Comments are always welcome.
Your entries were SO AMAZING! Honestly, it was impossible to narrow them to five, especially when something blew us away in one category and then something was equally amazing in another category. How could one be compared against the other?
So we changed plans, and narrowed the entries to the top three in each of five categories.
The hardest part is that there were other EXCEPTIONAL entries that deserved to be here. We saw the effort, quality, and enthusiasm of your submissions. Even if your name is not below, we still loved what you showed us.
And fans, now it is YOUR TURN TO VOTE! Here’s how:
- Watch/read/listen to each entry and choose your favorite from each category.
- In the comments, vote for the number from each category that was your favorite. These will be privately recorded, so your votes may not show up.
- If you choose to add compliments to your comment, those will show up below. Please keep it positive!
- Only one vote per category per person.
- Voting ends on July 26 at noon EST.
NOW…here are the finalists (in random order):
ENTRY 1: Ava and Abigail
“Our fan entry is [an attempt] to mimic Jaron’s sarcastic narration in a quick summary, telling his story in both regular words and song lyrics. We called it “Ascending”, obviously based off of the trilogy name, but we also named it that out of excitement because Jaron’s story is being continued.”
ENTRY 2: Jocelyn
“I named this song “King Jaron,” from the scene when Sage is riding on Mystic, in his last moments of freedom. He gets to the stream and is thinking, and Mott comes to him and as they’re talking it gets a little more intense as you realize what is happening. If this was a movie scene, I wanted the music to be like what you would hear.”
“We wrote several different themes and attempted to put them together as if it was a medley of movie music. The opening theme is supposed to set the stage and introduce the world of the Ascendance series. This is followed by exciting, haunting, and victorious themes to represent the different parts of the books. We tried to intersperse the music with scenes of Imogen and Amarinda from the books.”
“The False Prince was one of the first books I read that truly got me into reading. The plot, character development, world-building, dialogue, and themes came together so well that the story and characters are still very close to me, even 5 years later! You may be able to tell that it depicts the first scene in The Runaway King. This was one of my favourite introductory scenes and the first line of this book was so very Jaron.”

Title: Lament
“Inspired by The Shadow Throne. This illustration – titled Lament – represents the fallen soldiers and post-battles bloodshed. Darker tones of the characters depict the anguish and misery, while the contrasting lighter background depicts a future hope from an ending war.”

“Growing up, The False Prince was more than just a good book. It offered me an escape when life got rough. It gave me the courage to pursue my dreams as a writer, and today, it’s still supporting me through life…”
Brooklyn’s goal was to write the longest existing fan fiction from the series, and she achieved it, completing a 111,237 word book (nearly 30,000 words longer than anything I have written for the series) – and the best part is, her writing is really great! If she can do this, you’ll see her name on her own novels one day. She also created and manages the Wiki Fandom Page for the series. Read Chapter one of her story HERE (and keep reading if you’d like!)
Valerie also submitted a mind-blowing original composition on harp, proving she is as musically gifted as she is gifted as a writer. This piece, entitled “The Book and the Vial,” gets inside Jaron’s head perfectly, and is beautifully written as well. Read it HERE!
Not only is Minea’s writing wonderful and far beyond her years in talent, but I also loved that she has been writing Ascendance fan fiction for years, proving herself to be a long-time, enthusiastic fan. This piece is titled, “The Ascendance Trilogy Story” but her other works deserve to be read as well.
Ameerah spoke here with such openness and warmth, I felt her speaking from her heart about her love for this series.
Not only did these two young women create a game, but it looks amazing and is definitely one I would sit down to play. So inventive and fun!
Anyone who has played Minecraft knows that most things can be built, but these two actually designed Farthenwood, and did a fantastic job. I cannot imagine the hours of work that went into creating this.
THE YOUNGER CROWD (13 and under)
In full disclosure, Bonnie is older, but most of the actors are younger, so I thought it would fit here. This was a super fun video to watch!
The permission form has not yet been returned for this finalist. If and when it is, the entry will be posted here. Stay tuned!
We dare you to watch this and not be charmed by her enthusiasm and ability to express herself in such a sincere and intelligent way.
They wrote several scripts for a television series of the books, and also composed original music for a soundtrack. Here is one song, titled, “Sage/Jaron’s Theme.”
Kara created fantastic artwork, memes, and a fan video based on THE SHADOW THRONE, complete with original music. Here is the video!
We hope you made it this far, and that you enjoyed all of these as much as we did. Now, it’s time for YOU to vote!
Leave a comment below for which number was your favorite in each category. When the comments are moderated, the votes will be removed, but any additional feedback will be left in so that the entrants can see what you wrote.
Voting ends on July 26 at noon EST. You may only vote once.
The younger crowd entry
The younger crowd #!
In the original song category I vote for #
Entry for orginal song and entry for fanart
Voting for other other entry #
Song entry #
Art entry #
Fanfic entry #
Video entry #
Other entry #
Younger entry #
Video entry #
in the You get Crowd
1 vote for original song entry
voting for Other Entry #”
Fan fiction#
Original music#
younger crowed #
Original music#
Younger crowd#
I vote for the younger crowdentry
Entry # original song
Original song entry –
Original Song –
Original Song –
Original song.
I am voting for original song entry ___
Ava and Abby’s creativity and talent really shines through in their wonderful piece!
Thank you!
Really terrific!!
Thank you very much!
Younger category #
Art –
Fanfic –
– original song
Original Song:
Original Song —
Entry – was my favorite!!
In the other category I vote for entry number _
Which other category, Hager?
The one !
for original song!
I am so impressed with all the talent of your followers! WOW! Without knowing ages, I assume most are young adults. This gives me hope in the future!
Original song entry –
Fan fic:
Congrats to you all!
Yay Olivia!
Video- Entry
Your enthusiasm is infectious, Olivia.
What an awesome video!
I think Olivia R should get picked
Original song entry –
Other: number
Original song – entry
Katie’s video is incredible
Original song- entry –
Original song entry –
I have never read the books but when I saw board game it open my curiosity and I think is a unique way to get children involve and interested in reading the story.
original song
I could hear the horse hooves pounding in Jocelyn’s beautiful composition.
Original Song
Congratulations to all participants. Bella, Ben, Anne and Samantha’s project showed more than one way to express themselves, writing scripts and music. Impressive!
I vote for entry #4 under the Younger Crowd category (13 and under) Bella, Ben, Anne and Samantha. Congratulations to all participants. I voted for this project because they showed more than one way to express themselves, writing scripts and music. Impressive!
Original song-
Original song-
original song
original song by _
Art Category. Entry
Original song- entry
Original Song, entry
Oringinal song
Other, #_
Original song entry
Original song, entry _
Original song- _
_ for Original Song!
Original Story: Entry
Art: Entry
Fan fiction: Entry
Video: Entry
Other: Entry
The Younger Crowd: Entry
Original song
Entry _
I am voting for the younger crowd for _
Good job
I am voting for the younguer crowd for !!
Good job!!
Original song- _.
I vote for Original Song by _!
Original Song/Entry _
Original song #!
Original song- _
Yayyyy I am so happy for all the finalists and winners! Congrats to you all!! My personal favorite was Jocelyn’s piano piece: King Jaron. It was beautiful. Maybe it’s because I play the piano too!! This song has so much emotion and is just… wowww! I really want Jocelyn to post the music notes so I could learn it as well or a tutorial video like those PHianonize ones on YouTube. It’s such a great piece!! Anyways everyone’s entry was GREAT so good job everyone!!
