Congratulations to this week’s winners: Eloria Pelton and Jamie Bellew!
I hope that everyone has a happy holiday season, in any way you celebrate, or for whomever celebrate it.
If you somehow missed this week’s big announcement, yes, there will be a fourth book of the Ascendance Trilogy Series. It will be released on October 6, 2020. The Kindle version can be pre-ordered now, but the book itself isn’t yet available.

To answer a few questions:
Yes, it is a sequel.
Yes, a fifth book is planned.
No, there is no additional movie news.
Yes, I hope you’ll love it!
If you want something to read before then, THE WARRIOR’S CURSE, the third and final book of the TRAITOR’S GAME series will be released on March 3. Please start the series, continue the series, or finish it!

A fifth book as well?!?!? The news just keeps getting better!!!!!!!!! I am SO excited!!!!
You don’t happen to know if the new Ascendance books are going to be narrated by the same person, do you? He did such a great job with the first three!
I’ll ask him, and I hope he’ll say yes. You’re correct, he did a fantastic job.
Merry Christmas to you Ms. Jen
Thanks, Traci Ann – you too!
I can’t wait for the Ascendance Series! I’m super excited for the 4th book to be released. I also can’t wait for the Warriors Curse to be released either. Your books are so amazing😁😁😁
Thank you, Kaela.
Excited to finish the traitors game series. Are you planning to write a sixth book for the false prince series as well? Or are you stopping at five?
That is an open question for now. We’ll probably wait to see how fans respond to these next two books. Fingers crossed though!
Yay, I’m sooo excited!! And a fifth book???? Holy cow!
Me and my pen pal both love your books, and can’t stop rereading resistance in particular. I have always loved historical fiction, but ones about the holocaust are the ones that always resonate the deepest with me. I can’t seem to find any books quite like yours. I’m not sure what it is about the way you write, but it’s so suspenseful! I need to get better at doing that in my own stories. I heard about a woman named Irena Sendler. She was just as brave as Chaya or Esther, and lived to tell the tale. If anyone has time to read about her life, it’s really interesting. She saved so many children against such great odds, and when captured gave no information. Do you think you would write more stories within European history about things that happened not all that long ago?
Hi Amelia – Yes, I’m working on another WW2 historical now. And thanks for these kind words.
Hi, Jennifer some years ago I read, “The Scourge” and, I’ve re -read it now so I had some questions to ask you(I hope that’s ok) is there any artwork for the scourge?, I’m talking about Ani and Weevil I’ve always wondered what they looked like. Thanks for your time, and have an happy holiday!
There’s no artwork that I’m aware of, so sorry Tyler – but thank you for reading it!
Oh my gosh! I’ve been waiting for this news forever! I can’t believe it is actually happening! Thank you so much for continuing the series because I love them soooo much!!! I love how they were written and they are some of my top favorite books to read( there aren’t many) so I can’t wait until October to find out what happens next!
So, so, so much trouble Hailey – that’s what will happen next!
Jennifer i am you biggest fan and i am so exited for the knew book it is like i cnt breath cause of it the false prince is the first one of your books ive ever read and it just absorbed me in it now compared to you all other books are boring i talk so much about your book my class nows me as you biggest fan
Thanks so much, Lydia!
What? How did I not hear about this??? I love the ascendance series and I’ve reread it like 5 times- I’m SO EXCITED for the sequel! Thank you!!
Thanks, Sophia!
I’m so excited!!! I love the whole series and I can’t wait for October!!! Do you have any idea when book 5 would be released?
Thanks Cristina! Probably fall 2021 – I’m working on it right now!