The winner of the ARC for LINES OF COURAGE is Abby B. Congratulations!

Today’s post features THE TRAITOR’S GAME. This is the story of Kestra Dallisor, the daughter of the King’s chief enforcer, who is captured by the rebellion and will be forced to betray her family. She wants none of that, so she decides instead to bring down the rebellion.
The story was inspired by a theme in history that has always fascinated me, which is the question of who in history was a hero, and who was a traitor, and how we decide who belongs in each category.

Consider the story of Robert Ford. In his early years, he became a great admirer of the outlaw Jesse James. In 1880, at age 18, he met Jesse James and joined his gang. Yet over the next two years, the Jesse James gang was weakening, with many members killed or in jail. Jesse James was considering giving up crime, but he also knew the law was still searching for him. So there were only a small group of people he truly trusted. Robert Ford and his brother, Charles, were two of them.

James wanted to do one last bank robbery before retiring, but Robert and Charles Ford had already decided not to participate. Instead, they wanted to collect the $10,000 bounty placed on Jesse James’ head by the Governor of Missouri, and the full pardon the Governor offered to anyone who would kill Jesse James.
The Ford brothers were living with Jesse James and his family, and waiting for their opportunity. That came on April 3, 1882. The men had finished eating breakfast and were supposed to leave from there to conduct the robbery. James noticed a picture hanging crookedly over the door and stood on a chair to straighten it.

That was when Robert Ford took his chance and shot Jesse James in the back. He did so, believing that his fellow citizens would judge him to be a hero. However, the people largely turned on him, branding him a coward and a traitor. Eventually, Robert Ford was reduced to earning money where he could by performing re-creations of that day, which only served to deepen his cowardly reputation.
By 1892, Robert Ford was running a saloon in Colorado. A man walked in and waited until Ford’s back was turned, then said, “Hello, Bob.” As soon as Ford turned, the man fired both barrels of his guns. Robert Ford was killed instantly.
Robert Ford rid the world of a dangerous bank robber and criminal, and acted at the request of the state governor, and yet history has not treated him well.

This is when I realized that it is not about what someone does in history, it’s about who ends up telling the story, and Robert Ford’s story was told by the people who judged him to be a traitor.
THE TRAITOR’S GAME was built on that premise, that whether Kestra Dallisor is a hero or a traitor will entirely depend on who wins in the end to tell her story.