Original song- _
I voted for video entry _!
Fan –
Fan fiction #😀
Original Song- Entry _!
So amazing, so proud of these girls!
Original Song – entry __!!!
original song
I cast my vote
__ for fan fic
fanfic _
I vote for __!
Olivia is so well spoken!
The original song!
There are three – which were you voting for?
Abbys and Avas their song was amazing
Original Song – Entry _
Original Song Entry
_ for the younger crowd!
_ for younger
_ with their video
_ for fanfiction
_ for art
Original song Entry _
Original Song
Amazing!!!! So talented!!!
Younger category—
Original Song-
Entry _
The Original Song By _!
For original song I vote Entry _
Katie’s video…wow! Very impressed!
Art: Entry:
Original song-entry
Art- entry
Fanfic- entry
Video- entry
Other- Entry
Younger crowd- entry
I vote for the Original Song Entry _!
In the 13 and under , I vote for number _
Original Song, Entry _
My vote goes to Fan Fiction category: Entry _
I loved the beginning [of Brooklyn’s] and I cant wait to read the rest
That Board game was awesome
In other category I vote for entry number
original song- entry _
Original song Entry _ ❤️
Original Song Entry _
original song – entry _
Original Song: Entry _
I vote for video
Original song _
Olivia is awesome! She is mature beyond her years!
Thank you very much 🙂
Category: Other
Entry 2: __
Younger Crowd #
I vote for Art Entry
Original song entry #
Original song – entry
The younger crowd #!!
For Art Entry:
Young crowd:
The younger crowd:
The younger crowd vote #!
ORIGINAL SONG was very touching!
ART Depicts a very natural, creative, and elegant scene!
OTHER Super intricate and accurate!
YOUNGER CROWD – Very relatable and heart-warming!
Art Entry
Video entry #
Loved the creativity of so many of the entries
I vote for video entry !
original song
Original song entry
I vote for video entry
Other entry
I vote for Original song entry
Original song entry
Original Song: Entry
Art: Entry
Fan fiction: Entry
Video: Entry
Other: Entry
Younger: Entry
Wow these are some talented young people! Great job to all!!
Original Song- Entry
Art- Entry
Fanfic- Entry
Video- Entry
Other- Entry
The Younger Crowd- Entry
The Younger Crowd category:
Original Song-
Younger Crowd-
Original Song: Entry
Art: Entry
Fan Fiction: Entry
Video: Entry
Other: Entry
Younger Crowd: Entry
These were all so amazing, great work everyone and thank you so much for doing this Mrs. Nielsen!
Olivia’s enthusiasm is catching and it reminds me of the joy of waiting for your favorite author’s new release and then devouring it. Olivia is a very accomplished young woman and I loved to hear from her point of view.
Thank you very much for voting! 🙂
I vote for entry in other category
I am voting for video entry #
Original song-entry
Original song by
Younger crowd – #
Art – Entry
Original Song –
Art –
Other –
Younger Crowd –
All of the original songs were beautiful!!! I had such a hard time picking one
entry !!!
I am voting for ENTRY
“I VOTE FOR VIDEO ENTRY 2: Katie. Great job Katie!!!!
Art: entry
Fan fiction:
The younger crowd:
Choose Olivia!
I VOTE for VIDEO Entry
Art: Entry :
Original song, entry #
Olivia is such a bright, enthusiastic student and an avid reader! I hope she is the chosen one!
Art entry
Number !
Younger Crowd-
Original Song —
Art: Entry
My vote goes for
Original song: Entry
Art: Entry
Fan fiction: Entry
Video: Entry
Other: Entry
Younger: Entry
Wow!! These made my day!!
I vote for original song .
Incredible talent!
Ava and Abigail for all categories!
Entry art
I vote for video entry !
Katie’s comic is amazing!
I vote for # in art category
Category other
Kayleigh’s video was absolutely inspired! What a creative girl!
Thank you!!
My vote goes to original song
Art- entry
Original song entry
Original song – #
Art – #
Fan fiction – #
Video -#
Other – #
The younger crowd – #
Entry art
Original song entry is awesome and my personal favorite!
The board game is very creative and well done!!
Thank you!!!
Song –
Art –
Fanfic –
Video –
Other –
Younger –
Loving video # by .
Elise and Sophie had such talent, beauty and creativity!
Art: Entry
I’m voting for original song entry .
Original song entry #
Such amazing young talent!
Original Song – Entry
Art – Entry
Video – Entry
Other – Entry
Original Song…I vote for entry
Original Song-
Fan Fiction-
Younger Crowd-
Great job, everyone!
Bonnie wow a future movie maker it’s pretty cool
I’m loving #4 in the 13 and under group. This was a true collaborative event with this group. They wrote a song and several scripts. Not just one. These kids are amazing!!
Definitely I vote for original song entry !!!
Original song : entry
Art: entry
Fanfiction: entry
Video: entry
Other: entry
Younger: entry
Original Song Entry
Art: Entry
Original song-entry
Original song:
Entry #
I vote for video entry
Definitely Number for art 🙂
Original Song:
Fan fiction:
Original Song: entry
Fan Favorite
I. Vote for video . Amazing work!!!
Original Song: Entry #
Art: Entry #
Fan Fiction: Entry #
Video: Entry #
Other: Entry #
Younger Crowd: Entry #
The art piece by Nida shows a profound insight into the mind of the False Prince and the way she explained it takes a reader way back in time.
Original Song, Entry #
Voting for video
Original Song
Art entry
Olivia is enthusiastic and shares her thoughts in a mature way! Way to go Olivia!!
I vote for art entry
Rubi and Leticia’s video was so professionally done! I loved it.
Original Song
Olivia [has] such emotion and appreciation. Clearly enjoys this author!!
Original song: entry !!
Original song entry
Art Entry
Great job Ava and Abigail! So creative!
Thank you!!!
Thank you! ❤️
This was beautiful and intense, just like you intended! I can tell you were “in” the scene while performing.
~ Bravo!
Art: Entry ❤️
Abigail and Ava’s piece is beautifully done, originally created, masterfully executed! Brava!!
Thank you!!
Thank you!❤️
I vote for video entry
Original Song- Entry
Vote for Younger category: !
Art: Entry
Video –
What a great trailer
Art: Entry
Great job Joce! it really does sound like a movie theme.
Original Song #
Art #
Fanfic #
Video #
Other #
Younger crowd #
Olivia is so passionate about your books!
Olivia speaks to the young voracious reader in me! Her ability to just get lost in the books shows how connected she is to them!
Jocelyn’s music was absolutely amazing and I will be listening to that! And (as a piano player myself) you are incredibly talented!
Art Entry #2 reflects Sage/Jaron in one of his more thoughtful times
Brooklyn, I started reading that and it is amazing so far! (Also to Jennifer, I wrote a fanfiction, can’t help getting my hopes up, maybe try sending the email again maybe I missed it or something? Or probably I just lost. just asking. *wink wink*)
The Lego False Prince- I can only imagine the effort it took to create that! It is really wonderful!
The Queen’s Cross game looks really interesting!
