My friends, we are coming up on the 10 YEAR anniversary for THE FALSE PRINCE. 10 YEARS!
As I talk more about that over the next several weeks, I’m asking you to send me your FALSE PRINCE pictures. Images of your much-loved books, images of you reading, your art, or maybe just some words about what this book or series has meant to you. Samples are below.
I will post what I receive, so please don’t include your last name on any visuals (and let me know if you don’t want me to post with your first name either). Sending me your images will mean I have permission to post the items, so if you are a minor, get permission from your parents first.
I won’t be holding an online party for this celebration, BUT I will be doing one in mid-May for the release of LINES OF COURAGE, and I hope you will join me for that! More information about that coming soon.
Please send your pics, art, and words to I can’t wait to see them!

I hope you have pics, art, words, or memes to share as well! Send `em on to me (
wow, 10 years! that’s so exciting! congratulations, happy to be along for the ride!
10 years of Jaron’s awesomeness being brought into the world- this is definitely something to celebrate! Congratulations on the milestone, Mrs. Nielsen!! We love Jaron and the Ascendance Series and your other books and especially YOU! Can’t wait to see what’s next on this incredible journey <3
Dear Jen,
I really loved your books c: can’t believe this masterpiece is already 10 years old! Congratulations! 🥳
I always wanted to draw your dear characters! Now I’m even more excited to do so!
Have a nice week~
Oooo this sounds fun! Those are some cool pics!
Congratulations on 10 years!!! I love this series SO much and cant wait to see what everyone comes up with.
Happy ten years
Thanks you for writing such and amazing series for all of us to enjoy.
Thank you for the amazing books, happy ten years
This means so much to me and I can’t wait to see all the other awesome things people come up with!
Wow 10 years!!! Congratulations!!! More than 7 books in 10 years, thats super impressive! hope one day I do that one day:)
To all of you False Prince fans: I have a Etsy shop which I sell bookmarks on. As a false prince fan, I have several False Prince bookmarks. I’m attaching the link to my shop, so check it out and treat yourself for the 10th anniversary!
I’m going to cry! I can’t believe it’s been 10 years since this masterpiece came out! I can’t thank you and your wonderful imagination enough Ms. Nielsen!! While I can’t wait to see what you come up with next, this will always be an original for me 😊
Congratulations!! I can’t believe it’s been 10 years, that’s crazy!! The Ascendance Series is one of my all-time favorite series; I can’t count how many times I’ve read it. You’re an absolutely amazing author. 😀 I’m looking forward to seeing all the cool things submitted for this.
Wow ten years!! congrats! the pics r awesome so far
I can’t believe it’s been 10 years since this book was released! I read the series as a kid, and I still enjoy it now. Congratulations!!!
Wow! 10 years! Sage has been a wonderful journey in my life. You did an excellent job creating a vivid world and characters. I am so glad you picked up your pen and wrote your amazing book series! You are talented beyond words and I am excited to read the rest of your masterpieces!!
I’m so excited!! Happy 10 years!
The fan art is amazing!! I can’t believe that it’s been 10 YEARS! I’m excited about this all!!!
I’ve just watched the video you posted on YouTube announcing 10 years! That video had me in tears and reminded me again how much these books mean to me. These books are some of my favorites of all time and have changed my life for the better because of them. Thank you so much for such amazing books <3 <3
10 years! That’s awesome!!! Thank you so much for writing these books!!
Loved the artworks Ms. Jen especially the drawing of Sage and the ambigram and Happy 10 years of the False Prince series. Getting old huh? Haha… Time really flies so fast.