I have a quick Wonderful Wednesday report, that I couldn’t show you yesterday because well…I didn’t have it Wednesday. But I do now! This is one of the giveaways for anyone who orders any of my books through The King’s English – this original 5×7 art print. It was done by a fabulous artist named Ireland Rawlinson. (I did order more than what I think I’ll need, so if there are extras, I will also send them to anyone who has emailed me to say they ordered THE CAPTIVE KINGDOM elsewhere.) But check this out!

Now for our Throwin’ It Out There Thursday. You’ll likely answer some names more than once. For any of the characters in the books, tell me if they were in your school today, who would you:
A. Want as your best friend?
B. Want to date?
C. Vote for as Class President?
D. Root for on the football team?
E. Expect to be the most popular?
F. Worry about hanging with the wrong crowd?
G. Think will get the lead part in the musical?
H. First suspect if the principal’s car ends up on the school roof?
I. Guess ends up in the principal’s office for being in a fight at lunch?

Want as your best friend? Jaron because it would be so much fun!
B. Want to date? No one
C. Vote for as Class President? Imogen or Tobias
D. Root for on the football team? Roden
E. Expect to be the most popular? Darius
F. Worry about hanging with the wrong crowd? Roden
G. Think will get the lead part in the musical? Fink because of his extroverted personality
H. First suspect if the principal’s car ends up on the school roof? Jaron…duh
I. Guess ends up in the principal’s office for being in a fight at lunch? Jaron, Roden, and Tobias. The three musketeers
Yes, Jaron, Roden, and Tobias are definitely the three musketeers.
ooo does roden fall in love with jane strick?? (¬‿¬)
A. Jaron and Imogen
B. Jaron
C. Tobias
D. Roden
E. Roden or Jaron
F. Fink
G. Amarinda
H. Jaron
I. Roden and Jaron
B~Umm…no one? I’d like people as friends, BUT only friends
G~Amarinda or Imogen
H~Jaron or Fink
A. Imogen or Amarinda
B. Jaron ☺️
C. Jaron
D. Jaron
E. Jaron, Tobias, Roden
F. I’m not sure about this one
G. I’m not sure about this one
H. Definitely Jaron😂
I. Definitely Jaron
Hi Mrs. Nielsen. I have a few questions. So, I’m starting to take interest in becoming a writer, but need more inspiration. How did you get your inspiration to write all the amazing books you wrote? Also, what should I watch out for when writing stories? Thank you!
Awesome that you want to become a writer! To me, inspiration for ideas is everywhere. The trick is that when something grabs your attention – for any reason – you need to begin asking questions about it. Why did that stand out to you, what makes it different, where is the story with this thing or person or idea you noticed? In terms of what to watch out for, don’t worry about that until you are editing. For now, just get words down on paper – then make them better in the rewrite!
Love the art. Who is the girl with the red hair? Is it Jane Strick?
Now my answers (This sounds like it will be tons of fun.)
A. Amarinda We would be like the best of friends and get along super well.
B. Jaron to the end. We would probably get into some mischief together…
C. Tobias He would be really good at it. But if it was Jaron that would be a lot of fun…
D. Erick if he were younger (Or hehehe the Avenian Pirates-yeah I just had to. I have no idea why, though.)
E. Rodon for the guys Amarinda for the girls. But unlike in movies the two of them wouldn’t get along.
F. Fink!! *Not really, I just didn’t know who else to say* Besides Jaron, that is. (And Cregan… *evil laugh* Yeah, never bring him up.)
G. Who’s the most dramatic in the books? Maybe Fink. Not really sure.
H. JARON! Though then we’d all have to ask how did the car get up there in the first place.
I. Jaron and Rodon. They probably teamed up together to take someone out…or this would be before they became friends.
I didn’t put Imogen anywhere, so I’m gonna stick her in my own category (because she really did deserve a spot in my list). Imogen would be one of those people who was friends with everybody, not really popular but very likable (Does that even make sense?) with a strong, independent mind.
