The First Chapter of THE FALSE PRINCE! Jennifer Nielsen March 23, 2012

The First Chapter of THE FALSE PRINCE!

This is Teen is hosting a look at the first chapter of THE FALSE PRINCE. Click here if you want to read it.

I also want to thank the LA Times for a fabulous review of TFP this week.
And I received a notice from Amazon that books should begin shipping within a couple of days (eek!). Which means it’ll also start showing up in bookstores soon. If you can take a picture of the books in the wild and send it to me (, I would much appreciate it for a future blog post!
Finally, I am very, very grateful to those of you who blog about the book or post reviews, but please, PLEASE be careful about spoilers. There are some events in the book that are so strongly hinted to in some reviews that they might as well just give the ending away. So please be careful, so future readers can have the same opportunity to enjoy the book.
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