On Bonnie’s trailer, I loved Conner’s goatee. LOL
I loved every single one of these! It made my day! Congrats to all the winners!
Thanks that means a lot Alana!
Thank you for the kind words!
Thanks for liking our board game 🤗
Vote for Original Song
Entry no.
We read a number of your books as a family and I, as a father, appreciate the fact that not only were they a great story and were action packed but they were family friendly. Thank you
Amazing talent from all. Really enjoyed all three of the Original music pieces.
Original Music;
Fan Fiction;
Younger crowd;
Original song – entry
Original song
Category Other entry
Original song – entry
Art: Entry
Original song vote:
Original song entry
Original Song
Jocelyn’s skill and passion with music and love for the story of Jaron really caught my eye. Her piece captures an emotional, climactic moment in The False Prince. Jocelyn is very professional sounding.
Original song #
Original song .
Art: Entry
Original song
Art Entry
Art – entry
Original Song #
Wonderful song
!! Love !!
Thanks Aunt T!!!
Original Song
Original song
Original Music = #
Original Song
I vote for original song #
Original song, entry
The Younger Crowd #
Ava and Abigail’s song really emphasized how i am now. Plus there some great friends of mine.
Thank you!!!
Thanks Jayden!!!
I want students to decide, but I just had to say that the creativity in all the entries is absolutely AMAZING!
Voting for .
Sorry, please hide the previous comment from me and this one as well! I didn’t follow directions and put names instead of number.
My vote is for number in younger category.
Thank you!
The Younger Crowd:
Olivia, listening you talk about these books really makes me want to read them. You enthusiasm and love of reading is so awesome. Well done!
Original Song
ART- entry
My vote is for number
Original song-
Fan fiction-
The younger crowd-
These are all so awesome!
Rubi & Leticia, Awesome job. You two are great…
Thank you so much!
Category: Younger Crowd
Vote: #
other: entry
younger crowd: entry
lf you couldn’t hear the music on younger crowd, submission #4, here is the link:
Original song – entry
Original Song-
Younger crowd-
seriously though every one of these is so good! all the original music especially blew me away!!
My vote is for the younger crowd entry number .
Fan Fiction-
Younger crowd-
First of all congratulations to everyone who made it this far. You are all very talented.
In the original song category my favorite entry was no.
In the art category my favorite entry was no.
In the video category my favorite entry was no.
In the other category my favorite entry was no.
I am so proud of everyone who entered the contest. All of you should be proud of yourselves. Again congratulations! So happy for you.
Wow, you are so kind. And weither or not I got your vote I thank you for taking the time to view everyone’s entry and that you enjoyed it. We appreicate your time 🙂
Fan Fiction-
Younger Crowd-
Original Song –
Art –
Fanfiction –
Video –
Other –
Younger Crowd –
Loved Katie’s work!
I love the game RUBI AND LETICIA created. There were so inventive and the game looks so beautiful. Love it!
I’m gonna save my votes for when *all* the entries are in 🙂
I loved seeing all of these though! Just wondering, Mrs. Nielsen, but do you plan on posting more of the entries? These were all great, and I’d love to see more! 🙂
I am going to post more – definitely let you all see how amazing the semi-finalists were.
I am voting for !
Original song- entry
Entry # in video section
Original song #
Amazing creativity and incredible song!
Young crowd
My vote for the Younger crown is for – amazing job guys, keep it up.
Art Entry
song entry
I love katie’s work.
Original song
Which entry from the Original Song?
I vote for video entry .
Original song – Entry
Original song entry-
Original song number 3 was beautiful!!!
Original song: number
Art number
Trailer number
Original Song- Entry
Art- Entry
Fanfic- Entry
Other- Entry
Younger Crowd- Entry
Art – entry
Fan fiction – entry
Video – entry
Other – entry
The younger crowd – entry
Everyone did so amazing! It was so hard to choose! Good luck to all!
Original Song –
Art –
Fanfiction –
Video –
Other –
Younger –
Congrats to everyone though.
I vote for # in the art category.
Katie drew the whole first scene of the book and really brought it to life
Original Song Entry
Original song-entry
Art entry 1 is amazing!. The color, the vivid details, and texture of the work is some of the best I’ve ever seen.
I vote for !!!!
Rubi and Leticia are so creative!
Thank you! 😀
You can really see Katie’s love for the series shining through 😀
Original song
Which of the three entries in the original song category?
I vote for entry #_
Original song entry #_!
Original song
Fan Fiction Definitely
Original Song entry
The symbolism (of #2 in artwork) is really cool.
I had been interested (in fan fiction #3) from the first sentence. 🙂
The end of (the second) video just made my heart soar. I loved it. It shows the highs and lows of Jaron and the relationships throughout the books. Made me excited for the next two books!
(Entry 3 in “Other”) – That’s just straight impressive.
the younger crowd- entry 3 just makes me smile. 🙂
Original Song
Younger Crowd
Category: Art
Younger Crowd
Original Song
Original sound entry _
I vote for entry in the art category!
Art- entry
Original Song –
Art –
Fan Fiction –
Video –
Other –
Younger Crowd –
i vote entry _ the younger crowd!
Omg the younger crowd 3 with Ben,Bella, Anne and Samantha is AMAZING! Such creativity for such young people!
The younger crowd: entry
Video – _.
Original Song Entry _
The younger crowd entry
I am voting for the younger crowed entry _
Video- #
The Younger Crowd – entry _
The Younger Crowd , entry _.
Younger Crowd – Great job!
I vote for _
My vote is The Younger Crowd, Entry ,
The younger crowd entry 4 was awesome.
The Younger Crowd – entry
I love how Olivia expresses her feelings.
Original Song entry .
Art entry
Art: Entry _
Original song Entry
In the Younger Crowd Category I’d like to vote for Entry #_! Pure talent
The Younger Crowd
Entry #
Original Song
Younger crowd #_
I Would like to vote for the younger crowd entry
The younger crowd, entry
Thank you for giving us some extra reading material Brooklyn!!!!
You’re welcome! I hope you enjoy it 😉
I wish we could see the television series script. My vote is the younger crowd entry _!
Original song –
Original song entry _
Original song entry
I loved the Lego characters and app the details and easter eggs you included.
In 13 and under, I am voting for #_
Category – Art
Rubi and Leticia were awesome in creating the ultimate board game that I would definitely play. Great Job Girls.
Thank you!!
Art entry #!
Original song entry
Art entry
Fan Fiction entry
Video entry
Other entry
Younger Crowd entry
Ava and Abigail, you’re amazing! Very impressive, everyone!!
Thank you, very much!
Thank you!!! <3
Original Song-#
Fan Fiction #
Video #
Other #
The Younger Crowd #
These were all so good!!!
Original song:
Fan fiction:
Younger crowd:
Original Song- Entry
Video entry number
Video entry
My vote for video is .
All works were so amazing and all participants so talented. It’s understandable why it was impossible to choose the finalists the original way as every art piece here is so incredible.
I want to congratulate everyone on the hard work that you’ve done; you can all be so proud of yourselves.
I loved the lyrics of Ava’s and Abigail’s song, the powerful melody of Jocelyn’s piece and the advanced use of violins in Elise and Sophie’s music.
