Best wishes to women everywhere today, whether they are mothers or not!
This week, I want to introduce you to the five kids from LINES OF COURAGE. But first, I hope you have pre-registered for the launch party on May 18th at 6 pm Mtn / 8 pm ET. If you haven’t signed up yet, it is FREE, and you can sign up HERE!

Here is an excerpt from Felix’s story as he and his mother try to escape Lemberg before the Russians arrive:
“Can we walk faster?” Felix was so nervous, he hardly could breathe.
“If we went any faster, we’d be running,” Mama replied.
“Then let’s run. I’m afraid, Mama. I wish Papa were here.”
She picked up speed. “Me too. But I will protect you, and you will protect me, yes?”
Felix shrugged. “You aren’t strong like he is, and I’m not brave like he is.”
“I am strong,” Mama said. “In my own way. And you must learn to be brave, because the world will demand that of you now.”
Felix knew he had lost the argument, but that didn’t mean he was wrong. He began to hurry even faster until finally he saw a lone automobile on the street ahead.
“That’s our driver,” Mama said. “Run on ahead. Ask the car to wait until I can get there.”
Felix hoisted his heavy bag even higher and began running. Mama wouldn’t be far behind, but he worried that the driver had become impatient. He shouldn’t have been. The bells had not yet rung eight o’clock. They were early.
Yet even before he reached the square, the automobile began to drive away.
“No!” Felix dropped his bag and ran forward until he crossed directly in front of the automobile. “We’re here. We’re ready to leave!”
The driver dimmed his lantern. “Get out of my way or I’ll run you over.”
“My mother is Frau Baum. She paid you to get us out of Lemberg.”
The driver laughed. “Someone else paid me more.”
Then he revved his motor and started forward, forcing Felix to step aside. He stared at the passengers’ faces as they drove past, wondering who was sitting where he and his mother should have been.
What were they supposed to do now? There was nothing, no good option. No option at all.
If you have not yet seen the book trailer, you can watch it below.
And if you have not already purchased your copy, I hope you will consider doing so now. I’m very proud of this book, and I think it’s one that you are going to love!
As always, if you purchase through The King’s English, before checking out, ask for the book to be signed. I can personalize it to you as well, if you ask. After I sign it, they will send it to you.
I’m so excited! I signed up for the launch party and pre-ordered the book. Also, the trailer is amazing!
I preordered Lines of Courage and I can’t wait for it to come! The trailer is epic. Well done! 😃
So Cool!!!
Happy Mother’s day to you as well:)
UGGHH!! Now I’m soo curious to know what happens…. I Can’t wait till it comes out. Felix seems like a great Charater
oh my gosh. i already love felix and want to know more of his story!!! soooo pumped for this book!!!
So excited for this book!
Ooh, it sounds so good already!!!
I am in! Thanks for having another online launch!
I can’t wait for the book! Felix sounds like such an interesting character. Also, are all the characters the same age? Thanks!
They are at different ages at different points in the story, because it covers five years, 1914-1918.
Yeah, that was my guess. Thanks for replying!