It’s time for another short story, this one taking place AFTER the ending of THE FALSE PRINCE. For that reason – absolutely DO NOT READ this story until you have finished THE FALSE PRINCE.
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Until then, as a reminder for Superfans of the series, I’m going to dedicate the fifth book to one of YOU! For details on how to enter the contest, click HERE! The entry deadline is July 15th, so get started now!
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For now, this is the wedge story between the end of THE FALSE PRINCE and the start of THE RUNAWAY KING. If you’ve read book one (and if you haven’t, close this post and go read it) but never got to book two, then please find a copy now to read. At the end of the story, I will include the first few sentences of Book 2 – probably my favorite opening line I’ve ever written.

By Jennifer A. Nielsen
If you have not read THE FALSE PRINCE, you should not read this story.

Roden slipped into the night like a thief. No, not a thief. Sage was the thief. Sage had stolen the throne from him, stolen away the life that Roden should have had. Conner had chosen him to become prince first. Conner’s servant, Cregan, had given him extra training. Nothing had stood in Roden’s way…
Until Sage tricked them all.
Sage didn’t even want the throne – how many times had he said that? Which meant he didn’t do this for honorable reasons. He did it simply to deny Roden the prize, and for that, Sage would have to pay.
By now, Sage would be inside the castle. Maybe even at this moment, Conner was presenting him to the regents. They’d be fools to believe Sage was the missing prince. Aside from a vague resemblance to the painting they’d seen of Jaron, Sage had none of the mannerisms or education the prince should have had. It was only a matter of time before they found him out and rightly accused him of treason.
By morning, they’d announce the execution of a false prince.
Roden’s comfort in that thought might’ve warmed him through the night, but by morning, when he awoke in the damp shelter of a farmer’s stables, instead of the tidings of justice, criers were wandering the city proclaiming, “He’s returned! Prince Jaron has returned!”
Roden scoffed and shrank deeper into the corner, miserable and defeated, his only will to face the day fueled by the knowledge of how reckless Sage was. Very soon, he’d make a mistake, betray his true identity.
And if he didn’t?
“Did you hear the news?” another crier called out in passing the alleyway. “The royal family is dead, and a missing prince returns to claim the crown!”
Roden’s mood darkened, then he shrank into the corner as he heard voices approaching.
“Something’s not right about this, Rudd.” A tall and thin man with stringy dark hair down to his shoulders ducked into the alley. He was speaking to a companion who was only slightly smaller, but who was thick in his build and carried more weapons than Roden believed was possible for a single person to bear.
Rudd glanced out the alley to be sure they were alone, then said, “We killed the prince three years ago, didn’t we?”
“We did – I was on that ship myself before we sunk it. So who is this boy claiming to be Jaron?”
“He’s an orphan from Avenia,” Roden said, standing and trying to make himself look as wide as possible, hoping to get enough respect from these men that they would listen to him. “His name is Sage and he’s no more a prince than…than I am.”
“Are you certain of this?” the tall and thin man asked.
“Absolutely certain.”
He stepped forward and offered a hand to Roden. “My name is Agor. We’re sailors from Avenia.”
“You’re pirates from Avenia.” They started to react but Roden quickly added, “I think we can help each other.”
Agor looked amused. “Oh? How could you help us?”
Roden stepped closer. “If people start to believe that Sage is the real prince, then whoever hired you to kill him will wonder why you failed to complete the job –”
“We didn’t fail, Prince Jaron is sleeping at the bottom of a sea.”
Another crier passed, announcing the same news as before. That gave Roden his opportunity to make his argument.
“Will the truth matter if people believe the prince has returned?”
Agor folded his arms. “So what do you propose?”
“Help me get inside the castle walls. I’ll do the assassination myself.”
Agor and Rudd exchanged a look. “For what price?” Agor asked.
“Just let me join up with you. I’m good with a sword, I learn fast, and I have nothing to lose.”
“And what are your reasons for wanting this orphan Sage dead?” Agor asked.
