I was reminded this morning that today is the 10-year anniversary of the day my agent, Ammi-Joan Paquette, made her first sale, and my first sale.

I signed with Joan on May 9, 2009, shortly after she put on her agent badge. At the time, I remember feeling the weight of what signing that contract meant, and surely she did too. Neither of us had been tested in in the market – I’d never sold a book, nor had she. Suddenly, our careers had banded together. Perhaps she sensed something marketable in my writing. I certainly understood this was a woman of incredible savvy and intelligence.

And Joan hit the ground running. Today, June 3, marks the day ELLIOT AND THE GOBLIN WAR sold to Sourcebooks as a trilogy. In early 2010, she sold THE FALSE PRINCE to Scholastic, also as a trilogy but this time on a pre-empt.
Over the past ten years, I’ve released a total of fifteen novels plus contributions to two compilation novels. My next book will release in October, and there are now six more books under contract!
Not only that, Joan is regularly listed as a top ten selling agent in all three youth categories: Picture Book, Middle Grade, and YA. Her clients include many award winning and New York Times Bestselling authors, and other authors whose careers are rapidly skyrocketing.
Joan is also an author herself, with novels ranging from pre-school age to Young Adult in a variety of genres. Definitely check out her books!
Also, I might note that she is genuinely a kind person. The type of person who I have been honored to call my agent and friend for ten amazing years.
I cannot wait to see where we go from here…
Hey! So I just found this website and I am so amazed and excited to keep hearing from you. I think your journey is so cool and I can’t believe it has been ten years since you made your first sale. I was really wondering what inspired you to become an author and if you always wanted to be an author since you were very young. I have read most of your books and love them all I can not wait for Words on Fire and The Warrior’s Curse. Someday I hope I can make an amazing author just like you have (okay I know it’s cheesy but I seriously mean it). You are my favorite author and you have no idea how much of an impact your books have made on me- I just love them!!!!!!
Many thanks, Renee. I always enjoyed writing – I just didn’t always understand that writing was something a real person could choose for a profession. But I was inspired to write seriously from another author, SE Hinton who did The Outsiders. A lot of the credit for me choosing writing belongs to her.
Aw, congratulations to Joan! That’s so exciting.:)
Yay! As a fan, I’m so happy that Ammi-Joan became your agent and helped you sell your fantastic books. I wish she was open to new clients.
Congrats Ms. Jen and to Ms.Joan for the milestone that both of you reached. God bless you guys and wishing you more success in the future.
Hope you have a wonderful day and eat a ton of cake and spend it with all the people you love. Wishing you the best on your birthday!!
Thank you very much, Evangeline!
Oh, I didn’t know it was your birthday!
Happy late birthday!!! I hope you had a fantastic day!:D
Thank you, Jamie – it was a great day!
Happy belated birthday!!
I’m not sure if you remember my name, I have a few signed copies of your books and I used to talk to you all the time here several years ago! The ascendance trilogy was my favorite book series of all time in my tweens/early teens. (I’m 18 now!!)
So cool to be back on this page again, Thanks so much for bringing so much inspiration to me as a kid. <3 The False Prince and your other works will always hold a special place in my heart! You sparked a lot of creativity in me, and I feel reading your books has improved my life. One of these days, I'll pick that series up again and re-read it, for the 4th time or so. x)
I really need to buy your recent books, it's been forever since I read something of yours!
When can we look forward the the second book of Traitors?
The second book is out – THE DECEIVER’S HEART – and it’s part of the giveaway! Book 3, THE WARRIOR’S CURSE, will be out this coming winter.
Congrats! This is so exciting!