Movie News… Jennifer Nielsen March 29, 2017

Movie News…

Hi all. I know this won’t be the post you wanted to read, but I promised to put everything here first.

Paramount Studios will not be renewing the contract for the False Prince movie. There have been some significant changes at the studio over the last month, and those changes have affected their plans for this project.

That said, the book still lives and might otherwise get picked up elsewhere. The best thing you can do to encourage another studio’s interest is to recommend the Ascendance Trilogy to other readers and show potential producers that there is continuing and growing interest in a movie.

Until then, I have so many other great stories to introduce you to, and updates on other writing projects. All is well.

Let’s keep moving forward!


  • Reply
    March 29, 2017, 7:11 pm

    This is so sad, its been such a long ride with the movie news over the years… That’s alright because the books are all we need! I know someone out there will see the amazing potential The False Prince has to be an awesome film one day. 🙂

    • Reply
      March 29, 2017, 7:34 pm

      I think you’re completely right – thanks, Hallie!

      • Reply
        July 13, 2018, 3:00 pm

        Shame, I could really see Idris Elba as Mott and Brenton Thwaites as Sage/Jaron

        • Reply
          September 11, 2018, 1:27 pm


        • Reply
          February 5, 2020, 9:44 pm

          I just wanted to say, that these books are my absolute favorites. I reread them as a whole, or I just reread my favorite parts. I’ve written a fanfic for them on Wattpad (albeit poorly written). I will forever hold onto hope for a movie! You’ve done an incredible job with creating this amazing world that I really feel a part of when I read these books. Thank you for being such a talented writer!
          Should anyone want to read the fanfic, here’s the link 😊

      • Reply
        July 13, 2018, 3:11 pm

        Darn I had already pictured the future cast

      • Reply
        May 4, 2021, 8:35 pm

        I really am a big fan of your trilogy for the false prince, and I am disappointed that it will not be a movie. I thought it would be a really great experience. Honestly, this makes me want to cry. I couldn’t put the book down. I finished the 3 books in only a couple of days. And the love story of Amarinda and Tobias, and Jaron and Imogen, I am hurt. I was surprised to see that Harlowe was Roden’s dad, it really seems like they are all connected.

        • Reply
          May 5, 2021, 1:16 pm

          The movie news could always change. I figure if it didn’t work out this time, it just wasn’t meant to be. Fingers crossed as we stare into the future!

          • August 31, 2021, 12:50 am

            I recently heard that a movie may be in the works. Tanner Gillman may be involved in the project. Wanted to see if there is any accuracy in this.

          • October 11, 2021, 3:00 am

            Yes, that is accurate.

          • November 12, 2022, 2:47 am

            hi i really love and enjoyed you book in fact your series are the first series too catch my eyes i loved them so much i’m going to start
            “the scourge” soon i really hope its as good as this series. i also really hope a movie of :the false prince” will come out make sure to get good Actors for each role if you don’t it will ruin the look of this series i bet people will watch the movie before reading the series and if its not good then they will have no desire to read the books. thank so much for taking your time and making this series it means a lot to me (: have a good day

            i hope there will be a movie do everything you can to make it

      • Reply
        June 26, 2021, 6:31 pm

        There should really be a movie based on resistance. I really love these books

      • Reply
        July 18, 2021, 2:20 pm

        I’ve just read the series this summer.

        To me it seems absolutely perfect for a streaming series with each book representing a season of 8 episodes.

        Netflix is where you should shop it.

      • Reply
        August 8, 2023, 5:36 am

        This really is sad I’ve been hoping for movies to come out for the books I’m currently reading book for and really love this serries and I’m sure if there were movies for the serries they would have just as good, for I love to books, I’m sure I would love the movies to.

    • Reply
      April 25, 2017, 1:15 am

      No! I have been looking forward for a movie for so long! Instead, can you write another book in the series? I am sure me and all the other fans of the book would love that!

      • Reply
        April 25, 2017, 3:13 am

        It’s a maybe, Katie. I know what I’d write if I did more books, but so far, Sage seems to be comfortable where he’s at. Should that ever change, I’ll definitely announce it!

        • Reply
          April 25, 2017, 9:46 pm

          Ok, you definetly know whats best!

        • Reply
          May 1, 2017, 8:55 pm

          I don’t wanna seem pushy or anything, but I was wondering… maybe you could write about Jaron and Imogen’s child or children! It would be interesting to see what Carthya is like in the future.

          • May 2, 2017, 1:05 am

            Hi Sammi! You’re right, I could do that! Perhaps one day! 😉

        • Reply
          April 20, 2019, 4:46 am

          Hi I am a huge fan of the ascendance trilogy. So far I’ve read the false prince three times, the runaway king twice, and I am about half way through the shadow throne. I really love all three books, they are really pageturners

        • Reply
          January 12, 2020, 6:29 am

          What about writing a collection of short stories about what Jaron got up to as Sage?

        • Reply
          September 28, 2022, 11:54 pm

          just a onest question from a fan famliy when is the newst book coming out as of 2022-2023?

          • December 9, 2022, 2:13 pm

            ICEBERG! March 7 – there’s a giveaway contest for ARCs on the blog now.

          • December 9, 2022, 2:18 pm

            March 7, ICEBERG will be released! There’s a giveaway on the blog right now about it.

      • Reply
        May 6, 2017, 6:42 pm

        Is any studio considering the movie now?

        • Reply
          May 9, 2017, 2:52 am

          Not that I’m aware of.

          • February 3, 2018, 2:50 am

            So, I was thinking that you should write a book about the pirates calling Jaron to help them fight soldiers from a different continent.

          • February 3, 2018, 3:13 am

            Hmm….that would be pretty cool! 😉

      • Reply
        July 1, 2017, 7:30 pm

        Jennifer ended the trilogy in SUCH an amazing way, and Sage has the rest of his life ahead of him. I LOVE, ADORE and CHERISH this series, but there is a stopping point. If things were dragged out for to long, the magic that enraptures and enchants so many readers would not be quite as strong. I think it’s awesome that readers have been given the gift of being able to imagine where Sage is headed to next.

      • Reply
        May 4, 2021, 8:36 pm


    • Reply
      April 25, 2017, 9:56 pm

      This news is heartbreaking! I was really looking forward to it! The series is my absolute FAVORITE! Whenever I have a free moment I start thinking of things Sage (Jaron) could have done or what he can do next! Perhaps you can write a 4th book. I would surely be one of the first to read it. Please try thinking about writing a fourth! Hopefully False Prince is picked up by another studio!

      • Reply
        April 26, 2017, 4:44 am

        Perhaps one day I will, Emily. Until then, thank you very much!

        • Reply
          May 3, 2017, 4:15 pm

          Hi! I just want to say how much I LOVE the Ascendance Trilogy!! Its so sad that they didn’t do a movie! I was looking forward to it for a really long time! Anyway I was wondering why you are being hesitant about writing a 4th book? I read through the comments. Not trying to be pushy but can you explain why exactly you aren’t sure about a 4th?
          Thanks so much!

          • May 4, 2017, 1:18 am

            Hi Amelia. I think the best way to explain it is that inside my head at any given time, different characters are competing for attention. I listen to the ones that are loudest, the ones whose problems are most serious. Right now, Jaron isn’t the loudest. If it changes, I’ll answer, but to try to write his story without him asking for it wouldn’t feel authentic to you. I hope that makes sense.

          • May 4, 2017, 10:25 pm

            It does, thanks so much for the explanation!

          • May 13, 2017, 7:43 pm

            What book do you consider similar to Mark of the Thief?

        • Reply
          April 28, 2018, 12:01 am

          Will there be a movie now? Im confused. I have just got onto the third book and its so amazing i absolutely love it. Continue the great work!!

          • April 29, 2018, 2:18 am

            Thanks for asking, Angeline – the movie is firmly in the “maybe one day” camp for now. Fingers crossed because it could change at any time!

    • Reply
      April 25, 2017, 11:55 pm

      Oh no! I was waiting for it too long! I hope another studio picks it up. Please, please, please write a 4th book! I NEED to know more about Jaron!

      • Reply
        April 26, 2017, 4:44 am

        I hope so too, Alexis. And I’ll think about a 4th book…

    • Reply
      May 2, 2017, 10:13 pm

      Awwww! False Prince would make an AMAZING movie! Instead please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, PLEASE, write a fourth book! I want to know more about Tobias and Amarinda, and Sage and Imogen!

      • Reply
        May 3, 2017, 1:21 am

        I promise to think about it, Lia. It’ll just come down to whether Sage gets into my imagination, ready for more trouble.

    • Reply
      May 2, 2017, 10:17 pm

      Hopefully another studio picks it up! What books that yo wrote are similar to the Ascendance Trilogy? I would love to read it!

      • Reply
        May 3, 2017, 1:20 am

        Hi Kylie. Feel free to check out the descriptions of any of my other books and see if one appeals to you. In early 2018, I will release the first book of a new series called “The Traitor’s Game, which I think will feel a lot like the Ascendance Trilogy to you.

        • Reply
          May 3, 2017, 12:19 pm

          Can’t wait!!

    • Reply
      May 11, 2017, 11:50 pm

      What is your favorite book that you wrote?

