Today, you will meet the third character from LINES OF COURAGE. But first, I hope you have pre-registered for the launch party on May 18th at 6 pm Mtn / 8 pm ET. If you haven’t signed up yet, it is FREE, and you can sign up HERE!

Here is an excerpt from LINES OF COURAGE. During a fierce battle, Juliette has taken refuge in an abandoned home. Little did she know that others would enter the same home, coming from the enemy’s side of the line.
Every muscle of Juliette’s body froze while she listened for any clue as to who might have entered the home, or how many people were here. No matter how loud the battle was outside, all Juliette heard were the footsteps walking up the stairs, cautious and slow. They were checking the house for anyone from the enemy side of the lines.
Such as Juliette.
Then, in German, “Leer.”
More German followed, faster than Juliette could follow, and so many voices all at once, some laughing, others calling out what seemed to be orders exchanged. She had to get out of here, and fast. But how?
The window! The window of this room had been broken out. If Juliette could get to the window, she could crawl through it just as she had crawled through that gap in the fence. From her position, Juliette could see the jagged edges of glass. It was worth a few deep scratches to escape.
She slid one hand out from beneath the bed and shifted her body toward the edge, then quickly pulled her hand in again as tall black boots entered the room. Whoever wore those boots must have told some sort of joke because when he finished, others out in the hallway were laughing. The soldier quietly repeated the joke to himself as he walked over to the bed and set something down on it. Juliette heard a rustling sound and then what appeared to be the cooing of birds. Why would he bring birds inside a home?
The soldier stood where he was for a minute while the wings continued to flap, then walked over to the same open window where Juliette had planned to escape. She angled her head enough to catch a quick look at the bird, a pigeon. He stared at it for a few seconds, then chuckled some more and walked back to the bed.
He started to lift whatever was on the bed, then the boots paused again and he stepped back. Juliette’s breath caught in her throat. Why was he stopping? After a moment of silence, the soldier knelt on all fours and looked under the bed, his eyes immediately connecting with hers.
He’d found her.
If you have not already purchased your copy, I hope you will consider doing so now. I’m very proud of this book, and I think it’s one that you are going to love!
As always, if you purchase through The King’s English, before checking out, ask for the book to be signed. I can personalize it to you as well, if you ask. After I sign it, they will send it to you.
OMG sometimes I feel like these looks into the books are just torture. What does he DO after seeing her?
Well, she punches him in the face ^-^
ohmigosh, I can’t wait to find out what happens next! So excited for my copy of LOC to get here! 😀
Oh wow, this excerpt was my favorite yet. Can’t wait to hear the full tale!
what a cliffhanger!!!
Gosh, a cliffhanger! I need to know what happens next! I can’t wait to get my hands on this book!
Juliette’s story deserves to be on the shelf of all library’s, along with her four friends.