LOVED this Throwin’ it out there Thursday. Though, then again, I’ve loved all these posts. *Sorry for all my endless rambling*
A. Mott (definitely) and also all the main characters plus Mavis Tock
B. Roden or Mavis Tock (I would say Jaron but he’s already taken)
C. Jaron (he’s made a great king) or Amarinda
D. Roden
E. Amarinda
F. Tobias and/or Fink
G. Imogen and/or Amarinda
H. Jaron, of course, but he would have good intentions and I’m sure that he talked Roden and Tobias into helping him. Fink probably gladly helped.
I. Jaron and Roden
This was a super fun “Throwin’ it Out There Thursday.” I loved it.
A. Jaron
B. Jaron
C. Jaron
D. Roden
E. Jaron
F. Fink (I don’t think he would, but I think I’d worry about him anyway)
G. Amarinda
H. Jaron
I. Jaron
In case you couldn’t tell, I think I’d hang out with Jaron a lot if he went to my school!
Oooooh this is fun. I’m including other books from Mrs. Nielsen too, cause…yes.
A. I’d love to have Kestra as a best friend. Hopefully, I could make sure she doesn’t get into stupid situations, and she’d teach me some more of her good remarks and spitfire.
B. JARON JARON JARON. I’ve discussed that I need a Jaron and my best friend needs a Simon. Just, ah.
D. JARON JARON JARON. Again, ah. I think he’d try to be the best, but he’d fail and it’d be adorable.
In conclusion, I love Jaron deeply aha. I think I’d love to see any of Mrs. Neilsen’s characters in my life and see them do great things. We’d change the world.
Love your answers. Kestra would be an awesome best friend. And JARON to the end!!!
You know if he somehow suddenly invaded the chats, I wonder what he’d say to all of us…
Beautiful artwork!
1. Nic and Jaron
2. Jaron for sure!!
3. Probably Simon or Gerta
4. Roden! Roden!
5. Kestra
6. Fink
7. I kinda wanna say Ani or Weevil, but of course Ani probably would get a singing role lol
8. I think you put this question just for Jaron 😂
9. Roden or Tobias
Ani probably wouldN’T not would get a singing role I meant 🤣
A Imogen
B. Sage xD
C Mott
D Roden
E Amarinda, maybe Serena
F Fink, Roden
G Serena
H Sage
I Sage
Ooh this is a good one! Here are my answers:
A. Amarinda (I would say Jaron but I wouldn’t want to date him and have him be my best friend)
B. Jaron
C. Imogen
D. Roden
E. Roden, Jaron
F. Tobias (if the wrong crowd is nerds haha)
G. Imogen (I feel like she would be a good actor)
H. Definitely Jaron (roden might have helped him though)
I. Fink, I can just picture him grinning with a black eye
Wait so, if we order Captive Kingdom through Kings English, then you will send us a signed copy right? We don’t need to do anything else? Just anyone who ordered it from there gets a signed copy?
Yes BUT in notes before you checkout, in notes you need to put down the name that you want it signed to, or state if you want a signature only,
What if I already ordered it and didn’t put that in the comments?
Reply to the confirmation email they sent you and specify who you want the book made out to.
What will you do if we don’t put anything in the notes?
They may go ahead and just ship it – but I hope not. If they keep it until the launch party, I will do a signature only. If you forgot to put something in the notes, just send them an email and they’ll correct it.
Wow that print is amazing!! Can’t wait to receive it, it’s awesome that you’re helping your bookstore! Now for today’s:
A. Amarinda
B. Jaron for sure!
C. Tobias
D. Roden
E. Amarinda
F. Fink
G. Amarinda
H. Jaron
I. For sure Jaron AND Roden!
I’m not sure if this is just for the Ascendance series or not…but I’m going to include some characters from the Traitor’s Game series because I love them too.
A: Definitely Kestra. She’s just amazing. And that’s all.
B: Making me choose between Simon and Jaron is EXTREMELY hard. However, I’m going to have to say Simon. I love them both, though. I just don’t know if I could put up with Jaron’s fire.
