I know, I’ve been missing from the blog. I thought it might be helpful to explain why, using a few numbers.
Here it is!
WORDS ON FIRE was named to the Texas Bluebonnet List for 2021-22. This list of 20 titles was narrowed down from 813 nominees, and is considered one of the most prestigious book lists in the country. The other titles on this list are so extraordinary, it’s a great honor for me to have a book included there.

RESCUE, my historical to be released in March, has been named a Junior Library Guild pick for their upcoming season. This list has a reputation for selecting very high quality books, so I couldn’t be more thrilled about this.

And…in my last post, I told you about the Author Extravaganza that I was participating in as one way of helping my local indie bookstore, The King’s English. I haven’t yet heard back on the number of books sold yesterday, but I can report that the proceeds from the auction, with donations from nearly 50 authors, raised over $4000 for the store. To those who participated, either online or in the auction, THANK YOU!

The final draft of Ascendance #5 has been turned in and will be released next fall. It will pick up some time after the end of THE CAPTIVE KINGDOM, and I think it’s going to be epic!
I’m still working on the World War 1 novel. Rewriting, rewriting, rewriting.
For those who know about BLACK INK, the first draft is done, but I can’t get into the rewrites for it until I finish the World War 1 novel. So that will begin early in the new year.
Manuscript Reviews (3)
Interviews (6)
Goodreads Questions (12+)
Requests to Send Something (16)
Fan Emails (49)
Comments to Approve on Blog (13)
Instagram Messages (9)
Facebook Messages (4)
Videos to Film (3)
Pending Zoom Visits this month (4)
Contest Stories to Judge (10)
On their own, none of them are very big, but they do take time, so as always, if you’re in one of those numbers above, please be patient with me. I will get to you. The good news is, I can cross creating this blog post off my list, so now on to item #2!
Wow, hang in there with all the craziness. We all COMPLETELY understand. I didn’t realize until I started my own website how much time blogging takes in general, (and my site isn’t even as much of a big deal as yours) I can’t imagine having that plus a TON of other things on top of writing. But YOU’VE GOT THIS!!!!!
Also, I was talking with one of my blog readers about your books, and was telling her she should totally read TFP. Just thought I’d let you know she did and LOVED it. I have no idea why I felt like telling you all of that. *shrugs* I don’t get myself sometimes.
Thanks very much, Isabelle!
Sounds like a lot of things on your plate. Thank you for everything you do!
Really enjoyed seeing you at the online event this weekend. Glad it raised money for your bookstore. You’re so busy and inspiring. You’re getting me excited to write today. Thanks!
Awesome, and thank you! I love that you are writing!
That is really cool about Words on Fire! I listened to it on audiobook and it is really good! I love all of your books, especially the ascendance series.
Thank you!
Wow! You’re busy! Is Black Ink the one with the sharpie and boggle Game? I’m SOOO excited for that one! And all your other books!
Yes, that one is Black Ink!
Hi Ms. Nielsen! I just wanted to say, the Author Extravaganza was amazing! The last panel of the day was my favorite. I had a great time and it was sooo awesome omg
Thank you! Though what was up with the authors and steel cut oatmeal?
*the captive kingdom spoilers*hey jen,i have a question you said mott is in his twenties,but then that means he would’ve been 9 at most when darius was born,which just doesn’t make sense with what him wanting to marry trea.and same thing with trea she would’ve been a kid and i don’t get how she played a big part in raising darius?if you could please explain i’d appreciate it
Mott is 29 at the start of The False Prince, not in Captive Kingdom. Trea was 14 at the time of Darius’s birth and 31 when he was sent to Belland. She didn’t play any role in raising Darius until he was sent to Belland. Does that help?
Wait, manuscript reviews? Meaning if I were to send you my manuscript you would review it?
Sorry Lily, no, those are requests from published authors to offer a blurb for their forthcoming book.
That’s really cool!
Oh my! That’s a lot to do! Congrats though for Words On Fire!
And Rescue! 🙂
I can’t wait for book five, rescue and the ww1 book, but what is black ink about??
More about BLACK INK soon!
So excited for book 5, just wondering what black ink is
It’ll be a brand new series, starting in 2022, in a different genre for me and set in modern times. I’m super excited about it! More about it soon!
Congratulations on two of your books getting on great lists!!! That’s INCREDIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂 Good luck with your writing projects.
Thank you!
First off, the Author Extravaganza was hands-down the most awesome experience for me! Honestly, you all are so kind and amiable, and welcome and encourage your readers with every chance you get. Thanks for the opportunity to attend!
And, yes, I really got a kick out of that last panel too…oAtmEaL aNyOne? XD
Keep up the hard work, Mrs. Nielsen! Just started The Captive Kingdom and I’m having too much fun already. 😀
Thanks, Nida! There was definitely an oatmeal obsession going on.
Sounds like you have a lot of work to do!
Quick question, how tall is Jaron (in feet/inches)? Thanks!
5’10” -ish
It’s really wonderful, how you manage all those extra activities along with writing. It’s important to note that not many people can do these kind of things.
Maybe, and thank you, but there’s plenty I can’t do as well, and that’s all right. That’s how we keep the universe in balance.
I had a little collapse with reading around fourth grade and I started to not like it as much but in 5th grade, your books are what brought me back! I really love your work and look up to you,,, can’t wait for the 5th book!
Wow, thank you!
Jennifer! I love your books! And congratulations on getting two books on those lists! You deserve it! I’ve read the ascendance series like 15 times! I’m waiting for a 5th book!
Thank you!
hey jen so in the captive kingdom it’s said that darius and jaron took language classes,so can they speak other languages and if so which ones?
The countries around Carthya all speak the same or similar languages, but they were both educated in the classic languages from the very early years of Carthya. Darius also studied a little of some languages from countries across the sea.
Congratulations! You earned it!
Hi! Just a quick question. I noticed you had manuscripts to review and writing contests to judge. How do we enter in those? Thank you so much! And by the way, I love the Ascendance series!!
Hi – those are manuscripts submitted by agents or writing contests requested by my publisher. At this time, I’m not taking other requests simply because of time constraints, but thank you for inquiring.
Congrats on making those lists, Jennifer! You deserve it! Love your books 😍
Thank you!