If it’s true that a great story is for all ages (and it is), then here are two favorites of mine I’d love for you to consider!
The first is one I have mentioned before: THE LOST WONDERLAND DIARIES by J. Scott Savage. This one should become as much a classic as the original Alice in Wonderland stories, it’s just that good! It tells the story of Celia and Tyrus, who discover the lost diaries of Wonderland, which pulls them into the same portal into which Alice once fell. Together, they must solve the riddles and puzzles of this strange new world if they ever hope to escape.

THE LOST WONDERLAND DIARIES will be released on September 8th, but I was lucky enough to get an ARC, which I am giving away today! To enter, simply comment below with your favorite classic novel or story.
I also believe a great picture book is something even more. With the addition of illustrations, it becomes art for all ages. Sometimes it’s art that makes us laugh, or think, or learn. Sometimes it opens our imaginations, which is exactly what this next book does.
One of my favorite picture book authors is Kristyn Crow. Not only are her stories fun and imaginative, but they are also told in rhyme, which is incredibly difficult. And not only that, but she is able to communicate to pre-readers and early readers in a way I have never seen equalled.
(Early grade teachers and librarians, I’m serious about this. The last time I saw Kristyn present, she captivated a huge room of K-3rd graders. They had fun, they learned, they read.)
Kristyn just released ALL ABOARD THE MIDNIGHT TRAIN, (Illustrations by Annie Won) a bedtime story for everyone, with vibrant pictures, imaginative animals, and a most incredible adventure.

Please check out both of these books! Links are below.
I would say one of my all time favorite classics is Anne of Green Gables. So excited for the Ascendence short story!
Hmmmmm. I have a couple classics I am in the middle of. Either The Phantom Tollbooth, War and Peace or Jane Austen. All three are great. I am beyond excited for the short stories and The Captive Kingdom!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! This is a dream come true!!!
Number the Stars
My favorite classic book is Little Women by Louisa May Alcott.
Thank you my fav author for another giveaway. I am not a big fan of classics but a classic read I must say that I liked is Tom Sawyer. The quote that I remember liking from it was Work consists of what a body is OBLIGED to do and that PLAY consists of whatever a body is not obliged to do
I love a good spin off of any of the classic fairy tales! (Could be because I have 5 daughters!).
Robin Hood
Oh, this was a hard one! But I’ve decided that the order of my favourite classic novels/stories is:
1. The Borrowers by Mary Norton
2. The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett
3. Stuart Little by E.B. White
So I guess that means that my favourite classic story would be The Borrowers by Mary Norton 🙂
Hello Jennifer! I think my favorite novel of all time would be your novel, Resistance. But if it’s classical than I would opt for Romeo and Juliet. I know it’s sort of impossible to understand, but the words sound so funny, and I guess I used Google to help me understand what Shakespeare was talking about. In the end, it took my breath away.
P.S. Congrats on The Captive Kingdom! I absolutely cannot wait till it’s out… just a thought, though. What happened to Mrs. Turbeldy? Did she ever find out that the boy tormented was royalty? Oh, and congratulations on Words on Fire, and Rescue. Words on Fire was a very sweet story, and I have no doubt that Rescue will be anything less.
Hi Lila – thank you for all of this, and I hope you’ll like RESCUE too! I’ll try to do a short story of Mrs. Turbeldy’s response to what happens to Sage.
The Scarlet Pimpernel! (I believe that’s considered a classic)
My favorite classical story is The Call of the Wild. Thank you so much for doing this and the Ascendance short stories, I can’t wait until Sunday!
Little women . Or Swiss family Robinson . Tough choice ! I love Alice in wonderland too , but I don’t wanna be a copy cat ! Thought of another ! Anne of green gables ! . Do I have a reading problem ? Also , I’m writing my own story ! Wish that counted …
My favorite classic is probably And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie. So excited for the short story!!!
I like Sherlock Holmes stories a lot
I have so many i love reading it would have to be…bridge to terabithia! This is such a great one and I love it! Super eye opening for me!