      • Reply
        May 12, 2017, 1:00 pm

        Hi Stacy – there’s no way I could choose a favorite, no more than I could choose a favorite child. I love every book I’ve written, just for different reasons. Some because they challenged me, some made me laugh, some taught me to be a better writer. All have characters who will always feel like close friends.

        • Reply
          July 11, 2018, 2:54 pm

          Which book did you have the most fun writing?

          • July 12, 2018, 3:42 am

            Hi Brooklyn – Which was most fun? Probably either THE SCOURGE or THE FALSE PRINCE. I had a blast with both of them.

    • Reply
      May 19, 2017, 1:09 am

      Are you going to write a fourth? If not, please think about writing one!

    • Reply
      June 26, 2017, 4:11 am

      Do you have any news about the movie or possibly about a fourth book?

      • Reply
        June 26, 2017, 4:15 am

        Nothing new, Lucia. Sorry. But if anything changes, I’ll post it here first!

    • Reply
      February 15, 2020, 5:07 am

      this book needs to be a movie!!!!!!

    • Reply
      February 12, 2021, 1:58 am

      This is the future (2021), I still have not heard any news . I don’t think the movie will ever come. I would love to see Jaron on a screen😢

    • Reply
      April 23, 2023, 1:07 am

      I read all 5 books in like 4 days and I’m ultra depressed, Please let them make a movie one day!

      • Reply
        April 23, 2023, 1:08 am

        btw, please consider making a 6th book, it could just be about Jaron and Imogens life together

  • Reply
    March 29, 2017, 7:58 pm

    Heartbreaking! I have been waiting soooo sooo long, years! to hear about their decision :'(

  • Reply
    March 29, 2017, 11:54 pm

    It’s too bad they decided not to renew the contract 🙁 I’ve been checking for news about the movie for years. The False Prince is my favorite book and it would have made a great movie!

    • Reply
      March 30, 2017, 12:56 am

      I agree, Lexi. Perhaps one day with another studio. Fingers crossed for that!

  • Reply
    March 30, 2017, 12:53 am

    So sad it didn’t work out. Fingers crossed that another studio picks it up.

  • Reply
    March 30, 2017, 12:23 pm

    That’s really unfortunate! It would’ve been fun to see a movie version. I hope another studio will be interested in it. Can’t wait for your next books!
    – Loreley

  • Reply
    March 30, 2017, 2:01 pm

    Wow. That is unfortunate. Me and my fangirl friends are going to cry on each other’s shoulders for a long time about this. At least we have the hope of another studio picking it up, in some other day and age.

    I can’t wait for you to write more awesome books!!!

    • Reply
      March 30, 2017, 2:03 pm

      Thanks, Kat. Not to worry – it obviously just wasn’t meant to be this time, but we only want the movie made when it’s with the right studio with the right vision and the right time. Fingers crossed for that one day.

  • Reply
    March 30, 2017, 2:22 pm

    The Ascendance Trilogy is my most favorite books in the world!!! I’m sorry that they didn’t make it a movie, you’re still the best author ever!!! 😀 Hopefully someone better will make the movie, someday.

  • Reply
    March 30, 2017, 2:48 pm

    I am sorry for the sad news, but I know you’ll make it through. As a starting author myself, I have learned the strength of rising through difficulty. Don’t give up. We are here. Oh, and hypothetically, what if a fan of yours adapted the book into a movie script? I mean, could only a studio with the rights do that sort of thing? Obviously a studio would have to produce it and actually get the movie running, but would it help if you already had a script to show them?

    • Reply
      March 30, 2017, 2:52 pm

      I don’t know that it’s sad news as much as it’s just news. When a movie is made, I want it done right, so if Paramount didn’t feel the timing was good for them, then it’s better to wait for someone with a stronger passion. Regarding the script, as I understand it, there is a finished product. I don’t know what will happen to that script now, if it will remain attached to the book for future pitches in Hollywood or not, but I do know one exists. And regarding your own writing, I’m so glad to hear you speak of strength and rising through difficulty. At the core of a career in this business, you have nailed the trait that I think is most important for success – just to keep going even when the news isn’t great, and to have confidence that better things are coming. All the best of luck to you. Constantly remind yourself that success is a “when,” not an “if.”

      • Reply
        March 30, 2017, 4:26 pm

        That makes sense. Well I wish you the best of luck too, for the future of the Ascendance Trilogy and your other novels. Do you happen to read over other people’s drafts and give comments? I realize you are busy but it would be appreciated, if you had the time of course.

        • Reply
          March 31, 2017, 1:46 am

          Thank you. I’m not able to read other drafts at this time, though I hope you will be able to find a reader you trust to help you in your journey toward publication. Best wishes –

      • Reply
        March 30, 2017, 9:58 pm

        Please make a movie of Mark of the Storm I love Nic, Aurelia, Radulf, Livia and Nic’s mother, Crispus, Atroxia. I’ve read all your books and if you can’t make a movie can you at least make another book. we are family because we love your books everyone does

        • Reply
          March 31, 2017, 1:45 am

          Thank you, Angel! It’s always something I’m considering, though for now, my attention is focused on other projects. Perhaps one day, though!

  • Reply
    March 31, 2017, 5:31 am

    Aw, I was looking forward to see how great the movie would be. Hopefully another studio will pick it up soon or in later dates. If not, there’s still going to be the books and the fans (including me of course). There’s some pretty good fan made artwork if you haven’t already seen it (I’m guessing you probably already have).

    • Reply
      April 1, 2017, 2:13 am

      Hi Eli – I have seen a lot of amazing fan created artwork! And yes, fingers crossed for another studio one day in the future.

  • Reply
    March 31, 2017, 3:13 pm

    I am sad to read this! I read the Ascendance Trilogy for the first time last year, and I really loved the books! I then learned that there was going to be a movie, and I was really excited, which is why I am sad to learn there is not going to be not movie.

    • Reply
      April 1, 2017, 2:12 am

      Well, not at this time. This may yet open the doors for another studio – fingers crossed!

  • Reply
    March 31, 2017, 11:38 pm

    Awh, that’s too bad! I’m sorry to hear that they aren’t making a movie. Your books are definitely good enough to be made into movies though! I hope that some other company will realize how good your books are and make them into movies. Until then, the books are good enough to keep us happy! Thank you!

  • Reply
    April 1, 2017, 1:23 am

    Thats too bad, but It’s a wonderful book series so I bet a movie will be made eventually. But if not the books are more than good enough to stand on their own. In fact the False Prince Series is my absolute favorite right now! Also the website saws book three of Mark of the Thief is coming out in January 2017, is that right?, cause it’s March now. I can’t wait for the last one!

    • Reply
      April 1, 2017, 1:24 am

      oops says

      • Reply
        April 1, 2017, 1:27 am

        Never mind Lol I just figured it out. Wrath of the Storm did come out and it just passed me by. XD. it’s just not listed under books. On my way to the library now.

    • Reply
      April 1, 2017, 2:09 am

      Thanks very much, Ana! And yes, WRATH OF THE STORM, the third book of the Mark of the Thief series, is already out.

  • Reply
    April 1, 2017, 7:07 pm

    We’ve all been waiting for years, I think, and this is heartbreaking. I dream of the day I get to go to theaters and watch the False Prince movie. Looking on the bright side, Paramount isn’t the only film studio, so I have my hopes 🙂

    • Reply
      April 3, 2017, 2:17 am

      I have my hopes too, Rashida! All is well, and we constantly look toward the future.

  • Reply
    April 2, 2017, 9:39 pm

    I know that you’ve said before that you had to cut some scenes out of The Ascendance Trilogy to make the books flow better. (“Killing your Darlings”) Do you think that someday you might publish these scenes in kind of a book of “extras”?

    • Reply
      April 3, 2017, 2:15 am

      Probably not, Larissa – there’s a reason they were cut and to publish them would be to change the canon of the published story. But if I ever add to the series, those scenes will likely return in some form!

  • Reply
    April 3, 2017, 7:02 am

    awwww 🙁 it’s really sad that the book is not going to be a movie! it really does deserve it 🙂 but there is always hope! thank you for being such an inspirational author to all of us 🙂

    • Reply
      April 4, 2017, 3:38 am

      Thank you, Charley! And one never knows what the future will bring, so chin up and we’ll see what tomorrow holds!

  • Reply
    April 3, 2017, 11:46 pm

    I would love if a movie was out on The False Prince.

    • Reply
      April 3, 2017, 11:50 pm

      Will I get copyrighted if I use any of you’re images in my project. I’m talking about the images for the Ascendance Trilogy.

      • Reply
        April 4, 2017, 3:37 am

        Only if you try to sell them as your own work or make money off them. Otherwise, you should be fine. No worries for a school project.

    • Reply
      April 4, 2017, 3:37 am

      Me too, Maddox. Perhaps one day!

  • Reply
    April 4, 2017, 5:38 am

    Are you going to be coming out with a 4th book.

    • Reply
      April 5, 2017, 3:58 am

      That is not currently in my plans, but I never say never – perhaps one day!

      • Reply
        February 7, 2021, 4:27 am

        this is hilarious, because you came out with another one haha

  • Reply
    April 5, 2017, 10:29 pm

    Ahh! I am so sad! But I am sure that another company will see how amazing your trilogy is and want to make it into a movie! I am crossing my fingers!
    I am definitely going to recommend this trilogy to ALL of my friends.

