There is SO MUCH news today, but the biggest news is first.
Check out this FREAKING AMAZING cover for my next historical novel – LINES OF COURAGE. I gotta be honest. I can’t stop staring at it.

World War 1 took place over five years. I am telling five stories from the perspectives of five young people in five different countries impacted by the war.

FELIX (1914; Austria-Hungary) Felix was there on the day of the assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife, the event that launched the Great War. He fears the chance that he may one day have to go to war. But he fears even more the Russian Captain Garinov, who seems to be targeting the Jews. Can Felix and his mother escape in time?

KARA (1915; England) When Kara and her mother are given the opportunity to join a Red Cross train, traveling through war-torn France, Kara knows this is her chance to become a nurse. Yet when she brings a wounded officer on board from the enemy side of the lines, she may have ruined that chance forever.

JULIETTE (1916; France) Juliette’s family are among the last to flee from Verdun before the battle starts. A mistaken turn to avoid the invading Germans leads to her separation from her family. Her search to find them will take her through farmland and fields, towns and trenches as she ultimately discovers her courage within.

DIMITRI: (1917; Russia) Recruited too young and by force, Dimitri now finds himself on the battlefields without even a weapon to defend himself. After a disastrous battle, his world is turned upside down, here in the war, and in the revolution waiting for him at home.

ELSA (1918; Germany) Germany cannot win the war. Elsa understand that more than most. Her once revered father, a German officer, now is targeted by angry citizens who see their country falling into poverty and chaos, made worse by the onset of a pandemic that can take anyone at random. And now the anger has turned toward her.
I hope this is a book you will want to read and discover how these five stories gradually come together in a book about loyalty, friendship, and courage. If you want a better understanding of World War I, this may be the perfect book for you!
LINES OF COURAGE will be released on March 1, 2022.
#2 School Visits
If you are a school librarian or teacher and are interested in having me come for a visit in the 2021-2022 school year, please see THIS POST for more information. I am booking schools now all over the country. I hope yours can be one of them.

