I know, you’re probably stuck at home, maybe a little bored, maybe looking for something to do. There’s a few things I’d love to tell you about.
- BOOK BINGO! Young people, play on your own, or tell your teacher about it and get your whole class involved. There are three Bingo cards to choose from. Pick your favorite. As soon as you complete five fun activities in a row on any card, send it to me and you will be automatically entered to win a free author Skype visit for your class from one of fifteen participating authors.

- TEEN AUTHOR BOOK CAMP WEBINAR: On Tuesday, April 7, at 2 pm EST/11 am PST, I will be conducting an online class for young writers. The topic is “WRITER’S ADHD: WHAT TO DO WITH A DOZEN BEGINNINGS AND NO ENDINGS.” It is free to participate, but you must pre-register, which you can do HERE.


- GOODREADS GIVEAWAY. Speaking of THE FALSE PRINCE, there is also a Goodreads giveaway for digital copies of this first book. Why not enter HERE?

- I’M STILL WRITING! To prove it, let’s play a match game.
Which sentence do you think:
A) Comes from Ascendance Book 4, THE CAPTIVE KINGDOM;
B) Comes from next spring’s historical novel, RESCUE;
C) Comes from a new Super Secret Project that no one knows I’m writing – well, nobody except for you!
D) Comes from a rough draft of book 5 of the Ascendance series; and
E) Is someone else’s writing – from a book I’m reading right now that will be released this fall.
Match those with:
- “Something’s been horrificating the Avians. Rabid beasts have been reported in the Duchess’ woods.”
- “I’ll pull you off that raft myself,” Mr. Gimmitz said, marching forward. “You better take a good breath now or you’ll drown before I drag you out of that water.”
- I knew we had to do everything possible to keep him safe, or even to keep him alive. But at what price to my family?
- With that thought, my body forgot how to breathe, or stopped caring to.
- I had never before considered myself defeated, not personally, not in battle. Until now.
Leave any guesses below. I’ll tell you how many out of five that you got correct!
Here are my guesses for the mathing game:
1. Super Secret Project (C)
2. Someone else’s writing (E)
3. Rescue (B)
4. Rough draft of Ascendance book 5 (D)
5. The Captive Kingdom (A)
*Extremely excited about both books 4 and 5 of the Ascendance series by the way! I know someone asked this already, but is there going to be an audiobook CD version read by Charlie McWade for either of the new additions? Cannot wait to read/listen to them!*
Hi Abby – one of your guesses is correct.
We’re asking Charlie to do the new audiobooks – fingers crossed that he says yes!
I am going to say A4, B2, C3, D5, E1. I could totally imagine Jaron saying number 5 which scares me a little bit.
Congrats – you got three correct!
Going to take a stab at it and guess 1C 2E 3B 4A 5D
Good job – you got three of them correct!
I’m gonna guess A5, B2, C3, D4, E1!
Sorry Sea, you might want to try again. 😉 None of those are matches.
1-E, 2-A 3-B, 4-D, 5-C ?
You have two correct!
I’m going to guess
A. 5
B. 3
C. 4
D. 2
E. 1
You have two correct!
I’m gonna say A3, B2,C1, D4, E5
You might want to try again, Emma – so far, none of these are correct!
Thank you for keeping us updated on your projects!
Here’s my guess:
I hope you are well!
Perfect guesses – nice job!
And I am so so so excited that the Ascendance series is being extended!! It has been my favorite book/series for a long time and I cannot wait for the story to continue!
Thanks, Courtney. You have three of five correct!
Okay here I go again!
Perfect guesses this time – congratulations!
My guess is:
Perfect guesses – congratulations!
I’m going to say:
I had a hard time deciding whether to put #5 for the Captive Kingdom or for book 5, but I’m almost 100% sure that is something Jaron would say
You’ve got one of them correct – good try!
I’m guessing
1. E
2. C
3. B
4. D
5. A
You have three of them correct – good job!
I’d say 1C, 2E, 3B, 4D, and 5A. And I am terrified that I might have gotten 5A right.
Hmm, well Brooke, you got one of them right. Want to try again?
I am going to guess….
Hope all is well! Can’t wait to read the other books!
Hi Savannah – you got three of them right. Good job!
The webinar was great, Jennifer! Thanks for all your great advice/tips; they really helped me with what I’m currently writing! 🙂
I’m so glad, Cali – thanks for participating!
Hello im jsut womdering is there going to be a False Prince Movie? Im so confused i checked online and it told me that they were going to make a movie. When I checked your website they told me that their not making a movie 🙁 Im just a little confused.
At this time, there are no movie plans. That could always change – and I hope it will one day – but for now, there is no forthcoming movie.
A. 5.
B. 2.
C. 1.
D. 5.
E. 3.
Well Mary – one of those is correct!