  • Reply
    April 6, 2017, 1:59 am

    Don’t worry about it. I still remember reading The False Prince 3 or 4 years ago, no producer is going to pass up this opportunity once they realize its full potential.

  • Reply
    April 6, 2017, 6:28 am

    First, I’d like to applaud you for replying to so many of these comments. Second, is also like to applaud you for your books. They are some of the most amazing I have read, but I’m going to have to say my favorite was The Scourge. (I literally read it in a day.) I’m trying to write my own book, and you’ve further inspired me. Keep up the good work. 😊

    P.S. I’m stuck on adding some humor to my writing. Do you add it in your rough draft, while editing, or at the very end? Thanks again!

    P.P.S. you will get your movie one day, I know it!

    • Reply
      April 7, 2017, 4:24 am

      Thank you, Mv. For the humor, I add it as I think of it. A lot of times, if a scene seems slow, I’ll go through it more carefully to look for opportunities to add humor, but when the right line pops into my head, I use it. Good luck on your own writing!

  • Reply
    April 6, 2017, 10:52 pm

    Netflix original series, anyone? 🙂

  • Reply
    April 6, 2017, 11:04 pm

    I am so sad! The false prince is my favorite book!!

  • Reply
    April 7, 2017, 3:27 am

    Oh No!!! I was looking forward to watching the movie. Oh well. Hello Jennifer Nielson you probably don’t remember but I once wrote to you. I finished the Mark of the Thief series! I hope you can find someone to produce it I can’t wait. Even if it takes fifteen years I will wait and watch the movie. Keep writing you inspire others to write books and read more thanks!

  • Reply
    April 7, 2017, 3:54 am

    So unfortunate that the fandom is so small… This book is a true inspiration and so creative. I have never read a book in which a plot twist genuinely surprised me! I will try and convince my fellow high school compadres to indulge in the world of Jaron so that Jennifer and The False Prince can earn the amazing movie they truly deserve!! I wish you the best of luck, Jennifer! Know that your fans will be there to support you forever!

  • Reply
    April 9, 2017, 7:11 pm

    I’m terribly sorry about the movie, but sometimes good things fall apart so better things can happen. I will personally grow up to be a movie director and see to it that ALL of your books become award winning movies.

    • Reply
      April 10, 2017, 1:37 am

      You’re on, Evangeline!

      • Reply
        May 19, 2017, 11:31 am

        You think we could go make a march on New Line? “We want Jaron! We want Jaron!”

  • Reply
    April 9, 2017, 10:31 pm

    This is kind of random, but if Sage had a scrapbook, what kinds of things would he put in it?

    • Reply
      April 10, 2017, 1:51 am

      It’d be mostly empty, because early in his life, he didn’t appreciate what he had. He does now, and will begin to fill it with anything that reminds him of the family he is rebuilding. Nothing of war or struggle. Just mementos of his friends: a pressed flower from Imogen, a medical tool from Tobias. On page 1, a little pocket for the rock.

  • Reply
    April 9, 2017, 11:49 pm

    I literally just finished this book and they’re not going to turn it into a movie?!

    Well, I guess we can push other studios! Giving up is not an option!

  • Reply
    April 12, 2017, 2:49 am

    Aww, the false prince and that series is one of my favorite books and I wanted to see it on the movie screen, but the books give us just as much adventure as we need and I really hope you countinue making books on that series at least

  • Reply
    April 12, 2017, 1:38 pm

    Why o why! 🙁 This is sad news after all the waiting from paramount… But still I know there is always good news Miss Jen just learn to believe and have faith! Yeah you are right that the book still lives by just sharing its story to other people. I really hope the best for you and to your books is yet to come Miss Jen! Be optimistic and God bless you always! 🙂

  • Reply
    April 13, 2017, 3:57 pm

    Aw 🙁
    But at least there are other movie companies. I hope one day it will be made into a movie, but until then, we shall fangirl over the books instead of the movies. XD

    • Reply
      April 14, 2017, 3:51 am

      I like your plan, Kari!

      • Reply
        May 8, 2017, 6:04 pm

        Thank you 😉
        I have a question. Is there any way you know of to get the books with the UK’s cover? I love their cover so much, it looks really cool. I like the US’s too, I just like the UK’s a little bit more.

        • Reply
          May 9, 2017, 2:52 am

          Hi Kari! The only way I can think of to do is would be to get on Amazon UK. The books are out of print there but used copies are offered. For that reason, they’re priced very reasonably but you’d need to arrange payment in their currency and arrange for shipping, which could be pricy.

          For that reason, it might make sense just to book a trip to London and since you’re there anyway, pay a visit to some used bookstores. That’s what I’d recommend!

          • May 9, 2017, 6:01 pm

            That would be much more fun XD

  • Reply
    April 15, 2017, 3:17 am

    Hmph, my friend and I just recently read the false prince and we got so excited thinking that they would make I movie and now that I know that there might not be one I’m upset, but like Harry Potter and mrs peregrines home for peculiar children movies aren’t anything like or compared to the book(s)

    • Reply
      April 15, 2017, 3:21 am

      Thanks Gabriel – hopefully one day a movie will come together again!

  • Reply
    April 15, 2017, 3:41 pm

    Happy Easter Jennifer Nielsen, I hope you have a good holiday with your family!

    • Reply
      April 17, 2017, 4:39 am

      Thanks very much, Jamie. It was a great day, and I hope the same for you and your family!

      • Reply
        April 17, 2017, 1:52 pm

        It was rally fun, thank you!

  • Reply
    April 17, 2017, 10:28 pm

    That’s really bad news 🙁 I was really looking forward to an adaption, I hope some other film studio wishes to adapt it.

  • Reply
    April 18, 2017, 4:57 pm

    That’s really disappointing. I’ve seen so many other books and plotlines that pale in comparison to The Ascendance Trilogy. I definitely hope that other film studios realize what a huge mistake Paramount Studios has made by letting go of their rights to this script.

    On another note, do you have any suggestions for publishing a children’s book? I’ve released a digital copy online for sale, but I don’t even know where to start for starting the circulation of printed versions of the book. Any advice helps.

    Hoping to hear more from you soon.

    • Reply
      April 19, 2017, 4:12 am

      Hi Phoenix; I don’t view Paramount’s decision as a mistake; rather as them determining that they are not the right company to produce the film the way it should be made. So in that way, it’s probably wise on their part and preserves the series for someone with a stronger vision.

      Regarding your children’s book, congratulations on that accomplishment. However, I’m afraid my experience in the self-published world is so limited that my advice is fairly useless. The only thing I can suggest is you look for venues that might be interested in stocking your book, particularly if it has a connection to a place or theme that has an existing market (for example, a book about a character’s first day skiing to be sold at a ski lodge). It’s always a challenge to launch a new book, but keep working at it and doors will begin to open.

  • Reply
    April 18, 2017, 7:58 pm

    That’s too bad that this didn’t work out but I will continue to hope for something in the future! Also, I was curious to know what your opinion on a fanmade movie adaption would be? Is that even legally possible? LOL, I don’t really understand everything about copyrights and all that stuff.

    Best wishes! 🙂

    • Reply
      April 19, 2017, 4:04 am

      Hi Lauren! The way copyright works on things like this is who owns the “rights” to do anything with an artistic creation. As the author, I own all rights and then can sell rights to a particular use of my work to someone else, if I want that. So you’re asking about film rights. I will hold on to them for another production company to option in the future; however, if you want to create your own adaptation in a non-commercial (you don’t make money on it) way, that is totally fine. Go for it!

  • Reply
    April 19, 2017, 2:33 am

    This is entirely sad. I think the books are cool and if Paramount productions doesn’t see that some other production will.
    Even if there aren’t any movies I’m still happy to have read the books and my cousin just started reading and she loves it.
    I would have liked to see Roden in the movie but I guess it’s ok.
    Secretly my family wants me to try out for Imogene if there’s ever a theatre play for The False Prince.
    I really admire your work Mrs. Nielsen.

    • Reply
      April 19, 2017, 4:01 am

      Thank you very much, Crystal. Fingers crossed on another production company or theater producer, and fingers crossed for you one day soon having the chance to audition!

  • Reply
    April 19, 2017, 9:15 pm

    aww… man! I found about your book yesterday or so and came searching for more until I ended up here… I hope another production company takes the chance. It would be cool to see how The False Prince would look in a movie. 😀

  • Reply
    April 19, 2017, 11:13 pm

    This makes me really sad, but I hope another company that has a lot of experience creating movies based on books can make this happen. I also would like to say I love your Ascendance trilogy and your book the Scourge. Please please please continue writing!! Also did you ever regret anything that you wrote, or wished you could’ve changed something in any of your books?

    Huge fan!! – Nada

    • Reply
      April 20, 2017, 4:18 am

      Hi Nada, as long as readers like you are out there, I will always keep writing. And I never regret any of my writing. Some books have been more successful than others, but I’ve grown from each project and loved each book I’ve released. No writing is wasted writing, from any writer. Thanks for the kind words!

  • Reply
    April 23, 2017, 3:42 am

    Sorry to hear that your amazing and inspiring book won’t be made into a movie by Paramount Pictures. I will keep hoping for a movie eventually and in the meantime keep reading your amazing books. Thank you so much for being such an amazing writer!