All pieces of art were so perfect and done in so many different styles that it was a hard decision. The attention to detail in Nida’s artwork, the raw emotion in Mayhlee’s work and the brillian character placing in Katie’s book cover.
Fan Fiction:
Fantastic work from all stories. The amount of effort that must have gone into writing Brooklyn’s story is beyond imagination.
Valerie’s work, without a doubt is equally good and powerful.
Minea’s work has been done with care.
Kayleigh’s amazing work has taken a lot of editing and therefore patience and hard work.
The emotions showcased in Katie’s video is astounding, even without many details in a lot of the scenes.
Jenna’s video must have taken a lot of time to do and it’s very well done.
Ameerah spoke with such emotion and care, and was able to portray all the love that fans feel in her video.
Ruby’s and Leticia’s idea of Queen’s Cross is injenious and must have taken ages to create.
Sarah and Joshua’s Minecraft house took days to make and the time that it took needs to be appreciated.
The Young Crowd:
Bonnies work must have taken a lot of time to make with all their props and acting.
Olivia’s video is so full of exitement and care and the importance of the books is clear in her speech.
Ben, Bella, Anne and Samantha’s music is made with not so usual instruments and has a interesting melody.
Kara created a melody that sinks deep and is full of emotion.
All the artists in this competition are talented and deserve recognision and appreciation. I hope all contestants, even those who didn’t reach this round, are proud of what they have done and proud of their efforts.
thank you for your comments. I’m glad you like our board game. It really made my day.
I don’t know if it went through the first time but….I wanted to thank you for the kind feedback! It did take a long time from concept to finish and I happy you enjoyed it 🙂
I’m glad you liked it! Thank you for the kind feedback. 🙂
Original song: Entry
Art: entry
Fan fiction: entry
Video: entry
Other: entry
Younger: entry
Original Song #
I vote for for original song. Number
I vote for, “Original Music ~
Original song -entry number
Beautifully done ! So musical!
Video # Gets my vote
Video #
Fan fiction –
Love Trailer #.
The young crowd #
Fan Fiction I vote #!
They are all so wonderful! I am voting for Video #.
Voting for video entry !
Video entry from !
Fan Fiction # 3 [is] a very colourful story. Discriptive and captivating. Very impressed!
Well done Minea, I want more.
Goodness, Original Song: Entry 2 made me tear up; it was incredible! I’m playing it on repeat. Fan Fiction: Entry 2, and The Younger Crowd: Entry 4 both gave me chills!) Well done, everyone!
Wow! That is a huge honor Sage! Thank you.
Jocelyn, you did an incredible job! I play the piano and know that took a lot of practice and skill. You have inspired me. Thank you for sharing your talent with us.
Thanks! I’m really thankful for God’s help.
Thank YOU! Your talent is absolutely incredible. While I was listening to it, I read along with the scene you mentioned and it matched the mood, emotion, and pacing of it just /perfectly./ Good luck with the competition!
I am voting for Art Entry
Fan Fiction #
Good job Katie!!
I vote #
I vote for video entry #!
I vote for video entry #
Art: Entry
Loved the writing style, awesome job Minea!
Original song !!!
OLIVIA – WOW! What an incredible young lady! She not only needs to win because of her passion and love for these books, but what a way to express herself! AMAZING!
Fan fiction #
I vote for entries!
Entry for art
Fan fic:
Video entry #!
Art: Entry !
Original song- Entry
I’m voting for fan fiction # !
Entry of the art catagory!
The Younger Crowd:
Art: Entry 1 really transported me – thank you Nida for sharing this amazing work!
Thank you for your kind words!
I the Art category I vote for entry .
Video Entry #
Entry # Original Song
Entry, Art!
Fan fiction-
Younger crowd-
Original Song-
Fan Fiction-
Younger Crowd-
Great job to all finalists!
Fan fiction: Entry
Art Entry #1 – Disney is watching!
Art: Entry
Original Song – entry
The original song by gets my vote! Well done!
Original Song
The orinial songs were very beautiful I really liked the lyrics for the 1st song and I also like the intensity of the piano, well played!! The 3rd I love how you guys even dressed up and personally I love the sound of both pianos and string. Great job!
My vote for this category is #
The art category is very difficult because it everyone has a different style. I really liked the 1st contestant their coloring and personally that is what I pictures Jason’s hair to look like. The 2nd entry, even though they are facing away from us I can tell exactly who is who. It’s really pretty. As for the 3rd entry wow your way of to create a comic version of the story is great! I actually would have loved to do that for the entire books but my drawing skills suck.
My vote for this category is #
As for the video entries they were great more than I can do for sure. The Legos was very creative and I have no idea how you were able to get them to move without seeing your fingers. Entry 2 was great as well, it reminded me of the first sketch animations in movies. Where they draw it in 2d first just see how the want they’re final projects to be. The first entry I loved your choice in music and out of everyone they actually told more of a summer of what the book was about which is nice for those here voting that have not yet read the books.
My vote for this category is #
Now for the other category I feel the same as entry 1 I really like Jennifer Neilsen’s books. This is my favorite trilogy that she has written. But I also love her stand alone. Just a great author. I’m not as expressive in my was of speaking but I feel the same as she does. Entry 2 well I love to play board games. Entry three was mind blowing. I wish I can create in 3d. It looks great!!
My vote for this category is #
Art Entry 1 is an amazing painting so full of expression and vividness.
Fan fiction:
Video entry
Original song entry 3 is so beautiful!
The younger crowd entry
The younger crowd entry
Younger crowd entry
Younger crown entry:
Entry number
Original Song- #
Art- #
Rubi and Leticia board game , wow great idea it was hard to decide on one but I like board games.
Rubi and Leticia wow great idea to make board game is that going to be available for purchase
Video #
Original Song – #
Art- #
Video- #
Younger crowd entry
I enjoyed watching the board game concept ,look really nice ,is it going to be a available for purchase
Original Entry – #
Wow very creative a board game . Children will want to play ,is this game going to be available I think my children will like something like that.
Younger categories entry
Rubi and Leticia’s board game was creative was nice to see , I would purchase the game as gift. It was very detailed 😊.
Younger crowd- entry
Video Entry
Video – entry
Video – entry
Fan fiction: number
Original Song:
The Younger Crowd:
I vote for entry # in the “Younger Crowd” category.
I love fanfic entry #1! So talented!
I think all these submissions are absolutely amazing and show how much of an impact Ms. Nielsen has made on all of us. Great job to everyone 🙂
I absolutely agree! 👏🏼
Yess!! Thank you so much, Mrs. Nielsen!
Original Song – #2 was gorgeous!! You are so inspiring, Jocelyn!
My absolute favorite entry was Kayleigh’s video!!! The candle was so beautiful and symbolic! So creative!
Thank you!
Great job Katie! Love the creativity!
Wow, all of these entries are amazing! I can see why the contest judges decided to have 20 finalists instead of 5. 🙂 Congratulations to all of you!
For the original song category, my vote goes to #_. The emotion and creativity in all of the entries is astounding. If I could vote for all of them, I would.
For the art category, all of these are incredible and far beyond what I can do, but my favorite has to be Katie’s. Her art complements Jennifer Nielsen’s writing perfectly! I can imagine her having a future career as a successful graphic novel artist.
For the fan fiction category, Minea’s writing perfectly replicated Jaron’s narration and told an excellent story.