Also if you could i would love to hear more book recommendations from you! I need more books!📚😊😍
I’ll post some more suggestions soon, thanks Olivia!
Sorry to comment so many times but ideas keep coming. Could you maybe possibly sign it?
Sign the book given away today? I can’t, sorry.
Lord of the Rings 🙂
Aww man; now I wish I could take my response back 😭😭
The Wednesday Wars by Gary D. Schmidt
When are you planning on releasing the short stories?
I’ll release the first on Sunday.
Anne of green gables
Alice in wonderland by Lewis Carroll
The Phantom Tollbooth because it has such clever wordplay.
Anne of Green Gables by LM Montgomery!
I loved The Secret Garden and Little Women as a kid. Also Charlotte’s Web. I’ll stop there.
I love The Secret Garden and To Kill A Mockingbird! So excited for the short story. 🙂
My favorite classic is The Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan.
A Little Princess by Frances Hodgson Burnett
I fell in love with The Count of Monte Cristo after reading for my freshman year of high school. But as a kid my favorite classic was The Little Princess, the drama of it was great, it just really captured my imagination.
Hey,Jennifer Nielsen I love your all books especially scourge and A night divided.
My favourite classic book is animal farm!!!
Hmmmmm. I have a couple classics I am in the middle of. Either The Phantom Tollbooth, War and Peace or Jane Austen. All three are great. I am beyond excited for the short stories and The Captive Kingdom!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! This is a dream come true!!!
I don’t think they’re really classic books, but they’re really meaningful. It’s probably Old Yeller or The Cay, they’re kind of old books, like around the 40’s-70’s. 🙂
OMG I just love classics, everyday I come from school and read for hours straight. They inspire me in my own writing and I would love to become an author some day. My favourite classic of all is Jane Eyre.
Anne of Green Gables all the way!!
A Little Princess by Frances Hodgson Burnett, but A Tale of Two Cities is wonderful as well.
Only one classic!? That’s so hard!
Ok, so I think right now my favorite classic is Good Wives; which is basically Little Women part 2. I learned so much from that book!
But I also loved :
The Princess and the Goblin
Pilgrim’s Progress
The Little Princess
My favorite has to be The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood. Also, I cannot wait for the short stories.
My top favorite classic books(and top favorite books of all time), are the Little House books by Laura Ingalls Wilder.
I don’t know if I have a favorite but I really like Little Women by Louisa May Alcott and Ella Enchanted by Gail Carson Levine.
Thank you.
I really love Because of Winn Dixie!
My favorite classic novel is The Witch Of Blackbird Pond by Elizabeth George Speare. I discovered it years ago in my towns only (now sadly closed) indie bookstore, The Book Abbey.
I’ve been reading a lot about The Lost Wonderland Diaries recently and I can’t wait to read it!
Witch of Blackbird Pond is SO good! Although I wish I knew more to Hannah, and her past.
What fabulous looking books! I have so many favorite classics! What comes to mind looking at this is Alice in Wonderland. I love that story! It was such a delightfully strange read, and I love all the twists and turns.
Yay, I’m excited for the short story!!
My favorite classic novel is either Anne of Green Gables by L. M. Montgomery or Through the Looking-Glass by Lewis Carroll. 🙂
Peter Pan is my all time favorite!
Hmmm, I am in the middle of a couple. Either War and Peace, Jane Austen, or The Phantom Tollbooth. I a, so excited for the short story tomorrow and The Captive Kingdom. THIS IS A DREAM COME TRUE!!! Thank you so much!!!!!
I’m sorry , Are you supposed to see your own comments or not ? I am just not sure . Thought of a classic ! Anne Franks diary . ( does that count ? )
One of my favorite classics is The Lord of the Rings by J. R. R. Tolkien. My favorite of these is probably The Return of the Kings.
My favorite book and classic is The Chronicles of Narnia: The Silver Chair. I love the difference from the rest of the books and its awesome fantasy. Thanks for inspiring me to write more!