  • Reply
    April 24, 2017, 2:15 am

    I’ve been such a huge fan of the series (I’ve likely read it over fifty times.) since it first came out, and seeing this news about the movie is extremely saddening. Though time will hopefully give more incredible opportunities for when it IS made into a movie. Seeing Imogen scold Sage onscreen will just have to wait a little longer, I suppose.
    Thanks for writing one of the best series out there!

    • Reply
      April 24, 2017, 2:52 am

      Thank you very much, Kate. We’ve waited this long, a little while longer won’t hurt, eh?

  • Reply
    April 24, 2017, 1:26 pm

    I’ve been such a huge fan of your books and am sad to hear that false prince will not be made into a movie at this time. I know that when the time is right it will be made into a movie. Also the books are amazing by themselves so even if it doesn’t get made into a movie the books will defiantly be enough. Also have you ever considered adding on to either the Mark Of The Thief or False Prince series? That would be fun to see what new adventures they go on.

    • Reply
      April 25, 2017, 3:16 am

      Hi McKenna, I may one day add to either series, I never say no to possibilities like that. But for now, I’m focused on other projects and characters who are speaking more loudly to me. That could always change though…

  • Reply
    April 24, 2017, 7:00 pm

    If Sage were to create a facebook based of of the first book, what do you think it would look like??

    • Reply
      April 25, 2017, 3:15 am

      Hmm…like what would his posts be? He wouldn’t say much but he’d post plenty of embarrassing pictures he’s collected of people around him, just because he can. Also, he’d almost certainly take up BASE jumping, so you’d start to see pictures of that.

  • Reply
    April 29, 2017, 3:24 am

    I love the books. My life won’t be complete without a movie.

    • Reply
      April 29, 2017, 4:36 am

      Haha – well then I hope it happens soon, for your sake! 😉

  • Reply
    May 2, 2017, 11:20 pm

    I’m really sad to hear about this news. I’ve been really hoping it would work out. Even before I knew there was a chance for there to be a motive. I had my personal movie scenes have run trough my brain as the books for the first time.
    I feel as this has gone to really sad comment. So I’m going to put so positiving into it.So I want to say that I loved all of the books I’ve read by you. Your style of writing is my favorite style of come across, and I’m a big reader. After reading the False Prince it bacame my favorite book and it is still to this day.( it my pride to say have read it over seven times and I still enjoy it). What I to say is that this is a wonderful series and your a wonderful Author. So please continue the great work.

    • Reply
      May 3, 2017, 1:17 am

      Thank you, Abi. I appreciate your positivity and hope that will create good karma for the movie industry to take notice of your thoughts!

  • Reply
    May 4, 2017, 3:00 am

    If there will be a movie I hope they stay true to the story! Jaron will always have a place in our hearts.

  • Reply
    May 6, 2017, 2:04 pm

    I didn’t know that there were movie news in March! I was sorry to hear the news when I read the first sentence, but as I thought it over I really think it’s also good because that means I still have time to imagine Jaron’s voice saying “Sir Master Conner” :).

    • Reply
      May 9, 2017, 2:53 am

      Haha – yes, that’s true, the imagination is almost always more interesting than someone else’s visual.

  • Reply
    May 17, 2017, 2:12 am

    It’s so disappointing that this trilogy isn’t going to become a movie. I think that the story is great and I would have dragged my friends and family to see the movie. This book series is one of my favorites and I’ve read the books several times. I saw that some people in the comments were urging you to write a 4th book, but I just can’t imagine a continuation. I feel like if another book were to be added, it would take away the completeness of the story. I feel like Jaron has had enough problems to deal with and he should live the rest of his life in peace with his family, so I totally respect your decision if you have decided to end the series here. It’s a completely finished work and I’m sure that many people are satisfied with the way it ended.

    • Reply
      May 17, 2017, 2:14 am

      And my comments are probably never seen by anyone because they are always awaiting moderation.

    • Reply
      May 18, 2017, 3:04 am

      Thanks for your thoughts. The series may one day make it to the big screen, but I appreciate your opinion on whether to continue the series.

  • Reply
    May 17, 2017, 10:45 pm

    Could you start a petition or something so movie companies might consider because they could see that there are so many people that would want to watch it? Your books are awesome!

    • Reply
      May 18, 2017, 3:03 am

      I’m not sure a petition is the best way to convince a studio to produce a film. If there’s a book you love, the best thing you can do is continue to spread word about it so that Hollywood can see there’s an ongoing interest in the story. But thanks for the suggestion, Erica.

  • Reply
    May 24, 2017, 9:06 pm

    I’m so sorry about the movie, and I’m more than a little disappointed. However, the books are so amazing that I’m sure the story will be picked up again- I really hope so, at least.
    I just finished Horizon (I read it so I could read your book 2, but I enjoyed it), and I can’t wait for your take on continuing the series! I love everything you write!
    Good luck learning a bit of Japanese!

  • Reply
    May 25, 2017, 9:35 pm

    I’m really sorry about the movie. If they knew how good it was there would be no way they could say no. Not trying to be offensive, but personally it might be better if there isn’t a movie so that the producers can’t ruin the pictures in the fans’ minds of Sage’s world. I wish there was a movie, but you wrote so well that I am content to keep imagining! Waiting for the Traitor’s Game to come out! Good luck!

    • Reply
      May 26, 2017, 2:27 am

      I think when the time is right for it to become a movie, it will happen. Until then, I am grateful for readers like you. Thanks, Rachael!

  • Reply
    May 28, 2017, 3:53 am

    This is so sad, but I know that maybe it wasn’t the right studio to produce the movie. I know one day another studio will come and save the day and produce the film I an amazing way. Until then, keep writing your stories the way you do. Your books get me thru dark times so for that I thank you for giving me an adventure to imagine . Also, I LOVE YOUR WORK!

  • Reply
    May 28, 2017, 3:44 pm

    Personally, I really like the way the third book ended. Jaron and Imogen had a happy ending together. I miss finding out more but I think it was a good place to finish the book and series.

  • Reply
    May 28, 2017, 10:58 pm

    YARRRRG! I’m excited to watch Pirates of the Carribean 5 (there’s five of them)! I liked At worlds end the best. Let’s see if this tops it. BTW Which was you’re favorite? Are you excited too for Dead man Tells No Tales???????

    P.S Jane Eyre or Pride and Prejudice (i had to read both for honors english)

    • Reply
      May 29, 2017, 3:03 am

      Haha – I’m watching On Stranger Tides right now (though the first is my favorite).

      And for me, Pride and Prejudice is a favorite!

  • Reply
    May 29, 2017, 6:35 pm

    I’m pretty disappointed about the movie news, but the series is just as good on its own! I started reading The False Prince for my ELA class, but immediately went and bought the other books after I finished! I was left completely speechless after the plot twist in the first book and am currently reading the second. I’m so excited for the rest of the series, and am really hoping some other studio finds out about this incredible book and makes a movie!

  • Reply
    June 6, 2017, 11:18 am

    I am completely… crushed. I’ve been waiting years.. and well the final news finally came.
    Hopefully one day it’ll become a movie.
    Until then I can’t wait to read the Traitor’s Game! I absolutely love all your work!
    Lots of luck!

  • Reply
    June 6, 2017, 7:13 pm

    This series is amazing!!! The only thing I wish you could have done was to tell us more about Darius. I absolutely loved that you told us small stories about the royal family while actually following the real story unfolding in the books. I found myself wanting to know more. I was very absorbed in the stories that involved Darius. It would have been amazing if we could have seen more of his true personality unfold. All in all, I loved the series and wished you could have continued it. 🙂

    • Reply
      June 9, 2017, 4:58 am

      Thanks, Brianna. I always felt bad not being able to tell more of Darius’s story, and also Mott’s. Perhaps one day…

  • Reply
    June 7, 2017, 6:06 am

    I know this is an old blog, but I have no idea where to ask this 😂😂 But what is Tobias’ name?

    Also, I’m sure I mentioned this in an earlier comment, but I love the series and will do my absolute best to spread the fandom and love. ❤❤

    • Reply
      June 9, 2017, 4:57 am

      Hi Tiffany, I’m not sure about your question – Tobias’s name is Tobias. (🤔)

      And thank you for spreading the fandom love!

  • Reply
    June 10, 2017, 12:33 am

    I have mixed feelings on this, I think that it would be interesting and awesome to see sage on screen, but I also am glad that it didn’t happen, i would have been devastated if they destroyed the plot and characters just to make something that would be pretty on the big screen. it has happened to a lot of other books and series i would not want that to happen to The False Prince since it is something i love. but then look at the lord of the rings, it turned out beautifully so maby there is a chance that in the future it will happen and it will be glorious.

  • Reply
    June 19, 2017, 3:09 am

    Can you maybe try and find another studio, like Lionsgate. They make good movies, maybe even 24th Century Fox?

    • Reply
      June 20, 2017, 4:30 am

      You’re right, that they do make excellent movies, and it would be a fantastic thing to work with any of these studios. However, what has to happen is a producer connected to that studio needs to take interest in the project and approach me. If they do, of course I would say yes! (And yes, this is Jennifer).