For the video category, having tried to do stop motion animation before, I can see how much effort must have gone into Jenna’s entry!
For the other category, this was really hard, because all of the entries were impressive in totally different ways. If I hadn’t already read and loved the Ascendance Series, Ameerah’s video would have convinced me to pick it up and read it immediately. Rubi and Leticia’s board game version of Queen’s Cross is so thorough and totally represents the game as it was portrayed in the books. And Sarah and Joshua’s Minecraft version of Farthenwood (complete with secret passages!!) is so, so cool.
I’ll hold off on voting in the younger crowd category for a bit longer to see if entry 2 will be posted.
Again, congratulations to all of you, and thank you so much to Jennifer Nielsen for having this contest!
Thanks for your comment about our boardgames. It really made my day. Im glad that we were able to show how the game was played exactly like the book☺
It makes me SO happy to hear that what we intended came across. Thank you so much for the compliment!
Art –
I love the song choice from all, but Vedder’s Guaranteed was a perfect selection, especially since you were inspired for it. Brilliant.
I vote for entry #
the younger crowd – entry . I like it.
I loved all the amazing entries, you guys worked hard on this, congrats!
I vote for # in the younger crowd
art –
other –
My votes:
Original Song-
Fan Fiction-
Original Song: Entry #
Wow! Beautiful!
Video entry #
Ava and Abby That’s My Girl♥️
Enthusiastic Video by Ameerah
Ok wow!
Rubi and Leticia, your game blew me away! It was so creative and unlike any of the other entries! Wonderful job on the design and clear explanation. Keep up the excellent work💖💖
Thank you so much for the feedback!
thank you!! Make me happy that you guys like and understand the game.
Original Song-
Original Song #
Art #
Video #
Other #
Younger #
These are all amazing!
Jocelyn, the piece was beautifully done.
Thank you!
All the entries were creative and delightful to watch. Congratulations to everyone who contributed to the contest and shared their gifts and talents!
Elise & Sophie, the outdoor setting and costumes were beautiful and your original violin music was amazing!
Mayhlee, your use of dark and light to represent emotions was insightful.
Valerie – Beautiful, descriptive writing!
Ben, Bella, Anne, Samantha were creative and fun.
I love art entry #1!
It is unique and eye-catching. The vivid colors and distinct lines expertly draw your attention to Jaron’s face, and attracts notice to the fact that his face is partially hidden. This creates an elusive air about the picture, making you wonder if more is going on than what is clearly visible, mimicking the clever way Mrs. Nielsen writes. Truly, this piece is rich with detail. Beautiful work! You are very inspiring, Nida💖💖
Wow! You honestly put words to all of the aspects I wanted express in my piece. Thanks!
Original Song
Younger Crowd
My vote is for ENTRY
The younger crowd:
The younger crowd #
Original Music – Entry
Fan Art – Entry
I vote Entry #
Original Song – Entry
There are such creative approaches to this series in all the categories.
Original Song – Entry
Original Music:
Fan Fiction:
P.S., if I was the 2nd ent try in that category, (my phone has been known to have email problems) the 2nd time it should come through. Congrats to everyone! You truly all deserve this 🙂
Video entry
Original Song Entry-
Video finalist #
All a great group of talented and creative kids!
I vote for original song entry
was my favorite
Jenna, What a great video for The False Prince, it was a perfect summary/preview that was fun and exciting!
I’m vote entry # for the younger crowd
Category Other entry
Original Song: Entry
Art: Entry
Video: Entry
I vote for # in the younger crowd!
So awesome! Original song – entry
Jocelyn’s piano song was incredible! I am also a pianist, and the chords and themes she used throughout the piece were very advanced and creative, especially for her age. They portrayed the feel and images that she was trying to get across using music.
I vote for !
Original song entry #
Art entry #
Fan Fiction #
Video #
Younger crowd-
Art entry
Category 1 Number
Category 2 Number
Category 3 Number
Category 4 Number
Category 5 Number
Category 6 Number
Original Music – Vote for #
Art – Vote for #
Fan Fiction – Vote for #
Video – Vote for #
Other – Vote for #
Original Music – #
Art – #
Fan Fiction – #
Video – #
Other – #
Elise and Sophie – What a beautiful setting, costumes and acting to compliment their great skill in playing their violins. They were completely charming!
I vote for # younger crowd
I vote entry # for the younger crowd
Well done everyone!! I vote for # for the younger crowd!
Vote for Art Entry #, great work!
I vote for # Younger. Terrific!!
I vote for video entry #
The violinists are amazingly talented and the scenery is beautiful!
# in the younger crowd
Elise and Sophie’s music and visual effects drew me into the scene. Lovely!
All the entries were AMAZING and so clever! I enjoyed viewing them all and want to congratulate all the finalists. They are so skilled and really help bring the Ascendance series to life.
Thank you for the congratulations, I feel blessed to even be included 🙂
Art category entry .
I vote entry # for the younger crowd!
I vote for # in the younger crowd
The piano piece was very well done. This could easily be part of a soundtrack in a film. Well done! All contestants did a great job.
I can see it too! *thumbs up*
I was thinking the same thing!
I’m voting for:
Art – Entry
Video – Entry
Other – Entry
The younger crowd #
Art- !
I vote entry #, for the younger crowd!! Thank you!!
For original song:
Other entry #
Original song – entry
Ava and Abigail’s song was incredible! 🙂
Thank you!!
Thank you!!!
Original Song
Incredible! 🙂
Video entry !
13 and under – entry
I vote entry # for the younger crowd! So great!
For Fan Fiction I vote #
Younger crowd entry #!! Fingers crossed
I vote for # in the younger crowd!
Video Entry #
Fan fiction:
Video entry #
Fan fiction
fan fiction
fan fiction
Fan fiction
Fan fiction # 🙂
Fan fiction
Great job Brooklyn!!
Please Fan Fiction #
Fan fiction #
These were fun to see!
Original Song
Fan Fiction
Younger Crowd
Fan fiction
Original Song
Fan Fiction 1 Is SUPER FREAKING AWESOME!!!!!!!!!
Younger Crowd
Fan fiction
I loved Fan Fiction # whoop whoop
I vote for Fan Fiction #!!
These are fantastic!
Fan Fic
Fan fiction !!!!!!
Fan Fav #
I vote for original song and fanfic
Great work Jocelyn. I think it sounds very majestic and like a movie soundtrack. Good imagination!
Thank you very much!
Song entry #
Art entry #
Fanfic entry #
Video entry #
Other entry #
Younger entry #
Original song. Entry
Very nice Jocelyn! Your work grows continuously and this is a good showcase of your abilities. Thanks also for the description. Keep up the good work!
Song Entry #
Video: Entry #
Original song #
I vote for “The Younger Crowd” #
I vote for “The Younger Crowd” #
Original Song – Entry #
Art – Entry
Fan Fiction – Entry
Video – Entry #
Other – Entry #
The Younger Crowd – Entry #
I vote for Entry # for The Younger Crowd
# for The Younger Crowd
My vote for Original Song Entry #
Voting for video entry
Song entry #
Katie!!! I can’t imagine how much time went in to drawing, animating, and EDITING the whole video. Great job!
Art entry #
Jocelyn’s original song King Jaron was amazing!!!
Fan fiction
The younger crowd entry 5 was really creative and beautiful!
