It’s time for our next group of semi-finalists – aren’t these all so amazing? Today’s post honors the Ascendant King.
If you have not read THE FALSE PRINCE, please do before viewing these images. The next post will cover the pirate, and the warrior, and you will love them even more if you have already read the other two books of the series, THE RUNAWAY KING, and THE SHADOW THRONE.
I adored this song, and it’s still stuck in my head, but in every wonderful way. The lyrics with it are perfect, and they are a fantastic tribute to Jaron. He would be deeply honored (and slightly embarrassed at the compliments).
This is one of my favorite scenes in all of the books, and Eve did a wonderful job bringing the moment to life. I love the choice of colors and the perspective she chose.

What I loved about Rumaisa’s beautiful piece is that it feels somewhat incomplete, just as Jaron is certainly incomplete, and yet I wouldn’t change a thing about it. This drawing feels exactly as it should.

For me, this is the moment when everything that has happened until now in book one finally comes together, and this photo grabbed my attention in every wonderful way. Palwasha is also a talented author. You can check out her debut novel HERE.

Roxie and Lilly
Roxie and Lilly created the perfect music score to fit the conflict Jaron must have felt as he anticipated the sudden change in his future. It is titled, “I Am Your King.”
Yes, this! Ronza’s piece is so beautifully done, and brings Jaron to life in such an awesome way! Yes, there is trouble in his eyes!

The dance with Amarinda at the end of book one has to be one of the most awkward and uncomfortable moments of her life, and Karalynn does a fantastic job of presenting this scene to us from her perspective. Read it HERE!
Every king needs a horse, and Mystic will always be a favorite of mine, even more so now with this fabulous drawing.

This is the expression I’d guess that most people would recognize as unique to the king, like a constant dare to his enemies that if they are foolish enough to challenge him, there will be consequences. Laura did excellent work bringing this part of her personality to life.

Jaron can be sullen and moody, but I think most of the time he is happy and hopeful for the future, and Rachel captured his joy in a wonderful way that makes me smile.

Abigail and Hazel
Abigail and Hazel art is exceptional, combined with this beautiful music, is a perfect tribute to the Ascendant King. Long may he reign!
Being amongst everyone is certainly an honor!
And thank you, Miss Nielsen, for shouting out my debut. It means a lot to me, considering how difficult Covid has made promotion efforts. ☺️
These entries are all awesome!
Karalynn, I especially loved your short story! I thought it was exactly what Amarinda would have been thinking!
Wow, there are so many talented fans in this community and it makes me so proud to be an Ascendance fan 🙂
Noa, I feel the same way!
Thank you so much for posting my drawing, Mrs Nielsen. It’s such an honor! And well done to everyone, all the entries are amazing!❤️
Ronza, it deserves to be up there. It was really AWESOME!!!
Thank you so much!
Once again, these are all so incredible! And each one of them is inspiring me to get back to the book I’m writing. Sophia, your song is already getting stuck in my head.😄 Rumaisa, I love the drawing. Roxie and Lily, your song was brining me back to The False Prince in an amazing way. Laura, I am absolutely amazed at how you were able to show Jaron’s personality. And Palwasha, I had literally thought about entering something very similar to yours before changing my mind.
Oh, and Jennifer, I’m so with you, Long May Jaron Reign! I was smiling when I read that.
Great minds think alike, I suppose 😄
So true! And congrats on your first book being published!
Thank you!
Will you be putting out a short story collection?
when my sister and I found the two you wrote we were ecstatic!
it would be AWSOME to find them in book form!
I’ll probably do more short stories here on my blog, but nothing more official than that. Thanks for asking though.
Congratulations to you all!
Everyone’s entries are amazing! Thank you for showcasing my artwork, It truly is a dream come true!
I love all of these, holy guacamole!
Laura, I love your technique and art style! Mrs. Nielsen is right, you totally captured his mischievous and daring expression.
Rachel, HOLY DETAILS BATMAN! It’s incredible. I love how you incorporated the crown, the sword, and the key from the book covers!
These are all amazing!! Great job everyone! I especially loved Karalynn’s story and Roxie and Lilly’s video!!
Congrats to everyone– all of these semifinalists are amazing!
Sophia, your song is already stuck in my head! It’s almost like a love song to Jaron… so pretty!
Laura, I love your art! That expression matches Jaron really really well, and I also liked the crest in the corner.
hey i was wondering since you’re writing short stories,could you perhaps write about what happened between tobias and amarinda when they were trying to walk back to carthya in the shadow throne?that would be appreaciatef!
Great idea! I’ll consider that.
Nice job, everyone!
I love the letter from Palwasha! What an amazing idea and really brings the book to life.
Thank you!
Amazing! Love the music!
Is there any possible way I can get sheet music to Roxie and Lillys’ I Am Your King? It’s so good! I just thought it would be worth a try.
Palwasha I loved your letter and photo! That scene came back so vividly when I saw it, and congrats on your debut! That’s an AMAZING accomplishment!
Thank you so much! ☺️
I’m a little late here, but still these are great! Sophia, what a catchy song you’ve created! I love they way you draw upon all of Jaron’s adventures to make such a genuine piece. Eve, the elements you chose to incorporate into your artwork were so affecting—the texture in your work is perfect and vibrant! Rumaisa’s piece hit home for me, the text and its placement around the rock bringing back emotions of surprise and utter pride for Jaron when I first read this monumental scene. Palwasha, that is some gorgeous calligraphy and *lovely* lighting and hues. The music in Roxie and Lily’s video is powerful and foreboding and perfectly captures the course of Jaron’s future when he becomes king. Ronza, you’ve drawn Jaron with amazing details, especially in his facial features! Karalynn, you capture Amarinda and her grief so accurately. I’m starting to love reading alternate perspectives of these books, and I am thoroughly impressed with your exploration of the clash between Amarinda’s emotions and duties. Alisha, I’m so happy to see someone celebrate our loyal Mystic and your shading skills are amazing! Laura, you’re so good at handling watercolours—I love the soft blending and blotches of shades and how they convey lively vibes! Rachel’s piece is a celebration of all things Jaron and I can’t stop gushing over the beautiful details. Abigail and Hazel, your art style is one I’ve always wanted to master and your piece overall is heartfelt and a perfect tribute to King Jaron.
Great job, everyone! 🙂
Thank you! ☺️
Thank you!!!❤️
Thank you! 😊
So awesome to see more semi-finalists!
Sophia, I love the lyrics and your tune is so catchy!
Eve, you picked the perfect moment! I love the colors and the disappearing sword.
Rumasia, That’s just amazing. WOW. I love the slight sketchiness of it, it makes it look so alive.
Palwasha, I love your idea! The lettering is amazing. Congratulations on your debut novel!
Roxie and Lily, your art and music fit together so perfectly! It’s amazing you could do so much so fast.
Ronza, you did an awesome job with the shading.
Karalynn, I love the little extra story you added about Darius and Amarinda. It’s so sweet!
Alisha, The shading on Mystic is just perfect! Awesome job!
Laura, This drawing is just amazing! I love everything about it, the colors and the expression and the coat of arms in the corner. Incredible!
Rachel, I love the lighting you used in this picture, and the way you made the cover come back in the banner. So cool!
Abigail and Hazel, Your art and music go together beautifully! I love the swirls of color around Jaron.
Thank you! ☺️
Thanks a lot!!!❤️
Thank you so much! 😊