#3 Newsletter Winners
The newsletter has another one hundred subscribers – thank you! That means two more book giveaways. Our two winners are:
Liza….90 and Anna…er
Congratulations! If you have not yet signed up for the newsletter, CLICK HERE to learn more about what it is, and what you have the chance to win.
#4. SMIAH Conference
If you are a writer in the Kansas City, Missouri area, on Aug 27-28, 2021, I will be giving the keynote and teaching some classes at the upcoming SMIAH conference. This is an amazing conference run by highly dedicated people. It’s large enough that they can bring in wonderful teachers, but small enough that you won’t feel lost in the crowd. Please consider checking it out HERE!
Congrats Ms.Nielsen! I love the cover!! So symbolic 🙂
This book sounds AWESOME!! I’m so excited!!
I’m super excited for Lines of Courage! I really want to get it if I can!! I’m very into historical fiction and the cover looks amazing!
Lines of Courage sounds AMAZING!!!!!!!!😀 I can’t wait for it to come out!!!!!!!
And congratulations to the newsletter winners!!!!!!!!🎉👏
WOW! A NEW BOOK!!! So excited! when can we pre order?
Awesome! where?
Ahhh I’m so excited for Lines of Courage to come out!!! And woah the cover looks super interesting!!!!!! Can’t wait to read it! 2022 come faster!! Haha!!
Lines of Courage sounds AMAZING! I can’t wait!!! The cover looks AWESOME! 😍🤩
Love your cover! It’s gorgeous. And I’m curious about how their lives come together. Wish I lived in Kansas City so I could go to your talk and classes.
Thank you. I wish so too.
Woahh, thank you for this upcoming book! I learned about WWI through my history class and Remembrance day, but for a long time I’ve been meaning to find a book that could ease me into the history by exploring all the perspectives involved and sharing those little social details that give history power.
Soo excited for this!
On a side note (encouraged by the cool SMIAH Conference :D), I’ve been wanting to get back into writing. I would like to share my work more often too. Do you know any reputable writing contests that would be fun to partake in? I’m into short stories and flash-fiction pieces, if that brings anything to mind. Thanks for any information you have for me!
Thank you. And hands down, my favorite contest for young writers is Scholastic’s Art and Writing. There’s a ton of categories, has great prizes, and there is still time to get something ready before the deadline:
I just checked out the Scholastic page, and the contest sounds like something I would love to do! I’m not sure when the deadline is though…(I could only find last year’s information)
It’s usually early November.
Ah, cool! This is exactly what I need. 😀 I’ll be sure to look into all the opportunities–thank you again!
Hi, Nida. Since you’re into flash fiction, you might be interested in Havok: A friend of mine’s short story was published by Havok.
Ooh, this sounds great; I always have so much fun with speculative fiction. 😀 Thank you!
ohmygoodness THAT COVER IS SO AWESOME!!!!! *all da heart eyes* I cannot wait for it to come out!!! The story sounds SO interesting! EEEE!!!!
Hello! First things first…that cover is gorgeous!! I wish Lines of Courage was being released sooner!! 😭🙀🥳 I love your work; you’re my absolute favorite author!
Thank you.
I’m so excited for Lines of Courage! I just got the Traitor’s Game series last week and already read it three times… ok I’m hooked. I was wondering if you were thinking about making a 4th book in the series? I love your books!
Thanks, Mia – I don’t have any plans to continue that series at this point, but that could always change down the road!
I love the book cover! It is so cool!!!
Congrats to the winners!!
Love the cover! Is this the big news you’ve been talking about?
Nope, not the big news (which I hope is coming soon), but I do adore this cover!
i have read all of your historical fiction books, some more than once… and you’re my all time favorite author!!!! can’t wait for this one to come out!!!!
i am so excited for this new book!! i am a huge fan of historical fiction and when i came across your books i immediately fell in love. i have read all of your historical fiction books, some more than once, and loved all of them. now i am excited to branch out a little bit more and start some of your other series. you are my all time favorite author and i hope you never stop writing!!!
Thank you – and I’ll definitely be writing for a very long time to come!
I am just sitting here looking at the cover I AM SO EXITED
I am feeling estatic CAn Not WAit
Wow!! I’m so excited!! The rest of your Historical Novels are so good!! And the cover is so good!
I AM SOOOO EXCITED!!! I L-O-V-E your books!
This looks so good! I cannot wait!
Can’t wait to read this! I’ve read so many WW2 books, but very little on WW1 and I think this’ll be amazing! Can we preorder already? Or not yet?😶
Thank you – and yes, pre-orders are available!
So excited for the new book!
I love your books and hope to read this one so badly! You are my faviorte author! I love the traitors game series and I was wondering if you are gonna make a fourth book. Are you? I want you to so badly! Also, I love to write and Read, so I am going to try and be an author!
Maybe Gabe can turn bad and since there is no one to rebel against he is getting bored and decides to make something happen so Simon and Kestra have to stop him but Kestra gets hurt by a condor and has to go to Loelle, who, of course, lives in the cottage in All Spirits Forest with Joth. Kestra is dying and Loelle tries to convice Simon for her to take her to the blue caves, but Simon knows that Kestra will currupt with magic again and try to take the throne for herself and the only way to stop her would be to kill her. He doesn’t know how to save Kestra. Is there another way besides the blue caves?
Are you writing a fourth mark of the thief book? I love that series! And the traitors game series!
I can’t wait for it! Is there gonna be a fourth mark of the thief book?
I don’t have any plans for that right now, but maybe one day!
I love your war books! So intreasted!
Wow!! I am so excited to read it! I love historical fiction! The cover is SPECTACULAR! I love it! I am sure the story is amazing! Your books always are:)
I’m reading your books for my school book report and I love it so much! The cover looks so inspiring and shows so much teamwork in between the characters.