Roden faced them directly. “He stole the life I should have had, all the while pretending to be my friend. I have nothing now, and nowhere else to go.”
After another look between Agor and Rudd, an offer was made for Roden to come meet their king, a man named Devlin. “This is the one and only time you will receive such an offer,” Agor said. “Refuse us now and—”
“I accept.” Roden didn’t even blink as he spoke, and within the hour, he was in the back room of a dark inn on the outskirts of Drylliad. The inn’s public room was loud and busy and Roden was sure that except for the serving staff, he was the only person there who was not a pirate.
Not a pirate…yet.
Devlin was a mound of a man with long brown hair streaked in gold tones. His face was scarred from previous fights and in the darkness, his eyes appeared to be solid black. Maybe they actually were. He began by asking many of the same questions that Roden had already answered. How he knew Sage’s true identity. How Sage had managed to be named as the prince solely because he could roll a coin over his knuckles. How Sage had lied his way through the contest.
When Roden finished, Devlin leaned forward with a cunning smile. “Do you know how the pirates operate? I am king only because I defeated the previous king in a challenge. If I let you join us, would you challenge me one day?”
Roden hesitated. If he said yes, would the king finish him off now, rather than risk a confrontation later? Much as Roden hated to admit it, Sage would have been useful right now. He had seemed to be very good at figuring out who people were. Though of course, once he did, the usual response was for those people to want to kill Sage. Hardly the sort of help Roden wanted at this moment.
Devlin tilted his head, eager for Roden’s answer. He said, “Yes sir. I will become the best swordsman in your crew.” He paused while his heart stopped in his chest. “But if I have reason to doubt your command, I would challenge you.”
Silence fell over the group. Apparently, Roden should have given a different answer. Agor grabbed Roden’s hand and then pulled out a knife. Roden felt for the sword at his side, then remembered that Sage had stolen that from him too. Once again, Roden’s anger surged.
Agor raised the knife and Roden closed his eyes to brace for whatever was about to happen, whether it was death or pain. But Agor simply sliced Roden’s sleeve up to his elbow, and when he did, Devlin said, “If you ever challenge me, boy, you will lose and I promise to finish you off as slowly as possible. But it took great courage for you to say what you did. Welcome to the pirates.”
With a nod of his head, a branding iron was removed from a fire at the far end of the room. Roden hadn’t noticed it before but when its end became visible, red hot at the tip, his head swarmed with dizziness.
The end was pressed against Roden’s forearm, and he screamed with the pain, though a man behind him wrapped a hand over Roden’s mouth to muffle his cries. Short on air, the dizziness worsened and Roden felt the darkness taking over.
When he awoke sometime later, he was on the ground right where the pirates must have let him fall. Angling his arm against a fading firelight, he saw an X burned into the skin, made of a snake at one angle and a sea serpent in the other. The mark of a pirate.
Slowly, Roden sat up, trying to gather his wits for whatever was coming next. When he did, somewhere behind him a man said, “Agor, he’s awake.”
A moment later, Agor entered the room. He crouched down in front of Roden and said, “You told us that you know a secret way inside the castle walls.”
“I do.” Roden’s mind shifted to the promise he had made to assassinate Sage, and his chest tightened. He had been angry before. Maybe he had gone too far.
Or maybe Sage had taken this contest farther than he should have. Roden couldn’t give up yet.
“Devlin doesn’t want the new prince killed, not yet. He wants to determine for himself whether this is a false prince, as you claim.”
“Trust me—”
“But we don’t trust you,” Agor said. “We don’t know you, not yet. So you will get inside the castle walls and find this boy, and you will make him an offer directly from the pirate king. Give him ten days to surrender to us in Isel, and we will determine for ourselves who he is. If he accepts, the pirates will leave Carthya unscathed. If he refuses, the pirates will see Carthya burn.”
Roden’s heart pounded. Carthya was his home too. Could he really make such a threat?
He had to. He knew what would happen if he tried to refuse orders now.
“Is that all?” Roden asked.
