It’s time for another summer giveaway – this time, in celebration of my next book, WORDS ON FIRE.

WORDS ON FIRE tells the story of the Lithuanian Book Smugglers, those who risked their lives to preserve their culture from the Russian Empire, which planned to destroy the country through banning their books.
WORDS ON FIRE will be released on October 1. I have ARCs to give away or you can pre-order your copy today. The ARCs aren’t the only giveaways though.
Have you read THE TRAITOR’S GAME yet? This is the story of Kestra Dallisor, captured by the rebellion to obtain a dagger capable of destroying her king.
If you have read it, you might want the sequel, THE DECEIVER’S HEART, in which things only get worse for Kestra, and for Simon, the rebel who might be falling in love with her. Read these now, because the third book, THE WARRIOR’S CURSE, will be out next winter!

Or, maybe you read THE FALSE PRINCE once, but never got around to the sequel, THE RUNAWAY KING.
Same goes for MARK OF THE THIEF. Books 2 and 3, RISE OF THE WOLF and WRATH OF THE STORM are up for giveaway!
If you win, you can choose from any of these books!
So…how to win? This week, simply tell me in the comments below which book or books you have your eye on. This is a random draw, so your answer will not affect your chances of winning – I’m just curious.
This week’s winners (and the next contest question) will be announced on Sunday, July 21. International entries are okay, but winners but be able to provide a US or Canadian address for shipping.
If you want to preorder WORDS ON FIRE now – please shop at your local indie first. Here are other links you may use.
THE KING’S ENGLISH (Signed copies)
I have just about everything you’ve written. For this reason I’d pick Words on Fire. Excited to read it.
I love all of your books that I have read! WORDS ON FIRE
I have not read the Deceiver’s Curse yet! Looking forward to reading it as all of your books are so easy for me to recommend to our students!
Words on Fire. I’ve read all the others.
We have our eyes out for “The False Prince” because it’s lost! My daughter has been looking all summer for it and it seems to be MIA.
An epic fan, I own all of uour works (mosyly signed, yay). I would love to read Words on Fire.
I literally have every single one of your books on my shelves at school in duplicate! My students absolutely love them, and I would ADORE having your new book on there too!
I have read everything else, so I am especially excited for Words on Fire!
I would love to read your series. Mark of the thief catches my eye.
I have all of those books except for words on fire. I would love to win an ARC of words on fire!!
Words on fire, but only because i own all the rest, however one can never have too many copies of the false prince!
I have only read the Ascendence Trilogy, so far, so I would be interested in the book you would recommend next!
The Traitors Game and Words of Fire
I’ve read all of your other books and so I’ve got my eyes on your newest upcoming release: Words On Fire. Thanks for the opportunity to win a book from you.
Since I’ve read most of the others, I would love a copy of Words on Fire! But, any of these books would be great!!!!
A new book!!!! Hip hip hooray!!! So excited to read Words on Fire. I absolutely loved The False Prince series. I make sure the school library where I work gets anything you write.
If I didn’t own every one of your books already, I’d have a difficult time choosing. WORDS ON FIRE is definitely on my list, and I’m salivating over THE WARRIOR’S CURSE. Thank you for continuing to work on your craft!
I just finished Resistance (and it was amazing!!!)
I’d love to have Words of Fire or The Worrior’s Curse to complete me Jennifer A. Nielsen Collection.
I haven’t read Traitor’s Game yet, but I’m definitely looking forward to the day I do! (Of course I’m patiently waiting for Words on Fire 😄)
Words on Fire and The Traitor’s Game both sound great!
I haven’t read The Traitor’s Game yet, so I’d love to be ready for the release of book 3 in March. 🙂
I am very excited to read WORDS ON FIRE! (I have read all your others) Plus I have THE HATE YOU GIVE waiting for me as well. I just finished the Track Series by Jason Reynolds. 😁
I am looking forward most to “Words on Fire” and “Warrior’s Curse” … mostly because I’ve read all the rest of your books! 😀
I’m a big fan of your historical fiction, so my eye is on Words on Fire.
The last one of the traitors game. The next one in wizard for hire serie. The next of Sarah Eden’s. The next of Jennifer Moore’s. A lot I guess 🙂
I would love to get Wrath of the storm! I have books one and two I just need three!
I would love to win a copy of your new book, Words on Fire. I’d be happy with any title as they are all so good! Love The Ascendance Trilogy, Resistance and A Night Divided!
Hi Jenniffer Nielsen.Im Jeevan for from Malaysia.I really like to read Wrath of The Storm as I cannot find that book in local shops.Its been years.Anyway Im also keeping up with your latest masterpieces which are amzing to read too.ALL THE BEST FOR YOUR FUTURE NOVELS!
Words of Fire or The Deceiver’s Heart are both books which my bookworm eyes crave on. Lol
Words on Fire
I’m still needing to get The Traitor’s Game and The Deceiver’s Heart, but Words on Fire I definitely have my eye on!
I have my eye on Traitors Game or a Words on Fire ARC.
I recently checked Deciever’s Heart out from my local library, plunged into the adventure happily, and discovered I’d almost entirely forgotten the plot of the first book! I do remember that the book was adrenaline rushing and so plot twist ridden that I’m sure to enjoy reading it afresh.
