not, consider reading THE TRAITOR’S GAME, or its sequels, THE DECEIVER’S HEART (available now) or THE WARRIOR’S CURSE (coming on March 3rd).

If not, try THE FALSE PRINCE, and if you have, maybe you’d like to read the sequels, THE RUNAWAY KING and THE SHADOW THRONE! Did you know, by the way, that THE FALSE PRINCE paperback is on Amazon for only $3.31!

THE KING’S ENGLISH (Signed copies)
Sage is full of great quotes, but my favorite will always be False Prince’s opening lines. “If I had to do it all over again, I would not have chosen this life. Then again, I’m not sure I ever had a choice.”
“I won’t start the battle, but if it comes, I will finish it.”
– False Prince Trilogy
My absolute favorite book of yours is The Runaway King. I love the ascendance trilogy. I have all three audiobooks and I absolutely adore them!
One of my favorite quotes would probably have to be
“This is why people don’t like you”
in the Runaway King
But literally, these books are all so amazing, that it was really hard for me to decide.
From The Scourge, and I hope I am remembering this correctly, It’s easy to hate what you don’t understand. I didn’t put it in quotation marks because I am not sure I have it exactly correct.
my fav. quote is “May we never forget. May we live with honor at all times, regardless of our circumstances. And may we choose love, a weapon that will defeat hate every single time. Love is the resistance.”
My favorite quote off the top of my head from your books is, “Nobody should have to bow to a false prince.” -The False Prince I love the quote because it is an honest side of Sage finally realizing that even he can’t lie without guilt.
“He was originally from one of the far western countries. Undoubtedly a country where killing a meat thief was allowed.”-The False Prince
“He’s coming. As I said before, we had trouble getting here.”
“Naturally, you did. I’m told there were several Prince Jarons who had trouble getting here.”
“I follow my orders without question, as a good soldier would. You ask the same from your soldiers.’
‘No, I ask them to be good people. That way if they follow my orders, I will know I am doing the right thing.”
-Jaron to Mavis in The Shadow Throne-
He’s no king,” I said. “Rulers aren’t made just because they sit on the throne. A true king serves his people, protects them, and sees to their happiness if he can.
How is it that you can see your enemies so clearly and never your friends?
I love both these, can’t really tell you why, I just really love them
“All right,” I said. “We’ll agree to trust each other.”
“You were wrong, Commander, whatever chains you try to place on me, I will always rise from them. I’m not buying my freedom, because you never owned it. But I am taking it back for me and for my country.”
-Jaron The Shadow Throne
This was a really hard one for me to decide, all of your books are so great Jennifer and they all have amazing quotes!
I love everything Sage says, his comments are always so clever and snarky! But here’s an exchange with the Mendenwal commander that made me chuckle:
“I could send my nursemaids out here to fight those men.”
“I’m sorry you have such little value for your nursemaids. We invite them to become Carthyan citizens.”
I hope no one forgets that literally every line Sage delivers is brilliant. You’re a brilliant author!
Can’t wait for future books!
I really liked the sarcasm in The False Prince and the others. XD So here’s a fun quote I liked: “My father had warned me about my quick tongue countless times. Perhaps he should have warned me more often.
Ohh, this is hard… can I just say the entire Ascendance Trilogy? 🙂
Well, one of my favorite quotes (but there are definitely a lot more) is this: “He doesn’t own me.” – Sage/Jaron, from The False Prince.
Another of my favorites comes from The Shadow Throne. I don’t have a book available so I can quote it directly, but there is a scene in the final battle at Farthenwood where Jaron places a garlin on a windowsill and tells Kippenger that no matter what he does to Jaron, Jaron will always rise again, and that Jaron is not buying back his freedom because Kippenger never owned it. <3
“Everyone gets scared at times. It’s just the fools who won’t admit it.”
-The Runaway King
My favorite quote is from The Shadow Throne at the end when Jaron is about to be hanged: “Vargan leaned over to me and said, ‘Who did you think you were, to stand up to someone like me?’
“I remained facing forward while I said, ‘I am Jaron, the Ascendant King of Carthya. You will regret ever bringing war against me.'”
It’s so good!;D
Despite our grim situation, I found myself smiling too, reminded that there were good and bad people everywhere. The more I embrace those who were good, the more I hoped to dispel the evil from my life. – Resistance
Honestly, my favorite quote is the first few sentences of False Prince. It goes, “If I had to do it all over again, I would not have chosen this life. Then again, I’m not sure I ever had a choice.”
Thanks for writing such amazing books!
I am sorry to say that I haven’t read your books, but I do own False Prince, Runaway King, and The Traitor’s Game. I hope to pull them out yet this year. Favorite quote from Echo North by Meyer: “I held him like the world had spun away beneath me, and I was left to dance with the stars, not mortal any longer but a creature made of moonlight and magic.” p. 208
This is likely a very odd choice, but I like it because to me it shows the relationship and the love that the person speaking/thinking has for the other. From this quote alone you can get a good idea of what the relationship was like even without necessarily knowing who spoke it(if you were to just read this quote with reading the book). That’s why it’s my personal favourite-
“She’s dead. And with those words my world collapsed.”
I’ve read all of the books in the Ascendance Trilogy, and my favorite quote comes from my favorite book in this series (and all-time favorite fictional book EVER!), THE SHADOW THRONE. It goes: “I am commanded by the king of Avenia to give you one last order and so I shall. Hear me now and always. Be loyal to the thing you know is right. Never bend to weakness, never yield to a false crown. Right will always triumph in the end, and you will want to be on that side when it does.” – King Jaron
“Valuable lessons were code words for pain that no one apologized for.”
