LINES OF COURAGE – Meet Elsa Jennifer Nielsen May 14, 2022


Today, you will meet the fifth and final main character from LINES OF COURAGE. But first, I hope you have pre-registered for the launch party on Wed, May 18th at 6 pm Mtn / 8 pm ET. If you haven’t signed up yet, it is FREE, and you can sign up HERE!

Elsa is proud of her country, and proud of her father, an officer in the German military. But over the five years of war, she has begun to see that there are good people on both sides of the line, and that above all else, war is destructive. She begins to wonder if there is a better path forward for Germany…unless it is already too late for the country she loves.


She had barely stepped outside when a familiar face across the square caught her eye. He was in a dark suit with a hat pulled low, but it was his square jawline that caught her attention. She squinted, certain that couldn’t be right, but yes, it was he. Once he turned enough that she could see his eye patch, her suspicions were confirmed.

That was Captain Garinov, the Russian prisoner who had escaped from her home last fall! After searching everywhere in Freiburg, they had decided he must have returned to Russia. What was he doing here still?

Elsa backed against the wall, turning her back to him, wondering what she should do next. He hadn’t seen her, so that gave her some advantage. And it was one she probably needed. If he was still here in Freiburg, then that was for a reason.

Only one possibility came to her mind: He was here for revenge on her father.

Garinov walked on through the streets, occasionally stopping in front of a window to look at the displays. Cautiously, Elsa followed, irritated by the wood soles of her shoes, which made a clacking sound everywhere she stepped. Hoping he wouldn’t notice, she kept herself at a distance and put her head down, but she had to know more about what he was doing here.

When the shops thinned out to houses, Garinov turned on the next street. Elsa took a deep breath. Fewer people were here. She’d have to be even more careful now. At least he was facing forward, so he wouldn’t know that she was there.

He made another turn, and this time the street was even quieter. The only other people in the area were a couple walking ahead of Garinov. But at the next corner, they went to the right.

And instantly Garinov turned around to face Elsa.

She was so startled, she started to back up, then tripped over her own feet and fell onto the cobblestone road.

Garinov glared down at her. “Why are you following me?”

“Are you here for revenge on me, or on my father?” Elsa asked.

His glare sharpened. “Why must I choose?”


If you have not already purchased your copy, I hope you will consider doing so now. I’m very proud of this book, and I think it’s one that you are going to love!

As always, if you purchase through The King’s English, before checking out, ask for the book to be signed. I can personalize it to you as well, if you ask. After I sign it, they will send it to you.





  • Reply
    May 14, 2022, 11:44 pm

    Counting the days until the release!

  • Reply
    May 15, 2022, 4:35 am

    Oh my gosh! Only three more days until Lines of Courage is released! I can’t wait! Thanks for giving us these excerpts from the book, they’re so well written!

  • Reply
    May 16, 2022, 1:32 pm

    ONE MORE DAY!!!!!!!!!

  • Reply
    May 17, 2022, 1:13 pm

    I’m so happy! I started reading Lines Of Courage right when it came out, it’s amazing so far!

  • Reply
    May 21, 2022, 4:43 am

    I read the whole book in less than two days, and I LOVE IT!!!! It’s definitely one of my favourites. Thank you for creating such wonderful and intriguing books, Mrs. Nielsen!! 🙂

  • Reply
    May 24, 2022, 10:08 am

    I just finished Lines of Courage, and it was so good! The last few chapters gave me chills. I love the way everything tied in at the end. It is definitely worth reading. Definitely.

  • Reply
    June 7, 2022, 12:23 am

    I am doing this for school, but can you tell me what inspired you to write this book? Why did you write about World War I, instead of something else?

  • Reply
    September 9, 2022, 12:43 am

    I loved this book. So good!!

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