I appreciate how much research you put into your historical fictions, and the little day to day hardships you include can sometimes be mind boggling for me; such as getting bananas off the “black market” in A Night Divided.
I’ve been DYING to read Words on Fire ever since you told me about it! I would love a copy! 💕💕💕
The Deceiver’s Heart is definitely a book I need. thanks for the chance!
Words on Fire! Can’t wait to read it!!
Got my eye on Words on Fire! Can’t wait to read it and share with my 300 students!
I’m most excited for Words on Fire – I think my students will like it as much as they enjoyed A Night Divided.
Words on Fire. I own all the other ones and love every single one of them! I’m excited to read another historical fiction. Can’t wait for October!!
I’m looking forward to Words on Fire. My little sister is eager for The Deceivers Heart, however, so we’ll probably be reading that first. 🙂
Words on Fire as that is the only book in the giveaway I have not read yet!
Definitely Words on Fire!
Hmm… I’m probably most interested in Words on Fire. It seems like it’ll be very interesting!
I would love The Runaway King. I just finished The False Prince for the first time. I need to know what happens next!
Ooh how to decide! I have my eyes on the WARRIOR’S CURSE and WORDS ON FIRE they sound awfully good! They sound so enticing.
But honestly I have to say I really want the Ascendance Trilogy. So I’ll go with that
words on fire
I’ve devoured every book you’ve published so far. My eye is definitely on Words On Fire.
Which book to I have my eye on?? The Runaway King of course!!! Can’t wait to see what other books you have in store, I idolize your writing style!
Words on Fire would be my choice!
Thank you!!
I would be intrested most in Decievers Heart.
All of them! Your books are the best! Since I have read all the books that are out, I am very interested in reading Words on Fire!
Traitors game series
Words on Fire! I am a elementary school librarian and my older kids loved “Resistance.” I love being able to recommend books to them. But I am behind and have yet to read “Traitor’s Game.”
I’m excited that “False Prince” is a Battle of the Books book this next year. It is a series I always recommend to my students.
I already own the Ascendance Trilogy so I am interested in Mark of the Thief.
I am really excited about Words on Fire too! 🙂
I am looking forward to Reading Words On Fire. I already have it marked as want to read on Goodreads.
I’ve already read ‘Rise Of The Wolf’ but what is this ‘Rise Of The World’ you are speaking of? Cant wait to read it! Haha. But joking aside, I do own all of them but the new one ‘Words On Fire. So I got to say I am exited for that one!
Gah – I corrected that now – thanks for the catch!
Words on Fire 🔥
I think that I would like the Words on Fire arc if I won. It’s a hard choice though haha
I’ve been dying to read Traitor’s Game, but I really love most of your books so I don’t really care! LOL
Words on Fire or The Traitor’s Game!
I would love to read Words On Fire! It sounds so good and I haven’t read any of your historical fiction yet so I think that this would be a good start.
Ooh, tough choices. The Ascendance trilogy is one of my favourite series ever but I own all the books… so the Words on Fire would be awesome! Or Deceiver’s Heart… I don’t own that one yet!
I’m so excited to read your new book!!! I’m also excited for the next Keepers of the Lost Cities book by Shannon Messenger.
Obviously words on fire. But also the beautiful and the new book in the red rising series.
I am so excited to read THIS one!! 😉
I haven’t read Traitor’s Game yet, so that would be the one for me! I also know how popular False Prince, Mark of the Theif, Resistance and Night Divided are in the library, so I would love to share another great title of yours with the students.
I love all of your work, but have been especially blown away by some of your recent historical fiction. So I’d love an ARC of Words on Fire!
I would pick Words on Fire or The Deceiver’s Heart! All of your books are simply amazing and I’ve read every single one that has been published!!
Words on Fire is my chosen prize. I own the rest, personally- and several copies in my school library. Keep on writing! 😀
I have read everything you’ve written and love it all! I own all of them either digitally or in book form. I would LOVE the Words on Fire ARC. Can’t wait for Warrior’s Curse!
I would absolutely love to win Words On Fire for a few reasons.
1- it looks amazing!
2- I’ve read all the other ones displayed.
And 3- i need a new, awesome book to keep my mind off the cliffhanger of The Deceiver’s Heart!!
Thank you so much for your amazing stories, Jennifer! Your work always amazes me 🙂
I adore all of your books and have signed copies of all of your books that I own! I am interested in Words of Fire because that one is one I (obviously) don’t currently have on my book shelf, and I’m super excited to read it!
The Ascendance Trilogy was what got me started reading your books, and I loved it so much I read all of them! A Night Divided was one of the best books I’ve ever read! Thanks for writing all those good books!
I live all your books! I would love to have words on fire!!!
I would definitely be interested in Words on Fire because I’ve read all of your other books!
The Deceivers heart would be amazing to own a hard copy. Then I could read it and have it in my classroom as well.
