The book release is SO CLOSE now! Free tickets for the first online launch are taken but there are still some left for the second launch.
Option 1:
Online Zoom, Oct 18, 7 pm Mountain Time.
Click HERE to register! (First 100 participants allowed – there is more room left in this slot)
Option 2:
In person launch, Oct 19, 7 pm Mountain Time.
14 South Main Street, Brigham City, UT
Option 3:
In person launch, Oct 21, 7 pm Mountain Time
8030 South 1825 W, West Jordan, UT
At each event, there will be giveaways and some exciting announcements, so I hope you are able to attend at least one!
If you can’t, but you still want to order a signed book (of any of my titles), please click on either link from Option 3 or 4, and they’ll get you taken care of.
And finally, another quote from book 5. This isn’t the best day for the king.

THE QUOTE oh my god. I really never thought our strong and clever Sage would be driven to say that. I can’t even imagine what happens. Is it weird to say I don’t want the book to be true to the title. I don’t think I’m ready for everything to shatter. Carthya has been my home for nearly a decade now.
PS sending lots of love!!!!
WHATTTTTTTTT NOOOOO THAT’S IMPOSSIBLE JARON IS TOO COOL TO GET DEFEATED!!! Well I’m sure he’ll do something epic and defeat everyone else, but OMG I CAN’T WAIT TO READ THE BOOK
So excited!!!!!
How, as a writer, do you continue to write exciting sequels and books after the first novel?
I write what I love. It’s just that simple. But thank you.
So excited!!! I literally check this blog multiple times each day!! You are one of my top favorite authors!!! I can’t wait for the conclusion of the series to come out!!
Ithink I’ve seen this quote somewhere….
I’m thankful for the Acsendace and for this quote…
I I feel like I’ve seen this quote before…
Happy thanksgiving-From Canada-
I am so thankful for this series and this book
Why, oh why, did the book that I’ve been waiting for, have to come out EXACTLY after the day my exams begin? I’ve got the worst luck in the world. I’m still excited for it though, and I’m determined to get my hands on it as soon as possible. All the best to Jaron, because by the looks of Mrs. Nielsen’s post, it looks like he’s having quite a rough time.
Oh no. . .I feel very sorry for you, Alpha. 🙁
I know!I feel sorry for myself too.
This passage worries me. I know it’s not like Jaron to think he’s defeated, he must really see no way out oh no!
Awsomse I’ll be there for sure
Happy thanksgiving- from Canda
it was yesturday but i just saw this soo
Even more excited!
OOhhh! I signed up for the online event 🙂 ANNDD NOOO JARONN. That just tore my heart in half 🙁 Thanks so much for the awesome series! I’ve read them over and over again. Looking forward to The Shattered Castle! Is there any chance of any more books?
Thank you so much!
There is always a chance, definitely!
Super exciting!! I can’t wait for the release!! 😁 This is my favorite book series and I’m just thrilled that the next one is out in less than one week!!!!
Oh my gosh, when you are in Brigham city go to Idle Isle. It is only like two stores down from the library and on Tuesday they have ruben sandwiches that are super good. I also recommend going to a chocolate store (I don’t remember what it’s called) near as well because there is a story about a man from Texas trying to walk all the way to Brigham just to try their chocolate. The guy didn’t make it the whole way, but when the store found out about him trying they sent him some of their chocolate. I can confirm that the chocolate there is really good. 🙂
Haha, Idle Isle is near the bookstore not the library. My bad
OMG i’m so excited!!!
but poor sage! what’s going on?
No! Jaron!! He CAN’T believe he’s been defeated! It’s technically impossible. 😉 Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I need to know why!
OH MY WORD! Jaron will stoop so low to call himself defeated? This makes me want to cry already and I don’t even know what’s going on in the book! I’ve never been so excited for a book to come out as I am for this one!!!!!
Good luck Jaron, you might need it
How do we sign up for the giveaways?
Those were automatic with the online event. I’ll notify the winners this weekend.