“No. Immediately after taking the crown, this false prince sent your former master, Bevin Conner, to prison. We want him released.”
Roden arched a brow. Sage had done that? How could he possibly have gotten away with something so bold? Conner would surely have his revenge and reveal the truth about Sage’s identity.
A second question nagged at him. What did the pirates want with Conner?
No doubt the answer to that question mattered, but Roden didn’t dare to ask it. Instead, he was already plotting what he would say when he had the opportunity to stand face to face against Sage once again. Only this time, he wouldn’t give Sage a chance to defeat him.
Agor took Roden’s hand and pulled him to his feet. “If you’re in, we’ll start making plans. Surely a state funeral will be held for the royal family. Many guests will be invited. I doubt one or two extra faces of the pirates will get much notice.”
Roden’s hand shifted again to where his sword should have been. He’d need another one soon. Because if he could not be the false prince of Carthya, then at least he would be the person to destroy the fraud and kill its pretender. In a most unexpected way, what he was about to do would make him a hero and mark his first great success among the pirates.
He smiled at Agor, eager to get started. “Of course I’m in. When do we leave?”
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And, the opening line to THE RUNAWAY KING IS:
“I had arrived early for my own assassination.”
If you have not yet read this book, please try to get a copy and read it. a lot happens in this book that will be very significant for books 4 and 5!
I loved this story so much! And yes that is one of the best opening lines I’ve ever read. Definitely something Sage would say looking back on that day.
Oooooh, I love this SO much. And I cannot wait for The Captive Kingdom to come out. I already know that it’s going to be amazing. I cannot wait to hear more from Sage.
Oh my GOSH!!! Only your books can give me that feeling in my stomach, wanting more. Not a day goes by that I don’t think of how excited I am for the fourth book. All my friends know about it even if they haven’t read them. I literally talk about it all the time 😂. A couple weeks ago, me and my cousin were fangirling over how excited we are about the new book, and I may or may not have got kind of emotional. Sorry that was kinda long but yeah… thank you!!!
Love the story. It was interesting to see some of Roden’s point of view. And I wonder how Sage would’ve reacted if he knew the pirate who had tried to KILL him was in the same city he was in when he was crowned king.
Also, I love the opening line to THE RUNAWAY KING, too.
When I read this short story I was amazed at how much it revealed about Roden’s desire to become the king. I am very excited for book 4 and 5. Thank you so much.
This is so good, thank you so much for sharing it with us!
I love this!! It really helps me put Roden’s side of the story into picture!
These short stories are so great! I was wondering if you might publish them in a book of short stories later on.
Hmm, at this point, I don’t think I will, but maybe…
wow this is amazing! thank you for giving us this great story, it’s so good to see roden’s perspective on this!
Is Roden’s revenge out? And if not, then when is it coming out, also, what about book 5?
Roden’s Revenge is just the short story in this blog. Book 4 is titled THE CAPTIVE KINGDOM.
These are my all time favorite books! Thanks for this short story! I can’t wait for books 4 and 5!
LOVED THIS SHORT STORY! your writing is the reason I read!! I always have loved this series and I am unbelievably happy with the thought of there being a book 4 and 5. Thank you for this Juicy short story.
I’ve always wondered how Roden fell in with the pirates! I got literal chills while reading this; thanks for another glimpse into this amazing world!
Amazing! It’s very interesting to see what Roden thought when he joined the pirates.
That was great!!
Nice backstory of Roden plot of revenge to Sage and his encounter with the pirates. Cannot wait to read the Captive Kingdom and what will be the last book Miss Jen.
This is amazing! I love how it ends so perfect with the beginning of TRK. I cannot thank you more for the books. Can’t wait for the winner of the competition!!!
I had a question regarding Jaron… do you think he would’ve visited Mrs Turbeldy’s orphanage again after being crowned king? 👀 How do you think she would’ve responded after finding out he’d been the prince?
That’d make a great short story! Maybe I’ll consider that.
I am so excited, cannot wait for books 4 and 5!!!!