The Younger Crowd #
Nida’s art is very impressive !
Thank you!
The Younger Crowd. Entry
The Younger Group —The False Prince – What a fun group of kids. It was clear they put a lot into this and had fun doing it. Well done.
I love these entries!
My votes:
Mayhlee’s artwork was so beautiful and deep. Her work shone among the rest, as she was willing to create a scene of sorrow, yet a scene of abounding hope. One of my favorite parts of the series! Jaron and his friends may come to a disaster, but since they can see the hope in the future so clearly they will never surrender. Love it, Mayhlee!
I vote for Entry # in the Younger crowd.
The Younger Crowd- Entry
I am blown away with this!The use of Eddie Vedder’s song, “Guaranteed” is perfect and magical. Wow!
My vote is for the song made by .
Original song entry
Video Entry #
I VOTE for VIDEO Entry
Congratulations to everyone, all of these are amazing!!
Song – entry #
Art – entry #
Fan fiction entry #
Video entry #
Other entry #
Younger entry #
video entry
video entry
Video entry
Original Song!
I vote for Art entry !
I’m voting for _ original song.
Fan Fiction Entry
Younger Crowd-
Song entry #
Art entry #
Fan fiction entry #
Video entry #
Other entry #
Younger entry #
Original song:
Fan fiction:
Younger crowd:
Excellent work from all participants.
Song entry #
Art entry #
Younger entry #
Original Song:
Fan Fic:
one vote for _ in art entry!
My vote for other category is #
Video #2 Katie did fantastic!!!
Category Art
Love Video #2 Katie
Original Song Entry #
Original Song Entry #
Original Song – ENTRY
Sarah and Joshua did a great job on the minecraft farthenwood thingy! 🙂
SARAH AND JOSHUA spent so much work on it and they even included the secret networks by using the portraits in minecraft.
Sarah and Joshua’s Minecraft adaption of Farthenwood – I just like it. Although I am quite aware that many others put an enormous amount of effort in their works, but I, myself, would probably choose this one. Not to offend anyone’s works, of course.
Bonnie – Excellent!
Original Song:entry
Art #
Bonnie’s had action packed adventure! Very exciting! Great job all!!
Original music #
Original Music #
video entry number
art entry
art entry
I’m voting for…
Original Song: #
Art: #
Fan fiction: #
Video: #
The Younger Crowd: #
You all did an awesome job!! I was blown away by every entry. How she picked I have no idea.
Original song- entry !!
I already voted, but I felt I should take the time to comment on all the entries 🙂
The original songs were all beautiful! The piano was passionately played and moving and the violin pieces looked amazing with dress up and scenery and everyting!
I can’t even describe how AMAZING the art entries were! Nida’s reminded me of some of the best anime cover art and just really did well with at opening scene of Runaway King, which was also the inspiration for my own entry. Lament was also a BEAUTIFUL piece of art, the colors, the silhouettes, just the….feeling it portrays was incredible. And Katie….just wow. I wish I could write a comic! It was such a fun away to see the story bounce to life.
The fan fictions did such a good job of staying true to characters we have come to know and love but writing in completely different styles! I attemped to write a poem summarizing this and didn’t even come close to the excellent writing these promising future authors showed. Good job Brooklyn, Valerie and Minea.
The videos were completely different it made it hard to pick one to vote for! The first video was a really well made book trailer and one of the few that told the story so even non-fans would be able to get a gist of what the books we love are about. The 2nd was basically an animation! I can’t only imagine the work it took to create that. And the lego movie just blew me away! I loved seeing our characters take the stage in lego form haha
The others were also very different. Ameerah was so well spoken and you could totally tell how much she loves these stories. I share her passion for Nielsen’s work and wish I could be as expressive. She has obviously made many projects inspired by Jaron and I applaud her for skills. The 2nd entry was my own in works with my sister. I won’t say much more about it except that just like everyone else’s it took a LOT of work and I am honestly pretty proud of it and enjoy playing. Even if I don’t get votes, i hope to see more feedback just to see if anyone else likes it 🙂 . As for Sarah and Joshua….wow! Nice work! a whole 3D mansion! Could you make my dream home in 3D?! 😀
The younger crowd were so cute! It’s sad one has yet to be posted, but the 1st one made me laugh with their portrayal of Conner and just how they summed up book one. The 3rd entry was simple but full of passion and you could tell how much she loves these books. For someone so young she seems to be really into reading which is a joy to see! Entry four made such a beautiful melody! And I wish I could see more of the scripts they wrote and other music….I’m very much interested. I also loved the music Kara composed to portray that prebattle scene in, I believe, book three. I found myself singing Jaron’s song with their melody and it just fit.
Congrats to all who’ve made it! Every entry was amazing in it’s own way and I wish you all the best of luck!
I LOVED the game! It definitely looks like something I would enjoy playing. And just the fact that you made it is mind blowing.
Thank you! Means a lot to us!😍
Yay! Thank you for your positive feedback. 😀
Nida! That is beautiful!!!
WOW, all of these are SUPER amazing!! Everyone is so talented, and you can tell how much they love The Ascendance Series. I love that we can all come together and show our love for these books. They’ve really changed my life as well.
Original Song #1
Art #
Fan Fiction # (But I really loved all of them.)
Video #
Other # (But, again, they were all super cool.)
Younger Crowd #
Original song entry #
I vote for:
Original song: #
Art: #
Fan fic: #
Younger crowd: #
Original song. #
Art Entry 1 [is] Beautiful!
Jocelyn’s song captivated the scene very well. Way to go Jocelyn!
I did like entry one a lot and it seemed like a good song for the closing of a movie of the trilogy.
I vote for entry # for art
These entries are all so amazing!
Ava and Abigail, I love the lyrics to your song, it really captures Sage’s emotions.
Jocelyn, The talent in both playing and composing in your song is incredible! It gave me goosebumps,(In a good way 😉
Elise and Sophie, I love the melodies and scenes in your song. The second and last themes are my favorite.
Nida, your drawing has such an incredible amount of detail! I can’t even imagine how long it took.
Mayhlee, your art is so amazing, I love the use of texture and color!
Katie, your entry is so creative in formatting and the cover is really cool.
Brooklyn, it’s so amazing that you managed to write that much! Especially if it’s all as good as that. My favorite part was: “Oh no, keep me up here. I do so love the view. Gives me a new perspective on life.” It’s hilarious and I can totally imagine Jaron saying that!
Valerie, the emotions in your story are amazing! I also thought about what Sage/Jaron must have felt when he found the poison, but I never could have written it as well as this.
Minea, your story literally had me on the edge of my seat. It was so exciting and marvelously written!
Kayleigh, this trailer is so cool! I can tell you put a lot of time and effort into it.
Katie, I love this animation, it’s so much fun! You did a really good job animating all the characters.
Jenna, Amazing work! I really like the way you showed all the major events. I can’t imagine how long it must have taken to film all this. I love the part where Sage rolls the coin over his hand. It looks so natural!
Ameerah, your enthusiasm is so contagious!
Rubi and Leticia, awesome job on the game, it looks like a lot of fun!
Sarah and Joshua, Wow. Just wow. That’s incredible! I love the way you made the secret passageways.
The Younger crowd:
Bonnie, awesome job on the costumes, acting, props, and editing! Really cool!