  • Reply
    June 22, 2017, 12:43 am

    Dear Mrs. Nielsen,
    I was introduced to the first book in the Series, The False Prince, shortly after the second book came out. I immediately fell in love with the story, and could barely put the book down! Since then, I have read the entire series 6+ times, and just finished it again. After I finished the series for the first time, I began wondering if the Series would ever be made into a movie, and decided that if it did, I would buy the whole series of movies right after each came out (even though no movie could ever match up to books were). After hearing the news that the movie was being made and has stopped, I am incredibly discouraged. I have recommended the book to all my friends and wish you the best of luck in getting your series made into a movie, because that would be the most incredible news for me and thousands of other readers of your books. I can’t wait to see if Sage’s character will be brought to life in film!!!

    • Reply
      June 22, 2017, 3:46 am

      Thanks very much, Braden. I believe a movie will happen one day, just not right now. But your recommendations are the greatest of compliments, and the more the series gains in popularity, the more it’s likely to gain the attention of other producers.

      • Reply
        June 23, 2017, 3:30 am

        Mrs Nielsen
        That’s good to know, and if there is anything that even young readers like myself can do to help the book get recognized, then I know that I and many other readers would be ready to do it. (By the way you have no idea how much it means to me that you care to read and comment on comments like mine… and thank you for that! I am a fan of many of your books, so to have the author of some of my favorite books write back to me is incredible!).
        -Braden Sweet

        • Reply
          June 24, 2017, 4:26 am

          Thanks for the offer, Braden. It sounds like you’re doing the most that any reader can, and that is much appreciated by me.

  • Reply
    June 22, 2017, 10:21 pm

    Would love to connect.

  • Reply
    June 23, 2017, 2:19 am

    Dang .-. They are stupid to say the won’t

  • Reply
    June 29, 2017, 6:24 pm

    Dear Ms. Jennifer, I was wondering, would you like the False Prince to be made into a movie with complete animation, normal actors and actresses, or mix of both, like the live-action movies Disney is putting out? (I think that it would make an awesome live-action movie!) 😍 I love your books SO much, as does my younger and older sister! I was wondering if you ever autograph books, and if you do, how much it would cost? (I would love to get a signed book for my younger sister! She has the entire False Prince series, and those are her favorite books EVER!) 😍 Thank you for writing SO many awesome books! Also, thank you for taking the time to read and respond to everybody!

    • Reply
      June 30, 2017, 4:46 am

      Hi Sarah, thanks for all your kind words. I agree with you, that it’d be good as a live-action movie.I do autograph books. The best way to arrange that is to order it from my local bookstore, The King’s English ( In the notes during checkout, you can tell them how you want the book to be signed. I come in and sign it and they ship it to you.

      • Reply
        July 4, 2017, 9:36 pm

        I would love to help with a live-action movie of The False Prince if I ever get a chance. (Starting this fall, I will be going to school to become an animator.)
        Thank you SO much for responding so quickly! (Also, is there a place where we can submit Fan Art?)

        • Reply
          July 4, 2017, 9:55 pm

          Or send you fan art? (I am working on Sage/Jaron right now, and I wanted to send you a picture.

        • Reply
          July 5, 2017, 3:11 pm

          Thanks, Sarah – study hard and let’s see what comes, right?

          I’d love to see your fan art via email. There’s a link at this page where you can contact me. (

          • July 7, 2017, 12:08 pm

            Thank you for the encouragement! I tried to send an email to you 2 days ago- did I send it to the correct email address? If not, I will try sending an email from my phone. 😀 Have an awesome weekend!

          • July 9, 2017, 3:36 pm

            I’ve got it – just haven’t had a chance to open it yet. Sorry – I’m on deadline, but I will look soon!

      • Reply
        March 18, 2022, 7:53 pm

        Its sad you can’ t make a movie I’m a big fan

  • Reply
    July 1, 2017, 8:39 pm

    Ms. Nielsen, I wanted to let you know that the ascendance trilogy changed my life. I learned so much from it, and I grew to know all the characters, and I even grew to love some like family.
    I read the first book in 4th grade when there was a book exchange at my school. You would bring an old book that you wanted to share with others, look at the other books that people had brought, and then exchange yours for one the you wanted. I was just about to settle for a good ol’ Beverly Cleary book, when I spotted at the end of the book table a very, VERY, VEEERY worn copy of The False Prince. I was hooked from the very first sentence by Sage’s humor and impish/playful nature that I can so relate to. I devoured it, read it over again at least once every other month, and then in 8th grade I was browsing the fantasy section in the library and spotted a hardcover copy of the runaway prince, and recognized the font on the cover. ‘Huh,’ I thought. ‘That’s the same font that Jennifer Nielsen used for the False Prince.’ I picked it up and read ‘Sequel to the False Prince’ along the top, and literally screamed with joy! I had had NO Idea that there was going to be a second one. I then saw that shadow throne was on the shelf to, and hastily snatched it up off the shelf. I finished Runaway king that very day (and I must confess it is my favorite) and I finished shadow throne the next day.
    Upon finishing the trilogy, I introduced the series to my brother, and he loved it as well. Everything that I type here now he agrees with! He adores the series almost as much as I cherish it. Your writing and character development is so well done, that I feel as if I know the characters inside and out. If I ever find myself in a situation, I think to myself ‘What would Mott do?’ Or ‘What would Imogen do?’ Or even Amarinda. They are very mush my role models. I love Sage to death but – even though he is learning – I never think ‘What would Sage do?’ because he can be quite reckless sometimes! XD He thinks with heart though, and I can definitely relate to that!
    Out of all the books, each one played an important part in the growing up of Sage. I wanted to thank you for giving me and other readers such a beautiful gift; the gift of a door. I like to think of books as doors, because you can choose to open it, or not to, but either way – you have been given a way into another world. And you, Ms. Nielsen, are a wonderful door-maker! Thank you for sharing your world with us. As a fellow writer, I know how hard it is to let something so dear to you out into the hands of those who may dislike and criticize your work.
    To add more to what is now turning into a novelette, I have one plea. Please, please, PLEASE….. now I don’t know how the movie industry works exactly, but if a studio decides to make your books in to a series of movies, I beg that you help cast. An author knows her characters better than anyone else, and I think the roles of these people that I have come to love or despise are all very complex personalities. Especially Sage. Obviously. I know that you would be able to be around a young actor and just be able to tell that he had the mischievous air and reckless tendency that Sage had! But also the hidden wisdom and cleverness that came with the power nd responsibility that was quickly thrust upon Jaron. Not that I think you wouldn’t try your best to make sure that the movies are made in the best possible way, it’s just that so many of my favorite book series’ are being made into movies, and many of them are let-downs. It’s just that the actors or actresses haven’t read the actual book, or the director doesn’t know what parts of the books have the most impact on the readers, or the studio will try to make the plot more about the romance than anything else. It’s not their fault, they just are thinking about how to attract the most audiences, and not about the actual story.
    I love this trilogy SO much, and I would LOVE seeing this trilogy made into a live action movie. I really don’t mean to be pushy, and I’m sorry if it came across that way, I just think that if you helped cast and look over what parts of the plot they were going to keep and not keep, it would be INCREDIBLE! Don’t be discouraged that paramount didn’t renew the contract. If a movie isn’t made by the time I’m out of college, I’ll make the movie myself! ;D

    P.S. I realize that this is ridiculously long, but I have so many emotions running through me when I think about how much this saga means to me that this entry is not even the BEGINNING of what I want to say. Sorry for such a long entry!

    P.P.S. I know lots of people are encouraging you to write a 4th book, but I am glad that you ended the books where you did. Not only did you give the readers the gift of the books, you also gave us gift of being able to imagine where Sage will grow from here. Even though the books mean everything to me, there is a stopping point for everything, and found the perfect place to leave us with our own thoughts and imagination. If you feel inspired to write another book, I am sure that I will be just as magical as the others, but until then, I think Sage is in a good place. You are one of the few authors who has managed to ever end the series with the perfect balance of what is known, and what is uncertain in my opinion. Thank you! And also thanks for taking time out of you day to read what your fans have to say. 🙂 🙂 🙂

    • Reply
      July 2, 2017, 4:51 am

      Hi Logan, Thank you for all your kind words and for being such a dedicated fan. Since you are also a writer, I know you must understand the way an author looks at their characters and the overall story arc. Whether I write a 4th book or not will depend entirely upon Sage and whether he is tugging at my imagination. It won’t come as result of pressure from fans, although I always appreciate hearing the various opinions on this question

      Regarding a future movie, if one is made, then I will gladly assist in any production role where my opinion is requested, but I can’t force my way in. I do agree with you, that no one knows their characters more than the author, but I also respect the producer’s role in bringing the printed word to a visual format. But if none of that works out, perhaps you will be the person to make the movie one day. In which case, I’ll look forward to seeing your vision come to life!

      All best wishes –


  • Reply
    July 6, 2017, 3:26 pm

    Thanks for reading and responding! It means a lot just to be able to talk to the person who wrote some of my favorite people to life. Thanks!

  • Reply
    July 16, 2017, 9:46 pm

    Oh my goodness!! This is so disappointing. Let’s just hope another company will see how great this series is. This trilogy is my favorite set of books ever! My mom, dad, and my two oldest brothers all love it! I can’t wait to here more news on The Traitors Game series! Thanks for writing such amazing books!

  • Reply
    July 21, 2017, 2:37 pm

    Ms Jen!
    I am sure that there will be an opportunity for this project soon! Yaay cannot wait. I will be doing my best to share and even give the Ascendance Trilogy book to my book buddies.