Wow, that was sure interesting. You say this and the Runaway King will be important to understand books 4 and 5? Hmm…
OMG I love these short stories so much, they are so amazing, thank you for posting them!
I absolutely loved this!😍 I cant wait to hear more short story’s! I also cant wait till July 15!!
I’ve always wondered how this happened. . .
Ps. you should write a Jaron vs Nic short story. That would be epic.
Oh, no kidding! I think Nic would like Jaron, but Jaron would really resent that Nic can do magic.
Oh my goodness YES! I love imagining what characters from different series would be friends. Jaron specifically I feel like would be best friends with many characters in the sense that they would always tease each other and steal things from each other.
TOTALLY! Nic would probably be slightly intimidated by Sage…sorry, Jaron. Still can’t get the name out of my head! I absolutely loved your books. Like, seriously. More than ice cream. And thats saying something…
oH MY gOsH!!! That would literally be the best thing ever made on this planet. Ever.
Also Ani and Kestra would be so cool!
pps first comment
Loved this! Will you be writing more short stories about Jaron soon?
That’s my plan!
Eee! I love Roden- he hates somebody after they save his life, and then plots to ruin theirs! He is literally the most interesting and complicated character (expect maybe Conner) in the whole series. Thanks so much!
Then you’ll love him in THE CAPTIVE KINGDOM!
Hey Jennifer!, you should do Simon meets Jaron or Kestra meets Imogen ohh Or Vargan meets/met Endrick
Omg or Kestra meets Chaya!
How about Jaron and Ani? Or maybe Audra and Chaya?
I think those would be awesome together. I wonder if Jaron and Ani would get along?
No kidding!
I think it would be cool to see Jaron and Kestra meet. I think they live in the same world because THE WARRIOR’S CURSE mentioned the Eranbole Sea.
I get so excited whenever you post these, they’re just what we need to tide us over till The Captive Kingdom! thanks!
This was AMAZING! I LOVED reading this. I hope to see more short stories. Thanks so much.
Happy birthday! Hope you have a wonderful day and eat lots and lots of CAKE 🥳🥳
P.S. Can’t wait for the new books!
I did, in fact, eat lots of cake. Thank you!
Thank you!
Happy birthday!!!!❤️
Thank you!
When is the next short story going to be released? You should write one about Fink and Jaron I always loved their scenes together 🙂
I’ll work on another short story as soon as I can – there’s a ton going on right now!
I love love love Roden! He is such an incredibly complex and powerful character. He adds so much to the story. I enjoyed seeing all the different sides of his personality! People-pleasing and submissive in the False Prince, defiant and bold in the Runaway King, and strong and steadfast in the Shadow Throne. I look forward to witnessing his character in the the fourth and fifth books! It has been a pleasure and a delight to revel in the Ascendance Trilogy, Mrs. Nielsen! Thank you for the opportunity to discover Sage and follow him and his friends on their sojourns of self-discovery and adventure!
Ooohhhhhhh!!!!! Thank you for sharing this with us! I love the backstory <3
I love this! I’m a little confused though because Devlin says that the name Sage was never mentioned, or else why didn’t they recognize Jaron?
He had grown up quite a bit since they last saw him.
I can’t wait! I have read a lot of your books and I sure that that the 4 books will be even better. Hope to read it soon!
This trilogy, soon to be series, is my favourite of all that you’ve written so I am loving these little side stories. This little insight into Roden‘s thoughts makes a lot of sense from his point of view. And only his view.
Random question but, I was wondering if the original copies of the trilogy once said “the Ascendence trilogy” because when I first read them it was the trilogy and I bought them recently and it now says series.(On the spine of the book)
Clever, right? It’s because when the original three were printed, it was intended as a trilogy. The “series” concept is only within these last couple of years.
Thank you! (I knew it!)