The false prince. Legend
I also like that one! Sage’s sarcastic truth makes me smile the first and hundredth time.
I have so many favorite quotes, but I had to choose one, so I just chose one. “Master Graves was incensed and said, as punishment for my disruption, I would have to write my letters an extra ten times that day.
“Ten times the better I’ll know them, then.” I said. “How strange that you should punish me by ensuring I come out more educated than Roden, who has tried to obey you.” Cracks me up every time, but it’s so true! Typical Sage for you there.
The pirates wanted my life, Vargen wanted my country, and my regents wanted to paint rainbows over reality and claim all was well. -the runaway king
From Resistance “We’ll all die one day—no one escapes that fate. Our only decision is how we live before that day comes.”
“You were wrong, Commander. Whatever chains you try to place on me, I will always, ALWAYS, rise from them. I’m not buying my freedom, because you never owned it. But I am taking it back, for me, and for my country.” – Jaron
“Nobody gives you respect in this life. You must take it, you must earn it, and then you must hold it sacred, because no matter how hard respect is to attain, it can be lost in an instant.” – The Shadow Throne
“Once in a conversation with Mrs. Turbeldy, I compared myself to a caterpillar that went wherever I wanted with barely any notice. She compared me to a cockroach instead, who ran about freely in the darkness and scattered in the light. It was meant as an insult, but I thought it was a fair comparison, even a compliment judging by how hard they are to catch.”
– The False Prince
From False Prince: “A person can be educated and still be stupid, and a wise man can have no education at all.”
“The war wasn’t over, and the fight inside me was as strong as ever.” -Resistance
but I have to say I love all of the ones above. Especially from The False Prince.
“Beg mercy. Then when my opponent lowers his guard, certain of his victory, I’d finish the battle.c “A violation of all sportsmanship in swordplay.” “What do I care about sportsmanship? If I’m about to get killed it’s not play anymore. I won’t check the rules to see if my survival fits with someone’s codebook of fair play.” “You’d never win that way, any master swordsman won’t lower his guard until your disarmed.” “Conner didn’t say he was a master swordsman, just that he was better than me.” False Prince pg.27.
Or you know Sages whole character.
I knew immediately which quote to choose! This quote is said by Mott in The Shadow Throne and has meant so much to me ever since I read it.
“But the storm has never been worse, and it will either destroy you, or define you. When everything is taken from you, can you stand before us as Jaron, the ascendant king of Carthya?”
My favourite quote from THE FALSE PRINCE (Prince Jaron or Sage) was “A person can be educated and still be stupid, and a wise man can have no education at all.” … It shows not only how Jaron is clever but it also teaches a lesson of perspective.
Sage is definitely my favorite characters out of all of your books, however, I have to say my favorite quote actually comes from Mott in the book the Shadow Throne:
“If you hurt deeply, then it means you love deeply too. Love is a powerful thing, Jaron. In the end, love will help you win this war”
It shows the wonderful bond the two share and also shows that although both are very tough they can both be vulnerable as well.
Love all your books but the quote that touched me most was this
“ we proved that there was value in faith. There was value in loyalty.”
Thank you for writing all this amazing books
I loved this exchange between Nic and Aurelia in Mark of the Thief:
I stand with you, Nic, as an equal!” she said. “This is what friends do!”
“Not here!” I yelled.
“You asked me to stand with you!”
“Can we fight about this later?” she asked.
My favorite is from The Shadow Throne: “Nobody gives you respect in this life. You must take it, you must earn it, and then you must hold it sacred, because no matter how hard respect is to attain, it can be lost in an instant.”
“Have you come here to kill me?” I asked. “Because I’ll scream when you do and it’ll wake up the princess and probably a whole lot of other people and you’ll get into trouble.”
“You’ll be dead.”
“Yes, but you’ll be in trouble.”
_ The False Prince XD this one cracks me up every time.
“Be my friend instead.” – False Prince
“I wish it need not have happened in my time,” said Frodo. “So do I,” said Gandalf, “and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.” Lord of the Rings
Hands down one of my all-time favorites too.
I just remembered one scene that made me laugh out loud! It’s when Jaron and Fink are climbing down the cliff, and Jaron tells Fink he has to be careful with every step down. Fink is frantic and he says, “Like jumping off a cliff? Because that’s a really, really big step down!” or something haha. That was an awesome moment.
I know it’s probably too late for the giveaway, but I wanted to share my favorite quote anyway from the Shadow Throne.
When Jaron, Roden and Tobias are deciding who will be hung on the cross, Jaron says to Vargan, “This is my offer. I’ll let you hang me twice. I won’t even put up a fuss the second time.”
I’d also like to say that the Ascendance Trilogy is tied for my favorite book series. I’ve read the whole series multiple times. Thank you for the amazing adventure.
Thank you, Kiki!
Ooooh! When I read this quote from The Shadow Throne I immediately wrote it down just because I liked the fact that Jaron could identify that the women were fighting just as hard as the men in he war,
“The men may have fought for this city, but it will be the women who save it”
I have many others just because of how brilliant most of the characters in your books are but that was one of the only ones I wrote down.
I know this is over, but I really want to share my favorite quote! It’s from The Shadow Throne, page 43:
“Nobody gives you respect in this life. You must take it, you must earn it, and then you must hold it sacred, because no matter how hard respect is to attain, it can be lost in an instant…go get it, Roden. People won’t follow a leader who doesn’t know where he’s going. Show them that you do.”
this quote is from The Traitor’s Game
“Fight me for it, or go save Simon. What will you choose?