  • Reply
    July 26, 2017, 6:37 pm

    This is so sad! I really wanted it to be a movie but at least we still have the books to enjoy! I don’t know why, but I kind of think Disney would be a good pick for it or Netflix. I know that Netflix, Amazon, and Hulu are producing movies now. I hope either Disney or Walden Media picks it up and sees how it’s beloved by readers all over the world. It’s such a great series that deserves to be brought to the big screen! It’s sad that we won’t get to see a movie for now but hopefully later on we might get that chance. I LOVED the books so much! They were my favorite that I read in Junior High and I’m glad that I’m rereading my favorites again! I always loved how mischievous Sage was in the books and his friends! I always loved it when Conner found out in the end of the 1st book that he was Jaron! Every scene with Jaron and Imogene is amazing! I loved reading those parts and how CLOSE they are! I’m not sure if this will help but hopefully it does. If you’ve read The Outsiders by S.E Hinton, then here’s a link about how it got made. It’s so cool how it started!
    The book and the movie are both legendary to readers! The False Prince is a classic to people worldwide! I hope that one day a movie company will pick it up and let you write the script! By the way, I LOVED Mark of the Thief and A Night Divided! They’re amazing stories just like The False Prince! I wish you the best of luck with your novels!

    • Reply
      July 27, 2017, 1:04 pm

      Thanks very much, Chelsea, and for sharing the link – that’s awesome!

      • Reply
        July 29, 2017, 2:08 am

        Agree, it’s so cool how great an impact it has on people’s lives! The False Prince should be given that chance just like the Outsiders! I loved the part when Sage advice was revealed as Prince Jaron and when he arrested Conner for the murders of his family, Latamer, and the attempted murder of him. When Conner told him he can be in any place and Jaron told Conner those words and removed his title and placed in the dungeon. Conner’s reaction is priceless! I also loved it when Jaron had Imogene be a nobleman’ daughter and that she would be treated! I loved those parts!
        Who did you want to be the director of the movie adaptation of your novel?

        • Reply
          July 29, 2017, 11:58 am

          Thank you. And for a director, I’ve never had anyone specific in mind. I only care that if a movie is made, that it would be led by someone who stays true to the book, because that’s what the fans would want.

  • Reply
    July 31, 2017, 11:24 pm

    Hi Mrs.Nielsen,
    I think it’s good how you ended the trilogy. That way we can imagine everything that Jaron will do (the stupid and the clever). Whatever studio makes the movie, I think all your fans just want them to stay true the story, the characters, and the plot. I am so excited for the Traitor’s Game to come out- from the POV of a girl! Good luck with future projects! Thanks also for taking your time to read this!
    P.S. I have reread the Ascendance Trilogy over ten times- it’s my absolute FAVORITE.

    • Reply
      August 1, 2017, 4:41 am

      Thank you! If you liked False Prince, then I think you’ll like Traitor’s Game too. It’s actually half from Kestra’s POV and half from one of the rebels who captures her. Mayhem ensues!

  • Reply
    July 31, 2017, 11:32 pm

    Sorry it’s me again. I just went online and read the summary for The Traitor’s Game- it looks awesome with Kestra foiling her captives’ plans and plot twists. I was just a little confused; does Kestra support her father’s position with the evil king? Or is she merely taken as a bargaining chip? Thanks!

    • Reply
      August 1, 2017, 4:40 am

      Thank you for checking into that. Regarding Kestra’s opinion of her father’s position within the kingdom, that’s definitely an issue within the book! 🤔 I hope you’ll like it!

      • Reply
        August 2, 2017, 5:38 pm

        Thank you! I can’t wait for it to come out! Do you know an exact date? I might pre order it on amazon 🙂

        • Reply
          August 3, 2017, 3:57 am

          Feb 27, 2017, but you can pre-order now at your favorite bookstore or online.

          • August 6, 2017, 11:19 pm

            Thanks! That’s close to my birthday:) Will definitely pre order.

  • Reply
    August 6, 2017, 5:10 am

    🙁 I haven’t checked blog in ages. I kinda didn’t want another wait 6 months deal lol so I waited about a year. I really hope another studio picks it up, and also hope a great 4th book idea would come. You could start an afterseries with Jaron’s kids? Just a thought lol would be very interesting 😀 well fingers crossed for someone else to pick it up

  • Reply
    August 9, 2017, 5:09 pm

    Hi Mrs.Nielsen,
    I really hope another studio picks up the movie soon. I just had a quick question- how do you pronounce Imogen? My friends and I say it differently and I just wanted to know how you say it. Thanks!

    • Reply
      August 10, 2017, 4:17 am

      Hi Rachael – I pronounce her name Im (rhymes with Him) – o – gen (gin)

  • Reply
    August 10, 2017, 1:25 pm

    Thank you so much! That is how I pronounced her name so I’m glad I got it right. Super excited for The Traitor’s Game!

    • Reply
      August 10, 2017, 1:37 pm

      Thank you – me too!

    • Reply
      August 10, 2017, 7:30 pm

      Sorry it’s me again- is the g in her name pronounced g as in game? Or g sounding like j? Thanks!

  • Reply
    August 29, 2017, 12:49 am

    So I not really big on putting myself out there, but I just wanted to say that The False Prince is one of my favorite books. I love the ascendance trilogy, and I am so heartbroken that it is not being made into a movie. I just wanted to say that this book and your other series’ have made a revolutionary mark in my life. I love your work, and I hope that in the future some other studio picks it up. It’s a great book and I can’t wait for Traitor’s Game.
    p.s. I was wondering if you happened to have any book recommendations, and how you select your books to read?

    • Reply
      August 30, 2017, 4:25 am

      Thank you very much, Veda. Other book recommendations? Hmm, I loved “Zeroes” by Scott Westerfeld, “The Goose Girl” by Shannon Hale, “Code of Honor” by Alan Gratz, and “Zero Day” by Jan Gangsei.

  • Reply
    August 29, 2017, 9:39 pm

    Omgosh I loves these books. I have read them like a hundred times. I wish you would make them into a movie. Please make them into a movie.

  • Reply
    August 31, 2017, 11:05 am

    Thank you Ms. Neilson. I can’t wait to read them. I hope that someday all our movie wishes will come true.

  • Reply
    September 9, 2017, 6:33 pm

    Ms. Jennifer Nielsen,

    You must get thousands of letters and emails and messages telling you how much people enjoyed The Ascendance Trilogy and maybe you might be tiring of it. I don’t know how to best say this, but The False Prince is an extraordinary book and I really enjoyed reading it. I love Sage’s character,his never quitting determination and his quick witted and humorous approach to life. And the fact that he doesn’t run away from who is he or who he’s meant to be simply because of his circumstances, and is a loyal friend to those whom he loves. Throughout the book, I could really see how you crafted Sage’s character throughout the series, he came to the throne as a boy, and finished the war as a young man. I guess what I really wanted to say is that its inspiring and someday I hope to meet you in person. How did you come up with the idea for this whole series? What do you like most about Sage? And if you could write the story all over again, now that it’s completely published, would you change anything? All the best, Blue

    • Reply
      September 11, 2017, 2:43 am

      Thank you very much, Blue. I’m so glad that you loved the series and that Sage had such an impact on you. Your first question can be answered about halfway down the page HERE. What I like most about Sage is that he always goes forward, no matter what. Even if forward is through fire and glass, he never goes backward on his plans. And I really wouldn’t change anything significant about the series. I’m very happy with how it came together and evolved. Thanks for asking!

  • Reply
    September 19, 2017, 3:08 am

    Holy cow!!! I read the false prince trilogy last year but when I needed a book for English I decided to read it again. And again I loved it. I actually remember you coming to my school in fourth grade and you talked with us about the False Prince. I didn’t really care much about it but now that iv’e read it i think it’s amazing. I just finished the third book yesterday and I know this sounds ridicules but Jaron is my dream role. I do drama and acting and I think I think I would be the perfect fit. Iv’e learned how to pick locks, I bought a sword just to learn how to fight, and i’m trying to become a better thief. But don’t worry I won’t rob anybody. Anyways Thank you for writing the book, it really is a great book.

    • Reply
      September 19, 2017, 12:59 pm

      Dylan, I’m glad that Jaron’s character has inspired you. Hopefully, if a movie is made one day, you will have the chance to try out for his role! Thanks very much!

  • Reply
    October 13, 2017, 10:42 am

    The False Prince is an amazing book! I needed a book to write about for my English assignment and I chose this book. Then I went and bought the other two and just finished reading the last book yesterday. All three books were wonderful. Thank you for writing them!

    • Reply
      October 14, 2017, 3:02 pm

      Thank you very much, especially for buying the other two books – I’m honored.

  • Reply
    November 23, 2017, 9:29 pm

    I went on google today to see if my favorite book was to be turned into a movie. Its sad that The False Prince won’t be going to be a movie now, but i hope for the future that it will be made into one. Thank you for writing a book so thrilling and captivating to read. Who knows if I become a producer in HollyWood I might have to make this a movie for you! Thanks again Jennifer! Cant wait for the third book in the Mark of the Thief trilogy!

    • Reply
      November 24, 2017, 4:16 am

      Thanks very much, Michael! And don’t give up on False Prince – one never knows! Better yet if you are the producer that brings I forward, right?