Hi Jennifer! My name is Brooklyn you are my FAVORITE author, and that is saying something!! I set my self a goal to read all of your books!! I have read the ascendance series multiple times, and I love resistance! What was the hardest book for you to write? You have a BRILLIANT mind and I am bummed I couldn’t get into the contest but two new books is good enough for me!! I told my family about the event at sandy library! I can’t wait!! In my opinion you are the best author ever to walk the earth, thank you for being you and for being an author!! Can’t wait for the new books!! Also could you maybe write another book on world war two because in my opinion resistance is a work of art! What is your dogs name? Do you have any kids? I love Chaya,and Ester Resistance is by far my favorite book since ever!
Hi Brooklyn – Thanks so much for your kind words. Every book has its challenges, but RESISTANCE was the most difficult emotionally, THE TRAITOR’S GAME was challenging for putting the plot together how I wanted it, THE SCOURGE gave me the biggest writer’s block, and A NIGHT DIVIDED made me the most nervous. My dog is named Sadie, and I have three kids. Thanks again!
Do your kids read the books before you publish them? Do they read them at all? Cuz if not they should because your books are MAGNIFICENT!!!!!!!
Hi Brooklyn – Yeah, for the most part they do.
Cool!! Thanks for the answers what are your kids names? I know a few author’s have emotional connections with their books do you? Which book? I am sorry if I talk to much I just am just IN LOVE with all of your books!! Just a few more questions… Have you done a book trailer for the false prince? Who won the contest? Do you have a favorite 1. Character, 2. Book, 3.Plot? and What breed is Sadie? Do your kids read the books before you publish them? Do they read them at all? Cuz if not they should because your books are MAGNIFICENT!!!!!!!
Thanks again for the answers and for getting back so quickly!! Hope to hear from you soon!!
Hi again,
There is a Scholastic book trailer for The False Prince, I think you can find it online. And I don’t really have favorites of my characters or books – to choose a favorite would feel rude to the other books and characters.
Random question! What Hogwarts house do you think Jaron/Sage, Roden, Tobias, Imogen, Mott, and Amarinda would be in?
Sage and Imogen would be Gryffindor,
Tobias is Ravenclaw
Roden is Slytherin
Amarinda would be Hufflepuff
Mott is probably either a Hufflepuff ar a Gryffindor.
HECK YES!! The two best book series ever are in that Answer
Entry from fanfiction
What are your kids names? What breed is sadie? Do your kids read your books? Do they read them before you publish them? Thanks for getting back so quickly!! Do you like horses what is your favorite food,cake, drink? I got stepped on by a horse yesterday! It hurt! Have you ever been to Lagoon? hope to hear from you soon!!
Whoops didn’t see the replies the website hadn’t updated Sorry!! I am sorry i talk so much I’ll atop if you want, just tell me k?
It’s all good!
Hi Ms. Nielsen! I love hearing about Roden. Were Harlowe and Havanila going to name him Roden before he was kidnapped or was Roden a name he picked up while living in the streets?
Roden was the name he picked up on the streets. Had he been raised by his parents, it would have been a more “cultured” name.
This series has brought me so much joy. Thanks for adding these wonderful shorts :))
I did want to point out– in the Runaway King the pirates did not know Jarons orphan name was Sage. (Unless they did but I understood it wrong, which is totally possible).
Hi Mrs. Nielsen! I just finished reading your fourth book and it was AMAZING! And I CAN NOT wait for the fifth book! Fun fact my sister actually got me into the Ascendance series!
Thank you, Emily.
I was just reading the Runaway King and was looking something up and for the FIRST TIME, I learned that you had a blog with short stories on it. Roden has been my favorite character throughout the entire series!!! He’s such a well developed character and I think this short story puts so much into perspective. Roden was just so angry and admittedly hurt that he thought and committed to things that even he wasn’t sure were the best ideas yet was too stubborn to think truly better of. I haven’t read Captive Kingdom yet, but I just bought all four books and am preparing for a massive reread. I first read these books years ago as a younger teen and guess what? Even as a young adult, I still adore and appreciate them. I can’t wait to finally read the new installment and I’m so going to be combing through this blog now that I’ve finally found it.