C: Ooooh this is hard. Probably Simon, though. He’s a great leader. But so are Jaron and Amarinda…
D: Roden for sure. I think his strength and competitive side would definitely make him a good athlete.
E: Maybe Imogen? Not like a stuck-up popular. I just think a lot of people would like her because of her kindness.
F: Tobias. Tobias. Tobias.
G: Oooo. I bet Imogen can sing. I don’t why, but I have this image of her sneaking away somehow singing at Farthenwood, because she couldn’t have spoken any time else.
H: Why, Jaron, of course.
I: Hmmmm maybe Tobias? I mean…he did hurt Sage when he got in his way, and I think he’d do it again if someone got in the way of his ambition somehow.
I’m rereading the whole Ascendance Series right now in preparation for The Captive Kingdom *insert happy dance* and it’s just as amazing. I can’t wait to hear from Jaron again!
This is fun
A. Want as your best friend? RODEN
B. Want to date? RODEN
C. Vote for as Class President? TOBIAS
D. Root for on the football team? RODEN
E. Expect to be the most popular? JARON
F. Worry about hanging with the wrong crowd? FINK
G. Think will get the lead part in the musical? AMARINDA
H. First suspect if the principal’s car ends up on the school roof? DEFINITELY JARON
I. Guess ends up in the principal’s office for being in a fight at lunch? RODEN
i love roden sm
A. None of the above? Just a huge group of friends.
B. Jaron. Obviously XD.
C. Tobias. Class Presidents don’t do much anyway.
D. Roden. He would be good at football.
E. Amarinda. Tobias seems really nerdy, Roden and Imogen seem quiet, and Jaron seems like he might annoy enough people to not be considered “popular” but still an awesome person.
F. Roden. He doesn’t have the best track record, pirates and all.
G. That’s a hard one. It depends on the play, but I think Imogen might. She could have a secret talent for acting!
H. Jaron. And he probably would have bragged about it and taken pictures while he did it, just to prove he did.
I. Also Jaron. The lovable trouble-maker just can’t stay out of the principal’s office.
A. Want as your best friend? Imogen. I love Imogen so much. In fact, she is almost exactly the same person as my best friend in real life. Minus the fact that Imogen is a bit more serious.
B. Want to date? Jaron. All the way, I would date Jaron. Me and my cousin used to joke all the time that we were going to fight Imogen for him. He is so funny and I would never be bored. Worried maybe, but never bored.
C. Vote for as Class President? Tobias. I think he would be a great representative of the class. Sage would make outrageous demands, and Roden wouldn’t know what to do. But, Tobias would advocate.
D. Root for on the football team? Errol. That kid needs to get out more. I would have to root for him though because…honestly, he needs all the help he can get. Besides, I would be the one who had made him join in the first place.
E. Expect to be the most popular? Amarinda. She is absolutely gorgeous. It wouldn’t take long for people to notice her and her popularity would shoot up.
F. Worry about hanging with the wrong crowd? Fink. I would be so afraid that Fink would get involved with some bad people. After all, he is very young and impressionable.
G. Think will get the lead part in the musical? Tobias 😂 I don’t know why, but Tobias strikes me as the type who would join a musical.
H. First suspect if the principal’s car ends up on the school roof? Sage and Roden all the way. Who else would pull a crazy trick like that but Sage? He couldn’t do it on his own though. That’s where Roden comes in.
I. Guess ends up in the principal’s office for being in a fight at lunch? Roden. He tends to fight back when he feels cheated. This would be a terrible recipe for fights in public school.
A. Want as your best friend? Imogen for sure. She’s such a nice person, but I mean she also went to the pirate’s lair, which means she’s pretty bold too. I hope we get to see more of that side of her in the next book!