This contest will run for the next three days. To enter this contest, please ask someone who has never been on this blog to leave a comment below with your first name (only your first name please!). If they are chosen, you will both win a book! For this contest, you can enter as many times as you wish.
Tasha Van Kesteren
Wow, that’s SO cool how you got the premise for The Traitor’s Game. That was SUCH a good book. I’ve been wanting to do a reread of it for a while. And I LOVE that art!! *heart eyes*
Sounds really cool! Tasha
Hi Nishtha!
This is my absolute favourite of your books!
Thank you so much for making a blog! You have no idea how much this inspires and means to me. Thanks to you, I’m now writing books! My friend’s name is Kory. Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!
I never knew about your books I just started reading The False Prince and it’s an amazing book. My friend, Kory, also loves that book series!
My sister Eden asked me to comment on this blog for the contest
Hey, my friend really wanted a free book so I filled this out for her to give her more chance. My names Audrey. Im a fan of your work and am working to be an author as well!
Lola suggested Lorelai to make this comment.
I love this book!! It is so good. The Deceivers Heart is good too.
Chloe and Ava
(I didn’t know if you which name you wanted so I just put both)
Love your books soooo much!!!
I literally love The False Prince series and The Traitor’s Game series so much!! Will we be seeing more books like them in the future?
Also the cover is absolutely phenomenal!
I hope so!
Uhh this is kinda wierd but I’ve read most of your books (maily because I was forced to by a cirten someone) And they’re really good so ya.
Hi! This comment is for Alison!
I love all of your books, and have read all of your historical novels. They have kept me reading very late. You are an awesome writer, and I can’t wait until Lines of Courage comes out!!
Tasha! 😀
I love your books! Pls keep writing!
(Is this what was meant by multiple entries allowed? If not I apologize XD)
Your books are awesome! I love the ascendance series and the traitors game trilogy!
Hey! I’m commenting here for Lily 🙂
Wow, that was really fascinating about Jesse James and Robert Ford! Aah, makes me all excited to read The Traitor’s Game!!!!😀
Also, congratulations, Abby on winning!!!!👏
Hi Jennifer! I’m a huge fan of your books and my friend Mia told me about this giveaway! Happy Holidays!
Wow! I actually remember hearing the story of Robert Ford several years ago, but I don’t remember this angle of it – what an interesting premise!
I’m commenting on behalf of Lily, btw! 🙂
Ruth and Ava: we’re so excited for this giveaway!!! Fingers crossed!!!
I haven’t read this series yet, but I’ve really been wanting to!!
Hi, here’s my entry. Lily
My friend Mia sent me here! I read The Traitor’s Game and these facts about it’s origin are so interesting!
Hi this is Sophia! And I’m switching over to my friend Ruth.
Hi everyone! Sophia is very obsessed with your books…I might like to read them? -Ruthie
Traci Borja
Lilyyy is awesome!:)
Pick Lilyyy!:)
Hi! Dropping into say my buddy Lily sent me (Lilyyy on Goodreads). 🙂
(Also, I have been on your website before. I don’t know if that is the same as your blog. But, this might be my first comment on your posts, I think? So hopefully this counts! Have an awesome week!)
Comment My friend Mia told me to comment so there.
My friend Mia told me to leave a comment
Lily Yu
Lily Yu
Lily Yu
I got sent here by a friend 🙂
Her name is Makenna
Very interesting post. I never really thought about the question that you brought up about who was a hero and who was a traitor in history. But you are right that we make that decision based on the facts we get from the source telling the story. And sometimes that source can be biased either way. The story of Robert Ford and how he wasn’t treated right after removing Jesse James (even though those actions were the request of the state governor) is sad. But I really like that your book was built on that premise, makes me want to read it even more. =)
This is my very first time coming to your blog. My good friend Lilyyy invited me to come here to enter both of us into your contest. =D
Wow, TTG looks so cool!!! I’m commenting with Lilyyy’s name to enter the contest (I’ve never been on your blog before). 😀
This is fascinating. I’ll admit, the only thing I know about Jesse James is from the highly fictionalized “American Outlaws” movie. 🙂
I’m here because Lilyyy invited me to come help her enter the giveaway!
I love hearing the history behind your books. You make history sound so fun.
Hi, Mrs. Nielsen! Katherine asked me to comment! 😀 This is so awesome!
This story is VERY interesting! I shall need to revisit this page again =) Thank you, Jennifer!!
I’m also entering the contest for Julie.
Love your books!
These sound mysterious 🙂 My friend Lilyyy would enjoy this.
Commenting for Lily
Hi! I love your books but I haven’t seen this vlog before! My friend Tasha sent me the link and I look forward to seeing if we win!
A friend asked me to enter her: Julie
so true bestie! GABRIELLE
Lily 🙂
I’m entering for my sister, she loves these books!
Her name is Hayli
Hi! Washa sent me, and I’m definitely intrigued 👀
Aliza. I love your books! My friend Aliza introduced me!
Thanks so much for doing this! I find the stories behind your books so cool!
Ava <3
I love these books!!
Tasha! 🙂
I love this series so much! Simon and Kestra are awesome and I loved reading the history behind the series!
I would enter this contest, but I’ve decided to do what those did to me last year and say that Elle and I would like the book to go to someone else who needs it more!! <33
My friend Lizzie recommended these books to me!
Our family loves your books and have checked them out at least thirty times (no joke). My friend is named Melina and she loves the books even more than I do 🙂
My sister Gabrielle loves this book
Ava 😀