  • Reply
    January 6, 2018, 2:11 pm

    I do wish there was a movie, but sometimes not having a movie is better since it leaves the readers to imagine what the characters would look like. I love the books and I just got my friend to start reading them. None the less if you want them to become movies, I hope you get them.

    • Reply
      January 7, 2018, 4:04 pm

      I agree with you, Orias – I want a movie only if it’s done right. Fingers crossed for that!

  • Reply
    February 16, 2018, 12:34 pm

    Nooo!!! I’ve been wanting to watch an adaption of this since… I’ve finished the first book! I was so looking forward to it…

    Well… if we can’t get a movie… I’m hoping we could at least get a television adaption…

    • Reply
      February 16, 2018, 1:23 pm

      My hope is that if and when anything is made, it will be done right for the fans. Then I’ll be happy!

  • Reply
    April 15, 2018, 2:01 pm

    Hopefully this means one day I can direct it myself
    …this book is on my list of books I would love to make into movies! Although I am sad to hear the news

  • Reply
    April 28, 2018, 12:22 am

    Thats really sad Ms. Nielsen. I love your series. Sage’s character developed well. And i was shocked to see Sage was actually Jaron. I am almost done with the third book. So far “The Runaway King” is my favorite book. I love Sage and I never thought of him going to be Amerendia’s husband. His character matched more with Imogen. Im so glad to see them get married and to spend their lives together. I hope there will be a movie soon. But keep up the good work please.

    A book idea- You should right about Imogen and Jaron’s hardships and have a shocking turning point when Imogen tells him she is pregnant. I think that will be a cool turning point and maybe Jaron could keep the secret until he tells Roden and then the rumor spreds through the castle like wild fire. It would be really cool. But you are the series creator. This is just a suggestion. But i hope you right about Imogen and Jaron’s new life together.

    Thoughts- I asked my teacher the other day how many books were in the series and she said only 3 i was a little disappointed but i still really love your series. We used the “False Prince” as a read aloud and i read ahead and i knew everything that happened before my class. Jaron inspires me to follow my dreams and goals. I want to be a singer or song writer. But i also love writing stories and making fictional characters. Its a lot of fun. Im planning on writing a book when i start 8th grade next year. Im not sure but i would like to have your thoughts on how i should start this book please. Thanks!

    • Reply
      April 29, 2018, 2:25 am

      Thank you for all of your kind words, Angeline! I’ll consider your suggestions.

  • Reply
    April 28, 2018, 12:00 pm

    Super disappointed about the whole movie thing. Make sure, though, to work very closely to the movie makers that do pick it up s to not mess up anything. As long as it is done right and I’m alive to see it, I won’t care when it comes out.
    Also, about the whole proposal about a 4th book…? Even if it was just an 50 page eBook to just tell us how they Jaron and Carthya are going would be deeply satisfying.
    P.S. My mum and I love your books, The Ascendance Trilogy had an effect on me like no other book had (in a good way, of course).
    P.P.S. any tips on writing a fantasy novel? My mum and I have both started writing our own novels and are in a bit of a nasty writers block. Any tips and tricks would be really helpful!

    • Reply
      April 29, 2018, 2:24 am

      Thanks for all the kind words and suggestions – I’ll definitely keep your ideas in mind! Regarding writers block – that is very common so don’t give up. Try one of these three tips:
      1) Ask yourself, “What is the meanest thing I can do to my character right now?” Often, that question helps to trigger ideas to get past writers block.
      2) It’s possible that the reason you are blocked is because you’ve made a choice earlier in the story that is limiting your options now. Perhaps go back to where you had a ton of ideas flowing and ask if there’s something different you can do now.
      3) If you’re really stuck, just write “Something amazing happens here” and then skip ahead to the next scene you want to write. Sometimes that creates a natural bridge to where you are and where you want to go.

      Good luck!

      • Reply
        May 15, 2018, 9:54 am

        Thank you very much! Will keep that in mind.
        P.S. I forgot my email I used in the first comment, so this might be a different one. Sorry.

  • Reply
    June 22, 2018, 11:48 pm

    That’s too bad, a movie would be cool to see. I think it would be cool to see it as a Disney film, but that’s wishful thinking. A fourth book would be really cool, but a prequel would be awesome. I think it would be cool to hear more about the story of Jaron turning into Sage. Anyway, good luck with the movie!🤞🏼😀😀

    • Reply
      June 24, 2018, 1:25 am

      It may yet happen, Camden – I’m optimistic about the future for this series, but until then, keep your fingers crossed (for a fourth book, or a prequel, or a movie from a different studio)!

  • Reply
    July 11, 2018, 2:57 pm

    You should write a prequel about Eckbert so we could find out why he ruled like he did
    Or a maybe one about jarons mom

  • Reply
    August 2, 2018, 7:27 am

    My name is Braden. I understand that this blog post is fairly old by now, but am longing for something more. I just finished reading the full series for the ninth time! (I’m not exaggerating nor am I lying). I find so much enjoyment in the character that is Sage/Jaron. I can’t get enough. I am to the point where I can remember any certain point in the series with ease. I have read some of your newer books (all of which I really enjoyed) but I found myself coming back to The False Prince. Is the possibility of a movie still there? I believe with all my heart that it could become one of the best movies of the coming years… but if not is there anything else you can offer to bring sage to life even further for those of us who can’t let go? Thank you so much, and I wish you the best. Thank your for creating this series as it is problably the only purchase that I have never even slightly regretted. Much love, Braden Sweet

    • Reply
      August 6, 2018, 4:36 pm

      Thanks for this post, Braden – stay tuned for news…

      • Reply
        August 26, 2018, 6:35 am

        Hey I am Jaci. I love your writing and all of your books especially the ascendance trilogy. I have read it so many times. They will always be my favorite books and I am definitely hoping for more or movies. Also I know that the movie is not certain yet but I am into acting, I do it and I have feel I have a talent for it. So I was wondering what your plans were for parts in the movies? like tryouts or something?

        • Reply
          August 27, 2018, 1:40 am

          Hi Jaci – If a movie is made, I will probably have no say in the casting or even the direction of the movie. BUT, any movie news will always be announced here on my blog first, including any audition information I ever get. So keep an eye on this blog and definitely check back in later this year.

          • August 27, 2018, 11:06 pm

            Thank you so much. Also I am in the middle of reading the traitors game right now and I love it. It is so amazing and I can’t wait for the nest book

          • August 28, 2018, 4:14 am

            Thank you so much, Jaci!

    • Reply
      August 26, 2018, 6:26 am

      Hey Braden Sweet, I feel the exact same way. I have read these books maybe 7 times each and I am so in love with them and all the characters. My mom is always trying to get me to read other books but I feel like none of them will ever be as good as the ascendance trilogy. The closest I can get to loving another book is Jennifer’s other books. I just love her writing so much like Mark of the Thief and A Night Divided but this trilogy will always be my favorite and I am hoping so bad for a day where it is continued or made into a movie.

    • Reply
      August 26, 2018, 6:27 am


  • Reply
    September 3, 2018, 7:46 pm

    I love this book series and would have LOVED for them to make a movie about it, but I agree that the movie must be done right and if this studio couldn’t do it then that’s ok. However, in the meantime have you ever considered writing a fourth book? I have shared this series with many friends and we would all LOVE to see the possibility of a fourth book! Thank you for writing this amazing book series!😊

    • Reply
      September 5, 2018, 2:09 pm


    • Reply
      September 7, 2018, 1:24 pm

      This is a great book series. My friend introduced it to me, and I bought the book from him! I’ve read it like 10 times, it’s that good. I agree with the movie needing to be perfect. I hate it when they base a movie off a book, but change a million things about it. But I’m afraid a 4th book would mess up the ending. A prequel about Jaron getting used to life as Sage would be cool, but that was kinda explained in the first book, The False Prince. Let’s just all hope that the books can become movies. Because if they don’t, they might have a riot on their hands! 😛

  • Reply
    September 6, 2018, 3:29 pm

    Hi, Ms. Nielsen, so I need to be honest… I just read your book The False Prince last year. My friend brought it and requested for me to read it. When I started it, I thought ‘This is actually pretty good.” Then I couldn’t put the book down. (I should state here that even though I LOVE reading, very few books can draw me in.) I actually begged my friend for it. We made an agreement for me to buy it. It took a lot of begging on my part though. (Good thing I’m in drama class so I know how to fake tears. :P!) Anyway, I bought both The False Prince and The Runaway King from him. Then, I went to the book store and bought The Shadow Throne. I love how in ALL three books there were twists that I wasn’t expecting. In the first book, I love how you foreshadowed Sage/Jaron being the real prince. But even with all the hard work you put into foreshadowing, I was still oblivious that it was him. In the second book, I would have never guessed that Imogen was going to be found at the pirates’ camp. And in the third book, I couldn’t believe how well you played out the war against Mendenwal. (Sorry if I spelled it wrong.) The book was filled with humor, which can be found in few books. Sage/Jaron is hilarious, Mott, Roden, and Tobias are exactly what I would want a friend to be like, and I can relate to Imogen so well. I think that a fourth book would be cool, but I agree with Logan. You finished the series in the right place. I wouldn’t go on to say the book changed my life, but it did help me not judge those like Sir Master Bevin Conner. Because who knows… maybe they will die for me one day. ;P! I was hoping for a movie, and if I knew how the whole process worked, I would ask whoever was in charge to make one. No… I would demand it from them. Thank you for writing those books, because they are truly funny.