B. Want to date? Jaron!
C. Vote for as Class President? Tobias, he just seems like the kind of person who would be great at it
D. Root for on the football team? Roden would totally be a football player!
E. Expect to be the most popular? Amarinda, but she definitely would not be a stereotypical “popular girl”
F. Worry about hanging with the wrong crowd? Tobias, I feel like especially since he would be bf/gf with Amarinda, he would want to stay away from jerks
G. Think will get the lead part in the musical? Imogen, because although I imagined her as soft spoken, I feel like she would always like to share her voice
H. First suspect if the principal’s car ends up on the school roof? JARON NO DOUBT
I. Guess ends up in the principal’s office for being in a fight at lunch? Roden, because Jaron wouldn’t get into fights unless he was defending his friends
My high school was a once a week co-op for home/part time schooled eighth-twelfth graders, parents payed real teachers (who were also often parents, but not always) and instead of a principal there were moms who acted as moderators. So waaay more scary, because they probably knew your mom. There’s this one old chemistry teacher whose still teaching, my little sister goes now, who I think would be King Humphrey and Jaron would be the kid who got in a fight in his class over a music stand and scratched the church’s wall as his mom came in as a moderator. Amarinda would be the coolest girl there who actually was allowed makeup. Imogene would be the girl who hung out with her friends an extra biology lab instead of study hall. We have a basketball team and Roden would be the best player who always covered for the weakest player Latimir. Tobias would actually be one of the more popular boys because we had a lot of nerds and country boys who always had a knife despite their being banned. Mott would be that dad whose waiting in the parking lot for the last of his six kids to stop talking and get in the van.
Oh, yeah and the couple everyone knew would end up together and he even proposed her senior formal Jaron and Imogene. ;{)
ohhhh man ill try my best….
a. i love all of them, id just love to be part of their friend group
b. jaron. i love him!!!!! i loved him ever since the first page of the first book
c. uhhh either tobias, imogen, or amarinda. they are the only ones in the group with common sense
d. roden. i feel like roden is 100% jock vibes
e. either jaron or amarinda.
f. like a lot of other people said, fink.
g. ummmm amarinda?? i think??? this is a hard one…
h. jaron and roden. jaron AND roden. both of them. together.
i. either roden, or jaron, or both. roden because he’s just like, aggressive, you know??? and jaron cant keep his mouth shut
I would want Imagen or Tobias to be my best friend
I would want to date Roden.
I would vote Tobas Class President.
Tobias and Amrinda would root for the football team. (Jaron would be on the football team)
Jaron would be very popular.
Jaron would hang with the wrong crowd.
JARON would get a lead part.
Jaron would put the Principal’s car on the roof.
Jaron or Roden would get in a fight and end up in the office, it might even be a fight between the two of them.
A. Jaron (and Imogen!)
B. Tobias is super sweet and intelligent, but I love Roden’s fire and determination. It’s a tough choice. But, Tobias and Amarinda are adorable together, so I think I’ll go with Roden.
C. Tobias
D. Roden
E. Amarinda
F. Fink (or Tobias)
G. Imogen; She’s super shy, but I feel like she’d be an amazing break-out star.
H. Jaron
I. Roden
A. Definitely Jaron. Sassy, energetic, fun, and outgoing are qualities I look for in a best friend.
B. Again, Jaron…
C. Jaron, I mean, he is THE Ascendant King.
D. I can definitely see Roden as a football player.
E. Undoubtedly Amarinda. Gorgeous and sweet yet bold.
F. Roden for…obvious reasons.
G. I bet Amarinda has an incredible voice. Plus, she’s stunning, so there’s that as well.
H. First suspect would be Jaron, but you wouldn’t be able to catch him for it, so you could never be completely sure…
I. Yeah, Jaron, although he may very well be fighting with Roden, so they’d both be in the same boat.
A. I would like both Imogen and Amarinda to be my best friends. Imogen is tough and Amarinda is ladylike they’d both stick up for their friends.
B. I would either date Jaron or Tobias or maybe Roden. I love all three of the orphan boys so it would be hard to choose which one.
C. I would vote for Mott to be Class President. Though Tobias is super smart, Mott would help the school out in a lot of ways.
