Sorry for the delay since the last post – it’s been a busy week, but for all good reasons.
The theme for this group of semi-finalists is
Jaron: Pirate, Warrior, and all-around Good Guy.
I loved the attitude Jaiden gives Jaron – this is definitely a cutaway moment from THE RUNAWAY KING! (Which you really need to read, if you haven’t yet, by the way)

I’ve mentioned before that I love mood boards, and Fariha’s is absolutely beautiful. I could stare at each block alone, but it’s so much better when put together as she has done.

Gabryelle, Brooks, and Lizzy
This sibling trio entered as a group, each contributing to different facets of Jaron. The photo represents the gold from book 1, the whipping boy is from the second book, and the cannon is from the third book. They’re all so different artistically, yet taken together, they create a fantastic profile of the boy king.

Check out this sword! This is exactly the way Jaron’s sword would be, and it is artistically so beautiful. Amazing job, Leticia!

Creating any rendition of Pirate’s Cove would be incredibly difficult, but Gabrielle did a fantastic job of it. I love the perspective, and the view of Jaron having to scale the cliff as he did.

This is one of my favorite scenes from THE RUNAWAY KING (Have you read this one?), and is a moment Mary created so well. There is a determination on Jaron’s face that Roden must have seen coming from a mile away.

Jacqui and Grayce
Jacqui and Grayce created the Carthyan anthem, and performed it beautifully well. This was a joy to listen to, and I’ve replayed it many, many times.
I’ve shown Jackie’s art once already, but these other two were so awesome, I had to post them as well. There is so much great personality that comes out in Jackie’s work!

I want to print this out and post it on my office wall. I absolutely adore this piece for all its drama and intensity.

The symbolism of Melora’s drawing is wonderful, and the fracture of the links is drawn so very well. This is definitely a keeper!

This is a drawing Jaron would choose for himself. I especially love the fists, defiant to the end.

One more semi-finalist post still to come!
Thank you so much for including us! Everyone worked so hard, my brother is going to be jealous when I show him Leticia’s sword. That was one of his ideas, but there was no time to forge. ;{]
A forged sword would have been AMAZING! We settoed with wood haha
They just get more creative every time! I love them all. Fariha’s mood board is really cool, and I can’t believe, Laticia, that you were able to make that sword! Mary and Hanna’s are so impressive. And I really liked Jackie’s drawing of Jaron and Fink. Jacqui and Grayce, I could almost hear Jaron singing that anthem. All of these are amazing!
And only ONE MORE semi-finalist post???!!! That’s sad, ’cause I love seeing them.
That sword is so cool Leticia! It’s exactly how I imagined Jaron’s sword. Did you just happen to have that or is it a photo or did you make it?
Ooooooh I also love the broken chain Melora. Beautifully drawn and the castle in the back is so pretty! I love seeing all of these!
My sister, with some help from my dad made it! My dad shaped it, my sister painted it and used the jewel and brown cloth to create the handle’s look. I just contibuted the small carvings haha
My sis was very proud of it, thank you for the compliment!
That sword really was soo cool!
Of course that’s amazing!!!!!!
Wow! Love how each of these capture the complexity of Jaron’s
personality and the inner turmoil he seems to find in himself. Great job!
WOW!!! This was incredible! Everyone deserves to be extremely proud!!
These are all amazing!
Wow there is so much talent here, it’s awesome, Leticia, that sword is too good for words
The SWORD 😍😍
Everyone did such a marvelous job!! 😁
Do you own the rights to what we created? I was considering rewriting my fanfiction to make it for my own story.
No, you still own the rights.
Love them all!
I made it with my dad. Its actually a wooden sword and I made it based on the description of the false prince along with the cover of the runaway king
All the artwork is incredible! I’m so jealous of their artistic talents haha
The symbolisms, colors amd moods they portrayed were just beautiful 😍
These are all so amazing!! Great job everyone! 🙂
Mrs.Nielsen I believe the drawing by Mary is from the runaway king when He used a wooden sword to walk to challenge Roden as pirate king.
Right you are – I just changed that on the blog!
WOW!!!! These are really good. Gabryelle, Brooks, and Lizzy, I love the images/drawings you used to show Jaron. Leticia, your sword is incredible – my mind is blown. I just love your project. Gabrielle and Hanna, your paintings are gorgeous. Jackie, I absolutely love your drawings and the vivid colors you use. Jacqui and Grayce, your music piece was really cool. Great job everyone. 🙂
Thank you❤️
Everyone here is so talented, good job all.
Jaiden, this pose absolutely captures Jaron. Awesome!
Fahira, this mood board is so amazing! I love the colors and the pictures individually, and together they look even better!
Gabryelle, Brooks, and Lizzy, Your projects are all so amazing! The photo is amazing, in color, and in the awesome angle. The second picture is beautifully drawn, as is the third! Your pictures look so amazing together.
Leticia, WOW! That’s so amazing that you made a sword! The details are amazing and the idea is so original!
Gabrielle, I love the way you painted this picture! The colors are so vivid and beautiful and I love the detail of Jaron on the cliff wall!
Mary, Good job on this drawing! I love the moment you chose!
Jacqui and Grayce, You did an awesome job on the anthem! I also love that you added pieces of your own. They match the rest so perfectly.
Jackie, I love seeing your pictures! The detail, the colors, the lighting, and the expressions are so perfect! There’s so much amazing detail, like the sunlight streaking into the room, the marble veins in the floor and the pattern on Jaron’s coat on the bottom picture. I can’t imagine how long this must have taken you!
Hanna, I love the color scheme you chose and the way the red splatters across the canvas!
Melora, The shattering of the chains is amazing, as is the castle in the background!
Bridgette, I love the colors you used, and the pose you chose for Jaron. It suits him perfectly!
Thank you! The swirls on Jarons coat were the most fun part for me to draw☺️ Glad you liked it!
I’m a little late here, but I still want to comment on all of these lovely pieces! Jaiden, the rugged yet defiant way you’ve illustrated Jaron is exactly how I picture him in the Runaway King! Fariha’s piece is another example of how amazing and evocative mood boards can be—the images and the colour pallette is perfect. Gabryelle, Brooks, and Lizzy, I love how diverse your pieces are, from the gorgeous photography to the amazingly captured scenes from books 2 and 3. Lecticia—wow, that sword has beautiful details and the way the blade reflects the light is so majestic! Gabrielle, your painting replicates the vibes of Tarblade so well, especially the serene waves of the water by the beach where Jaron often spent his time. Mary, your shading skills are so good, and I love how it draws on the nearly impossible task Jaron is about to do in this scene. Jacqui and Grayce, your song resonates with hope and courage, and I enjoyed listening to it more than a few times! Jackie, Mrs. Nielsen is totally right when she says your pieces are filled with personality. The style, details, and features you give your characters in your pieces go so well together—I can’t stop looking at the adorable image of Jaron and Fink! Hanna, your piece is so cool, from the fluid painting to the totally boss silhouette. Melora, I love the quote you chose and the details of the chains—it had such a powerful impact on me. Bridgette, what a perfect way to illustrate the Ascendance Series in a nutshell; it’s all about Jaron and his undying will for what is right.
These were so fun to look at! Great job!