Yes, I know it’s been FOREVER since I last posted. Just know it’s because I’m working hard on new books for you. Also, I took a nap a couple of times. And went to Japan (just one time).
Back on topic. I am so thrilled to present the cover for the third book of The Traitor’s Game series. Its current release date is anticipated to be March 3, 2020.

If you are wondering what to read while you wait, let me suggest the following:
Have you read the first two books yet? THE TRAITOR’S GAME and THE DECEIVER’S HEART? If not, I hope you will.
Have you read The Ascendance Trilogy, beginning with THE FALSE PRINCE? If you read the first, I’d love for you to continue on in the series. If you haven’t yet started, please consider making this your next reading choice.
WORDS ON FIRE will be released on October 1st. This is my next historical, which tells the story of 19thCentury Lithuania, a small country whose very culture and existence was being threatened by the Russian Empire. Their solution didn’t comme through war, but instead, through book smuggling – illegally sneaking books into their country in hopes of preserving Lithuania’s identity. Young Audra Zikaris becomes caught up in the smuggling, which might be her only chance to save her parents, save her country, and, she hopes, to save her own life.

Can’t wait for both of these books to come out!! I’ve read almost all your other books (some multiple times), and need more good books to read!:D
Thank you very much!
The cover looks absolutely stunning! I can’t wait to see what Simon and Kestra have to go through this time!
Wow!! I cannot wait!! Both covers look amazing!! Please keep us updated!!!
Thank you, Ellie!
Hi, I am a HUUUUUUUUUUGE fan!!!!!! how can I get notified when a new book comes out? I love how there is romance, fighting, magic, traitors, all in one book!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for this great new series!
Thank you, NM. I appreciate that very much! I’m working on a newsletter where I can notify readers about new releases. Hopefully I can get that worked out soon.
So excited for “The Warrior’s Curse”, I cannot wait until March 3rd!! I love the green of the cover, it’s so beautiful.
I love it too, Abby – thank you!
I am so excited for all your coming books! They sound amazing as ever
Thank you, Gabrielle!
As a fellow artist and writer. I can feel intensity of the stories and its depth of emotion! Glad you are back Mrs. Nielsen!
Thank you, Cheyne!
Hi! (we’ve met before.)I love all your books they are AMAZING! My favorite is the Traitor’s Game series. I can’t wait until The Warrior’s Curse comes out! It will be very interesting with the intenseness between Kestra, Simion, and Harlyn. (No offense but Harlyn to me is a villain!) Kestra and Simion were meant to be together!! =) A million thanks!
Thanks, MM!
Yay!! My brother is in Japan right now. I’m so excited for Warrior’s Curse!! The first two were amazing, and The Ascendance Trilogy is also amazing. But I have to wait until March? Aw man…;) Can’t wait for Words on Fire either!
Thank you, Jamie!
I cannot wait for the third book!! I really liked reading the Ascendance Trilogy and Mark of the Theif trilogy too! I honestly feel like Ascendance Trilogy is similar to Traitor’s Game but at the same time, very different!
They both were really good. And all of your books I’ve read are really amazing! I don’t need to read the warrior’s curse to know this book is gonnna be good!❤️😍
Thank you, Kaela.
So excited for “The Warrior’s Curse” and “Words on Fire”!!!
October is just too long to wait…and March is even further!
I think it’s too long also, Miranda – trust me, if I could get the books out any faster, I absolutely would!
Hey! I read one of your books, the scorge. I have now read 7 of your books since then. I cannot wait!
(My moms name is Jennifer)
Oh wow! Thanks very much, Gracie!
I just LOVE,LOVE,LOVE your books! I read all of them multiple times! for me I’m your #1 FAN!
Thanks so much, Leilany!
Can’t wait for The Warrior’s Curse! I like how the books switch back and forth between Kestra and Simon’s perspectives. My brothers and I love your books!
Thank you so much, EB – I hope you’ll love The Warrior’s Curse! I’m very proud of it!
I Just finished the decievers heart and can’t wait until,March??? I pre ordered from,amazon both the warriors curse and words on fire!! (I love the covers btw)I have read all your books and love how you transform me into another world!! You truly have a gift!!
Any suggestions until then?
An eagerly awaiting fan!!
Thanks very much, Becky. Maybe try “Daughter of the Pirate King” by Tricia Levenseller or “Circle of Shadows” by Evelyn Skye.
So excited about all these new book titles coming out! I LOVE The False Prince series and am in the middle of The Deceiver’s Heart right now after just finishing The Traitor’s Game. Love these ones too. Can’t wait for The Warrior’s Curse! Did you get any inspiration from Horizon Zero Dawn? Just curious.
My goodness, thank you for being so supportive of my books! And I haven’t read Horizon Zero Dawn, or even heard of it, but I’m sure it’s good!
19th century Lithuania, huh? Can’t think of the last book I read set there…where did you get the inspiration for something both so fascinating and so unique?
Hi Eliza – I stumbled upon an article related to the book smugglers, and the instant I read it, I knew I had to write their story!
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your books!!! Thank you so much for using this talent to bring joy to others! Can’t wait until March 2020!!
Thanks very much, Marnie!
Hello jenifer my name is Hadija. I was asking if u are going to make a false prince series movie. Plsss do i love ur books and i cant wait for words on fure to come out:) I read almost all of ur books and i cant wait for more!!!
Thanks for asking, Hadija – we are in talks regarding a movie, though it’s too early for me to know whether it will happen. But I am hopeful – my fingers are crossed!
I loved the book Words On Fire I couldn’t even stop reading it mot was so terrific I just wish there would be a movie to it but I really enjoyed it!
Thank you, Izzy!
Hi, I love your books! My teacher is letting my class write about our favorite character form fiction. And i’m writing about Kestra Dallisor she’s my fave.
Wow, thank you very much!
I borrowed the false prince from a friend and quickly fell in love with your books! They are engrossing and incredible I can’t wait for your next few books to come out until I will just reread all your books that I have
Thank you, Rachel!
Your books are incredible I wish there was a movie to go with them that would be awesome but most times books are better than movies