D. I would root for Roden on the football team. Just because I know he will win the team.
E. I’ll probably pick Amarinda to be the most popular because she’s pretty and is a princess.
F. I’d worry about Fink hanging out with the wrong crowd. I don’t know why I picked him I just felt like he would fall in with the wrong crowd.
G. I’m not really sure who would get the lead part in the musical. Maybe Tobias or Amarinda, but I don’t know about the others.
H. Jaron for sure. He’s always getting into mischief and putting the principal’s car on the school roof sounds like something he would do, especially if he doesn’t like him.
I. Roden seems like the kind of person who’ll get sent to the principal’s office from a fight at lunch. He’s excellent at fighting and if he would definitely get back at someone for cheating on him or his friends.
Thank you so much Jennifer for writing the Ascendance Series. I love them and can’t wait to read the fourth book.
Ooh this looks fun haha
A. Imogen
B. Jaron hehe
C. Amarinda or Tobias
D. Fink
E. Jaron
F. Roden lmao
G. Roden can sing. Change my mind.
H. Jaron Jaron Jaron
I. Jaron Jaron Jaron Jaron Jaron
Who is who in this art?
Jaron is in the upper right, Mystery girl in the upper left. From L -> R below are Tobias, Amarinda, Fink, Roden, and Imogen.
A. Fink! He is so much like me (talkative and very annoying). Also definitely Jaron and Imogen. Actually, maybe the entire gang.
B. Jaron ☺️
C. Imogen. I can absolutely see her being the class president.
D. Probably Roden.
E. Jaron and Darius for the boys, Amarinda for the girls.
F. I don’t know, Tobias or Roden.
G. Fink or Imogen.
I. Jaron and Roden, and they would probably stick their tongues out at each other when the principal’s not looking 😂 Also Tobias for trying to break up the fight but getting into trouble in the process.
A. Imogen and Jaron for sure, but more than anyone, Fink! He is so much like me (talkative and annoying) and I NEED someone to listen and actually pay attention to what I’m saying. If he would do that, I would do the same for him.
B. Jaron or Fink ☺️ Jaron has the best personality and I think we’d make a great duo (but he and Imogen are so cute together!). He could also help me get back at my dad for all the past April Fool’s pranks. And Fink because… well, I already stated the reasons in my answer to the previous question.
C. Mott or Imogen. Mott because he seems like the type of guy who could boss people around without making them feel bad, and Imogen because she was born to be a leader.
D. Roden. He seems like he would enjoy football, and be good at it, too.
E. Amarinda for the girls, Darius and Jaron for the boys. I feel like Darius and Amarinda would stand out as role models, and Jaron would just be the guy that gets laughed at and laughs at himself too in the process.
F. Probably Roden. Mostly because he’s a bit shy.
G. I would say Fink would get the main male role and Amarinda or Imogen would get the main female role. Fink would be a great actor and make everyone laugh in his acting. Amarinda and Imogen would probably sing beautifully and get chosen for that quality.
H. If not Jaron, then I don’t know who else.
I. Jaron and Roden would be the ones in the fight, and Tobias would eventually join in. I feel like when they’re in the principal’s office, Jaron and Roden would be making faces at each other, and Tobias would be sitting there, wondering how he got himself into this situation 😂
Thank you so much, Mrs. Nielsen, for writing this series! I am OBSESSED with it, and I wish I could join Jaron in his amazing world full of mischief, love, and adventure. Please keep writing wonderful books like these!
Also, I’m writing a book of my own, and I would like some advice from Mrs. Nielsen.
1. Should I write the book from the beginning, or should I just write whatever comes to mind? I’ve been doing both at the same time, and I’m really confused.
2. What’s one piece of advice you have for me, about anything regarding writing?
3. Should you have someone read your story as you work to give you suggestions on the way, or should you wait until you are finished?
Hi Aanshi – These are great questions but there is no one right answer to any of them. The right way to do it is anything that keeps you working on your story. So write, even if it’s out of order. Have people read as you go if that helps you, or wait until you feel the story is the best it can be. Just write. And that would be my advice to you – just put words on paper and don’t worry about what’s “correct.” Just write.