  • Reply
    September 11, 2018, 1:38 pm

    Dear Miss, Nielsen,
    Hello, I’m a fan of your books and I’m wondering if there are any accurate drawings or fan art of what sage looks like. Just a random question.

    • Reply
      September 14, 2018, 2:05 am

      Hi Anna – there are many great drawings of him, but I don’t know that I’ve seen one that is perfect for my vision of him.

  • Reply
    October 3, 2018, 6:00 pm

    Is the movie ever going to happen because I can’t wait for my school to

    watch it in Film Club.

    • Reply
      October 5, 2018, 8:23 pm

      Hi Aaryan – a movie may one day happen, but it won’t happen right away. So you may need to discover other films to watch for a while. But thank you for asking!

  • Reply
    October 12, 2018, 2:20 pm

    Now I need to find a way to figure out what Alexa (Amazon Echo) was advertising this morning. We have the trilogy on audio, and my kids restarted The False Prince a couple days ago. (It’s fun when your 5-yr-old notices foreshadowing and points out “secrets” from later in a loved book.) Said 5-yr-old just came in to announce that “there’s a False Prince MOVIE! Alexa said so!”

    • Reply
      October 22, 2018, 2:52 am

      Haha! That’s awesome, Tricia – you must have a very smart 5-year-old!

  • Reply
    October 30, 2018, 6:30 pm

    you should right a book 4 for this series

    • Reply
      October 30, 2018, 7:15 pm

      A book 4? Well, that’d be interesting. I mean, there are so many possibilities for a plot…but the biggest question of all is, “What if Jaron suddenly…” – no need to say the rest. You can probably figure it out, right?

  • Reply
    December 9, 2018, 11:25 pm

    I know that I am really late but this really sucks! I was really looking forward to a movie. The Ascendance Trilogy is one of my favorite book series.

  • Reply
    July 11, 2019, 5:42 pm

    Awww that really sucks- I’ve been waiting for about 4 years hoping something would happen :/ hopefully another studio will pick it up someday…

    • Reply
      July 14, 2019, 12:16 pm

      I hope so too, Alex. if there is any news, I will report it here first!

  • Reply
    October 10, 2019, 3:43 am

    Can you add on to the Adendance Trilogy,please? It’s too good to be a Trilogy. It should be a 5 book or a 10 book series. Can you put something like afterwards of the Ascendance Trilogy? I adore this book so much and love the way you wrote it! It’s sometimes like am literally in Sage’s shoes. This book changed so many things in life(they’re all positive) and I want to see more.

    • Reply
      October 10, 2019, 11:29 pm

      I will definitely consider your suggestion – thanks Roxanne!

  • Reply
    November 5, 2019, 5:09 am

    I would like to make these great books into a movie.

  • Reply
    November 27, 2019, 4:30 am

    hi, I have wanted to watch the movies of the books for ling time. and when I know this sad news, I decided I WILL make movies of the Ascendance Series. Now, I will take entrance exam for enroll university which is famous for film in next February.
    Thank you sm for leading me to the dream of making movies. I will do that someday and i’m looking forward to see you.

    p.s. im not native English speaker so I’m sorry when you don’t make sense of this.

    • Reply
      December 2, 2019, 4:34 am

      Good luck in the film business, Kaori! I hope very much that we will be able to meet one day.

  • Reply
    February 5, 2020, 10:09 pm

    I love these books more than any others. They are so wonderfully written and I will forever hold onto the hope that they will get a movie. I’ve actually written a fanfic for them! (albeit poorly written) It would mean the world to me if you checked it out. I just wanted to say thank you for being such an incredible writer and creating these books. I’ll reread them as a whole or I’ll just reread my favorite parts. Thanks again♥️
    Here’s the link to my story if anyone wanted to read it😊

    • Reply
      March 1, 2020, 6:06 am

      I’ll try to check out the fanfic when I can – thank you, Sage!

    • Reply
      April 20, 2020, 7:14 pm

      Hello im just wondering since its 2020 are they going to make a false prince movie

      • Reply
        April 22, 2020, 3:45 am

        Hi Hadija – Right now, there is no movie news to report. I hope that one day a movie will happen, but it won’t be this year.

        • Reply
          April 29, 2020, 2:59 pm

          Thank You Ms.Nielsen For responding to me believe it or not I actually started crying cause i didn’t believe that somebody would reply to me. I got so HappY! I really hope that you can make a movie some day I just wanted to say before ever knowing about the False prince I hated books I did not want to read it. After My older sister told me to read your book I fell in love YOU are the person that made me love books Now i finish at least a book a day and they are like my best friends. (I love all your books and read almost all of them!) I really hope they make this movie because you truly deserve it

          • April 30, 2020, 12:08 am

            Wow, thank you for that Hadija, and for being such an amazing reader now!

  • Reply
    February 10, 2020, 5:05 am

    Where did you get the idea for the ascendance trilogy? Sorry, Reading the comments made me curious.

    • Reply
      March 1, 2020, 6:04 am

      In short, it came from a song called “Guaranteed,” by Eddie Vedder. If you look up the lyrics, you’ll see a lot of Sage in there.

  • Reply
    April 25, 2020, 4:52 am

    Make a book to find out if Jason’s brother is alive

    • Reply
      April 27, 2020, 2:13 am

      Hmm, that would be interesting.

      • Reply
        May 6, 2020, 5:41 pm

        I would agree except since Amarinda and Tobias fall in love, I would be sad to see Darius come back 🙁

  • Reply
    April 29, 2020, 3:00 pm

    Thank You Ms.Nielsen For responding to me believe it or not I actually started crying cause i didn’t believe that somebody would reply to me. I got so HappY! I really hope that you can make a movie some day I just wanted to say before ever knowing about the False prince I hated books I did not want to read it. After My older sister told me to read your book I fell in love YOU are the person that made me love books Now i finish at least a book a day and they are like my best friends. (I love all your books and read almost all of them!) I really hope they make this movie because you truly deserve it

  • Reply
    May 6, 2020, 5:39 pm

    This would be a great film on Disney+! It is my favorite series and I cry to think of what would have happened if I hadn’t found this treasure on the shelf in the library.

    • Reply
      May 6, 2020, 5:40 pm

      Also your other books would make excellent movies. Specifically The Scourge and A Night Divided.

  • Reply
    August 2, 2020, 4:40 am

    I have read all the three books of the ascendance trilogy and have never been more captivated by a book series. I read them when I was younger, but now have reread them because i simply remembered the story holding me at the edge of my seat (I am 18 now). This series is crazy good and I hope to see it adapted onto the big screen as movie or a TV show. I believe it is just as magnificent or even better than the hunger games series and equivalent to game of thrones, despite that dissatisfying tv show ending, lol. I really hope this trilogy gets picked up by some movie or tv show company because if not, it’d be disservice to the world. No cap. sorry not sorry. #FalsePrinceMovie #WhenDoWeWantIt #Now

    • Reply
      August 2, 2020, 4:59 pm

      Thank you, Calla! Now let’s just hope someone who can make it happen reads your post!

      • Reply
        October 19, 2020, 5:09 pm

        Can you make the 5th book?

  • Reply
    November 3, 2020, 5:06 am

    I seriously cannot express my excitement for the Ascendance books! I have shared them with my friends and now they are reading them too. I am SSSOOO bummed out that aren’t any movies yet, but I am truly hoping that there will be soon. When I was looking through these comments, only a few down is one by someone named Meridith who listed two possible actors for the roles of Mott ad Jaron, and I completely agree with them. Thank you for writing such amazing books! I am excited to see what else you come out with.

  • Reply
    November 3, 2020, 4:10 pm

    I need there to be an Ascendance movie SO bad!

  • Reply
    January 21, 2022, 8:17 pm

    Jennifer Nielsen, you are my absolute favorite author! I have read EVERY SINGLE one of your books, and I have always loved them. I wanted to tell you if you remember coming to Orchard School, South Burlington VT. I didn’t get the chance to see you, since I moved sometime in 2020. You don’t know how much it would mean to me to get to see you! I hope you consider coming back! Also, I’m very sad that there won’t be a False Prince movie 🙁 But I hope another studio picks it up! In the meantime, I have told everyone about your books, and all my friends have read them, and they love them! You are such a talented writer Jennifer!!

    • Reply
      February 3, 2022, 8:12 pm

      Thank you!

      • Reply
        March 5, 2022, 4:06 pm

        Hi! I really wish I could meet you sometime! I also heard that you made a WWI book! I can’t wait for it to be released on March 1! I never believed that someone could write soo many good books! 😁😁

        • Reply
          March 22, 2022, 9:10 pm

          Thank you. I’ll be talking about about LINES OF COURAGE over the next several weeks!

  • Reply
    September 20, 2022, 8:39 pm

    Omg Jennifer, your books are amazing!! I have told my friends about them and are lending them out!! I have all of them and are rereading them right now. Thanks so much for creating my this amazing trilogy!!!

  • Reply
    June 29, 2023, 11:44 pm

    that’s so incredibly sad. i love the books with all my heart. they r the only book series that i have really ever liked or gotten into. i’m on the end of book three now. where Mott just got injured. i cried. (sorry for spoilers 😭). i really hope Jennifer Nelson sees this. it would make my world!!

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