Words on Fire 😃
I have read almost all of your books, however I do not own many. For that reason any book of yours would be amazing. That being said I CAN NOT WAIT for Words on Fire or The Warriors Curse! I have both release dates written in my calendar- counting down the days!!!! I am also trying to get my hands on Wrath of the Storm. You are such an inspiration to me and I love all of your books, thank you for all that you do!
I would pick Words on Fire, for sure. I’ve loved your historical novels so far, and I’m anxious to read it!
Words on Fire sounds right up my alley!!! My students (and I) LOVE LOVE LOVED Resistance, so I think we’d love Words on Fire, too!
Greetings from Wisconsin 😃
🙌Congratulations & already on my school orders! Your books are so eagerly anticipated by my students & never sit on the shelf ❣️ ~Marsella
Words on Fire! I own and love the rest of them!
I am so intrigued by Words on Fire! You are such a talented writer!
I’d love Words on Fire. My son and I love all your historical fiction. The Run Away King would be great too, so I can have a hard copy to share. We love your work!!
I’ve had my eye on Deceiver’s Heart for a while now but I now Words on Fire seems interesting as well.
I would love to read the ARC of words on fire or the traitor’s game books! I’ve been obsessed with your work since I finished The False Prince series.
The traitors game series is one of my favorites! I cannot wait until the last one comes out, so I would definitely say that one!
Words on Fire! Your books are super popular in my school library! I love it when I hear kids recommending them to each other. 🙂
I love your historical fiction!!! My students and I eat up your books! I would love to win Words on Fire! I am intrigued by the Russian story line and of course being a book lover! Thanks for all you do to get amazing books in the hands of readers!
I have read everything you’ve written so far so at the moment I really have my eyes on Words of Fire. I can’t wait to get to it even if I don’t win this.
I would love to receive words on fire, but any of those are really awesome. Thankyou
I would love to get to read Words on Fire because I’ve gone crazy over every single one of your books that I’ve read, though I also really love The Traitors Game because that inspired me to want to write my own book!
I have been checking this site daily, and still didn’t see it until Leanne told me about it, so if I win she gets to read it. I am choosing Words on Fire as I have read everything else here. Second place was The Traitor’s Game, which found a new home with an unknown student this year (at least it was popular). Hope you are having a great summer!
I’ve already gotten my hands on the rest so I’m looking at words on fire!! Otherwise I’ll pick up an ARC or official copy at my local bookstore.
I have my eyes on the DECIEVER’S HEART actually. The series is so interesting and intense! Along with WORDS ON FIRE AND THE ASCENDACE TRILOGY. I’m looking forward to reading those.
I’ve had my eyes set on The Traitor’s Game
Looking forward to reading “Words on Fire”! I have read most of your books and have enjoyed all them.
I’m looking forward to Words on Fire, I absolutely love your historical fiction stories.
I want Words On Fire because I’ve read the others and loved them!!!!
I’d love Words on Fire. Can’t wait to read it!
Words on Fire! I cannot wait for this one.
I would pick Words on Fire! I cannot wait for this one. I’ve read most everything you’ve written.
Words on Fire. I own all the others and love all of them!! Can’t wait for October.
I have only read the Ascendance Trilogy, and I LOVED it!! I would really love to read any of your books, and if I had to choose I would go with The “Mark of The Thief”.
I’d pick Words On Fire, since that’s the only one I haven’t read yet.😊💜
I have book one and two of the Ascendance Trilogy and would love to finish off the collection with the Shadow Throne. Either that or The Deceiver’s Heart, which I have read (and loved), but I do not own it.
Surprise me if I’m chosen:)
I love all your books, especially the false prince. But I have my heart set on Words on Fire. So excited to read all your new work!
I have loved all of your books, and read to my students every year “A Night Divided”. I have loved the rich conversations and lessons we have on history As we read it.
I have my eye on “Words on Fire!”
I’m looking forward to this new book! Over read all your others and I love them so much!
I would choose Words on Fire, I love historical fiction.
I would choose Words on Fire, I really love historical fiction.
I would definitely choose Words on Fire.
I’d LOVE to get a copy of WORDS ON FIRE! Thanks for hosting the giveaway!😊
I read A Night Divided and I loved it! I really hope I can win Words on Fire.
Words on Fire is what I’ve got my eye on! And also The Runaway King, because that’s my favorite Ascendance book and I don’t own it yet.
I just stumbled upon your books and I’m finishing up The Shadow Throne now! I think the next series I would like to read would be the Mark of the Thief, so Rise of the Wolf 🙂
The warriors curse! Can’t wait!
I absolutely love your books! I have every single one of them except for the Deceiver’s Heart, so I really hope I can get my hands on a copy soon. Thanks for hosting such a great giveaway!
I’m really could do with a copy of the False Prince, it’s been so long since I’ve read it!
Thanks Jennifer!
I am currently starting The Scourage. I love everything I have read by you (4 books in last month)!! Your amazing and can’t wait for Word on Fire to release.
I currently have my eye on your Words on Fire novel. I love historical fiction.
This is exciting! Already own all of your other books except Resistance so I am hoping to win Words on Fire!
I’m looking at Words On Fire. Historical fiction is one of my favorite genres!!
Words on Fire – it sounds amazing!
Words on Fire. This sounds great, can’t wait to read it!