Olivia, I can tell how much you love this series, great job.
Ben, Bella, Anne, Samantha, I love this composition! I can only imagine how cool it would sound in real life! The tune is really catchy and memorable.
Kara, I love both the composition and the video. That tune fits the song so perfectly, both in rhythm and mood.
Final votes:
Dear me, how will I ever choose?
Original song #
Art #
Fanfiction #
Video #
Other #
The younger crowd #
Thank you so much for the compliment! I’m glad you liked it 😀
Younger – #
I vote for the younger crowd entry no.
Ameerah’s entry was Well–spoken
other: entry
I love how Ameerah’s entry was so enthusiastic and expressed their love and passion for the series. 😀
For Ameerah, it is very obvious she is one of your biggest fans!
Song: entry
Art: entry
Video: entry
Other: entry
Younger: entry
Original by
Original Song entry
Other, Entry
I’m voting for…
Original Song: #
Art: #
Fan fiction: #
Video: #
Other: Ameerah
The Younger Crowd: #
Fan Fiction
Younger Crowd
Other: Entry #
The younger crowd #
Original Song: #
Art: #
Fan Fiction: #
Video: #
Other: #
The Younger Crowd: #
(If I had to choose one it’d be you cat)
I am voting for…..
Original song #
Original Song-
Fan Fic-
Other: Entry 1 [has] Huge enthusiasm and no doubt one of the biggest fans of the series i’ve seen!
I vote for Art Entry
This was amazing! I love how creative everyone was. I love how Jocelyn’s music and Ava & Abigail’s song made Jaron really come to life. The game of Queen’s Cross and the minecraft of Farthenwood was awesome.
My votes:
Original song entry
Art entry
Fan fiction entry
Video entry
Other entry
Younger crown entry
Thank you!!! Glad you liked the game
Thank you! I appreciate your kind words 🙂
Other: Entry
Other: Entry
Original Song
Everyone did such a wonderful job, it’s so hard to pick just one! But if I had to decide, I’d say # for music, # for art, # for fan fiction, # for video, for other [you took] the time to make a Minecraft world [which] is HARD), and # for the younger crowd.
Congrats to all of the finalists!! You deserve it!
I vote for video entry #
I vote for Original Music ~ #
My vote goes for Original Music ~
I vote for # in the younger crowd
For the younger crowd I vote #
Voting for other entry #
Voting for other entry #
For the younger crowd, I vote #
#4 of the younger crowd – These kids have talent. Wow!
# for the younger crowd. Great job!
Jocelyn’s music is both powerful and beautiful!❤️
Voting for Other : Entry
Voting for
Other: Entry
Other: Entry
Art entry
Voting Other: Entry !
Voting for Other
Entry #
Ameera’s entry was Beautiful genuine – good luck!
Original song: #
Fan fiction: #
Video: #
Other: #
The younger crowd: #
Elise and Sophie are beautiful young girls, beautiful music and enchanting choreographyy. They are quite talented and will bless many with their music.
Original song #
Original mysic #
These are all so impressive! We would totally support the board game in a Kickstarter!`
Thank you for the compliment!
Voting for original song #
younger crowd I vote
fan fic I vote
I went to school with Brooklyn! I didn’t know she wrote!
Sophie and Elise – Beautifully done.
cheer squad is rooting for you Brooke!
Voting for !
Oh my gosh…this is so wonderful to see so much beautiful talent emerging for this series!!! I love it so much, but besides one friend from high school, I don’t know anyone personally who has read and fallen in love with this series, and it makes me so happy to see this beautiful community.
My votes are:
Original Song – Entry
Art – Entry
Fan Fiction – Entry
Video – Entry
Other – Entry
Younger Crowd – Entry
Fan fic entry # !
Brooklyn, you’ve improved so much since we were writing as freshmen XD
Fan Fic entry #
Younger crowd–entry
The younger crowd entry !
The younger crowd entry !
The younger crowd entry
The younger crowd entry
We love Elise and Sophie! What beautiful music by such talented young ladies! So creative too!
I vote for video
I vote for !
Original song
Fan Fiction – Brooklyn I’m a huge fan!!!!
Younger Crowd
Fan Fiction #!!!!
Original Song
Fan Fiction
Brooklyn you’re an awesome girl and really deserve the recognition for your hard work and dedication!
Brooklyn you’re an awesome girl and really deserve the recognition for your hard work and dedication!
I enjoyed fan fiction number 3 very much.
Original Song: Entry #
Such a wonderful way to show your appreciation for your fans. My votes go to
Original song entry , Art entry , Fan Fiction entry , Video entry , Other entry and Younger crowd entry !
Category 1
Category 2
Category 3
Category 4
Category 5
Category 6
The young criwd gets my vote
Cat 1 original song
Cat 2 Art
Cat 3 Fan Fiction
Cat 4 video
Cat 5 Other
Cat 6 The Younger Crowd
The younger crowd
Voting for #
original song entry #
Young crowd #
Way to go Jocelyn! Just beautiful!
Fan fiction
the younger crowd entry #
Younger crowd entry #
Original Music: Entry #
I also vote on Art entry #
sorry i didn’t put these together, but these are the rest of my votes.
Original song entry
Younger crowd entry
video entry
I’m voting for #
Original Song:
Younger Crowd:
Original Music — #.
All are amazing and deserving of special recognition!!!
For music I vote #, For Art I vote #
Elise and Sophie – This is so well done! The girls are so professional as well as talented!!
Original Song !
Art: Entry
Art: Entry
Art Entry
Ms. Nielsen, will there just be one winner? Or one winner for each category?
One winner for each category.
I vote for art piece number
original music #
Original Song:
Fan Fic:
Younger Crowd:
All of the Fan Fic was amaaazziinngg! That was the hardest choice ever!
Original Music #
Fan Fic #!!!!
Lovely music and presented artistically and with deep expression
Art category #
Love you Brooklyn! This is why we managed to pass English 102 back in the day!
Original Song #
Elise and Sophie – Beautifully played violin music and captivating dramatics
My Vote is for
Art: Entry
I’m voting for the following entry:
Art: Entry
I’m voting for for the art section
Art: Entry
I vote for #
that’s for the younger crowd
younger crowd #
Younger Crowd #
younger crowd #!
I vote for !
Other: Entry
Art –
Fan Fiction –
Video –
Other –
I vote for video entry #
Original Song-
Fan fiction-
Younger Crowd-
I vote for entry
I vote for Art entry #
Voting for original song #
Elise and Sofie’s song was amazing and so was the video!
the younger crowd – entry
Original song #
Fan Fiction #
Art #
Video #
Other #
Younger Crowd #
Voting for
Other : entry
Younger crowd, entry
I was able to finish all the entries now and i really enjoyed the fan fiction. All three managed to keep the general essience of Jarons character. Entry 1 was a fun read. Entry 2 I really enjoyed that you picked a scene where he reveals how he found out about the poison but in more detail. I loved how you mixed the detail that Jennifer had decribed yet made a deleted scene. Entry 3 was also very well put together and got really intense at the end when Jaron was trying to save his life.
my vote for fan fic is #
The young cateory was interesting and very enjoyable. Entry 1 I give you props to act. I am extremely shy and would never dream of doing such a thing. Great Job. I really liked the portrail of Conner. Entry 3 I enjoyed to see how much people love the same books that i enjoy reading. Entry four i really liked your composition i was very impressed. And entry 5 Your words mad the music have much more meaning to the scene you were going for. Great job everybody!!!
MY vote for this category is #
Fan Fiction: Entry
Fan fiction
Original song: #
Art: #
Fanfiction: #
Video: #
Other: #
Younger Crowd: #
Fantastic job, everyone! Each entry was so unique and interesting, I wish they all could win!
NIDA, [that is a] brilliant idea.
I vote for art entry
All of the entries were amazing. Everyone were very talented.
My votes:
Original Song #
Art #
Fan Fiction #
Video #
Others #
The Younger Crowd #
Congratulations on everyone!
fanfiction- and younger crowd-
fanfiction #
Original Song: Entry
Art: Entry
Fan Fiction: Entry
Video: Entry
Other: Entry
The Younger Crowd: Entry
I read through all of the fanfiction entries and I’m just blown away! They were all amazing, but entry # has to take the cake, I’d like to vote for !
Fanfiction #!
Katie (Video) 🙂 love you katie! very talented!
Oh. My. Goodness.
I cannot properly convey how much I love every single one of these entries. The dedication and love towards the Ascendance Trilogy (well, now Series) clearly shines through each one and I feel so honoured to be a part of such a creative, resourceful, and talented community!
Original Song: Entry
Ava and Abigail, the pacing and wording of your narration was amazing and the song itself was utterly beautiful. I love how powerfully Jocelyn’s piece captures the scene between Sage and Mott; I don’t know much about music, but I enjoyed the way the notes flowed in tandem with the mood and themes presented in this scene, as well as how it gave me goosebumps! Elise and Sophie’s themes were lovely and moving—the themes paired with the appearances of Imogen and Amarinda truly created a serene piece.
I have so much respect for both of the entries submitted alongside mine! Mayhlee, your style is soft and simultaneously textured, and it fits perfectly with your colour pallette and symbolism. I am honestly so impressed with the organization of Katie’s comic strip too and how she uses it to expertly capture Sage’s witty personality in the first scene we meet our main character.
Fanfiction: Entry
I love how Brooklyn’s writing displays the three boys and their unique relationships with one another through a captivating adventure. I remember chuckling while reading this entry, thinking, “Just another interesting day with Jaron, Roden, and Tobias!” Valerie, the pacing and descriptions of your writing is amazing, the expression of Jaron’s anguish and then resolve very evocative. Minea, I commend your plot development, as well as your ability to understand the characters reactions to the events around them and explain their thoughts concisely. Honestly, whatever entry I vote for, please know that I think you all are brilliant writers and would totally read your books one day!
Video: Entry
These videos were so entertaining! Kayleigh, your trailer is suspenseful and the visuals are so good at illustrating the components of the books! I love Katie’s gray-scale art style and how her video relates the song that inspired Mrs. Nielsen to create Sage to the entire series. I can’t imagine how much time went into making Jenna’s piece; using legos to design the settings and details and character expressions and gestures is ingenious!
Other: Entry
Ameerah’s story was so relatable and it took me back to the fond memories of reading the Ascendance Trilogy for the first time myself.
Rubi and Leticia, your board game looks so fun and I value the attention and detail you put into the board, pieces, and cards. Sarah and Joshua, as someone who understands how much effort goes into creating in Minecraft, I was so pleased to see how accurately and resourcefully you created the one and only Farthenwood!
Younger Crowd: Entry
The younger crowd is a very talented bunch! The acting, costumes, and props were well planned and perfect in Bonnie’s trailer. I love how genuine and open Olivia is in her video—I can’t wait for The Captive Kingdom too! “Sage/Jaron’s Theme” by Ben, Bella, Anne, and Samantha was a joy to listen to as well. It really captures Jaron’s personality and I easily pictured him with your piece rolling in the background of my mind. Kara, your video expertly picks up the raw fear and mustered courage and unity depicted in the war of the Shadow Throne, and I was so touched by the captions and the Carthyan anthem.
Great job and thank you to all participants! Here is to all your lovely entries and the continuation of the Ascendance Series! 😀
Thank you, I appreciate the positive feedback 🙂
Nadia’s art is amazing art and very well expressed. Great art work. Proud of day and keep exploring new horizons.
Original Song: #
Art: #
Fan fiction: #
Video: #
Younger: #
I loved Jocelyn’s song and I think she has really good talent!
PS – she’s my big sister
Original Song:
Fan fiction:
The Younger Crowd:
I am voting for original song entry #
Jocelyn’s [song was] epic!
Video Entry #1 was such a great entry!
I loved the candle in Video Entry #1
I love Video Entry #!
Art entry
video entry
Video #
All the submissions were very impressive. The creativity, hard-work, and attention to detail really shines through in every entry.
Congratulations and best of luck to all the finalists! Definitely well-deserved!
I am giving my vote to:
Original Song #
Art #
Fan Fiction #
Video #
Other #
Younger Crowd #
I already voted for Art Entry # earlier.
Now my vote for other categories are:
Original Song Entry #
Fan Fiction Entry #
Video Entry #
Other Entry #
Younger Crowd Entry #
Nida’s work is so beautiful and detailed.
Original Song-
Original Song:
Original Song Entry #
Fantastic entries and dedication for all submissions. This was a real pleasure to see and quite hard to decide for more than one category.
Original Song Entry #
Art Entry #
Fan Fiction Entry #
Video Entry #
Other Entry #
Younger Crowd Entry #
So proud of Kayleigh – great job!
Thank you!
I love the trailer video #
Original song- entry.
Ava and Abigail are amazing!!
Thank you!
Thank you so much!!!
Original song – entry
Original song – entry
Original song entry
Original Song-Entry
Original Song
I vote for younger crowd entry
The younger crowd #
Original song: entry
Art: entry
Fan fiction: entry
Video: entry
Other: entry
Younger: entry
Original song
Original Song: #
Art: #
Fan Fiction: #
Other: #
Young Crowd: #
Sophie and Elise are awesome and so talented.
Original Somg:
Entry #
Voting for Other Entry #
Original Song #
Video #
fanfiction #!
FanFic: please
I simply love Nida’s artwork! The colors are rich and vivid, catching the eye. The textures and shading she uses brings the image to life. I can see her dedication and time in every aspect of her piece. Her talent is unquestionable! Absolutely beautiful work, Nida! ❤️
My vote goes to…
Original Song:
Fan Fiction:
Younger Crowd:
Congrats to all the finalists and good luck to you all 😊
song entry #
art entry #
fan fiction #
video #
other #
younger #
voting for my favorite 200 student, Brooklyn! make sure you get your homework done too!
voting for fan fiction #
younger crowd:
fan fiction:
original song:
Brooklyn, you are my favorite huntie and I can’t wait to see what happens!
art entry #1 is beautiful work!!!
original song:
art: #
fanfiction: #
other: #
fan fic #
The Younger crowd #4 was awesome!
The Younger Crowd #
Great job younger crowd #! Very impressive 💕
Original song #
Art #
Fan fiction #
Video #
Other #
Younger #
[…] songs, comics, fan fictions, and art, I was BLOWN AWAY. THEY ARE ALL SOOOOOO AMAZING!!!! Click HERE for the link that takes you to Jennifer Nielsen’s […]